This hols, day in day out its about taekwondo. Mia had to take the advantage of the hols to perfect her grading steps and to keep fit, as she plans to go for her grading next February. Nanti bila balik college, she would have problems going for training, so the most she can do is only to train on her own.
Since the training centre is a bit far from home, alang2 dah hantar Mia, I might as well hantar the 3 kids also, although not as often as Mia. Anastassia for the 1st time went for senior class, risau jugak because she wear specs..... and since senior class is a bit rough..... but suprise, suprise.... boleh tahan jugak budak ni.... not as good as Mia, but taklah lembik.... hehe.....
Puteri loves it so much with the increased trainings, but Zaryff would make a big deal out of it..... tapi yg herannya, bila dah kat centre, enjoy sakan pulak si Zaryff ni..... nasib baik dia kecik lagi, if not mesti dah kena tegur with the Sirs.....

Mia and Puteri waiting for food lepas taekwondo... masing-masing dah lapar.....

This picture is funny..... while Mia, Puteri and Zaryff were posing at the parking area, you can see Anastassia in the background, walking up the stairs nak masuk Condo.....
On Sundays, both Puteri and Zaryff would go for their chess class..... I have yet to meet up with the person who teaches them, maybe next week boleh la kut. But it seems that Zaryff is good at planning a good strategy, a skill that can be developed further, kira ada special bakatla kut. However, dia still kalah bila lawan Puteri..... hehe. The chinese teacher, who drives 50km weekly to give chess lessons is a master at chess it seems, selalu menang competitions. His passion in chess is visible, yela, he gives free lessons tau!!!

Puteri and Zaryff during the last Raya.
Last August - Zaryff won 1st Prize in the Pakaian Beragam Hari Kemerdekaan Competition
Dah lama ceta ni.... tak apa, kan.....
I got a last minute call from Zaryff's teacher, wanting Zaryff to enter the Pakaian Beragam Competition. "When would that be?" I asked the teacher. "Tomorow la, Puan" the teacher said. ALAMAK!!!!
But as to me, the first thing that came to my mind was, how this experience will build Zaryff's self confidence, I said ok ajela... And at 3:30pm duk panic memikirkan how to dress him up.

Zaryff most right, buat catwalk..... hehe, kelakar tengok abang2 prefects tahun 6 dok ajar before the event....

Sorry la gambar2nya tak elok. Zaryff standing in the centre selepas terima hadiah. The man behind him is the headmaster.

My boboy posing before going to school. Actually dia tengah tension sebab pergi sekolah tak pakai baju sekolah and kasut sekolah.... hehe. Hari tu mama dia bekalkan dia semangat, selain dari bekalkan roti dan air.... hehe....