As mentioned in my earlier post, most of my time lately has been attending to Anastassia with her back-to-back competitions.
However, let me first share the kids March exam results.
Mia has improved tremendously in this exam. This year Mia became closer to a studious Perak girl, and this has made my Mia more studious too. And it confirms my beliefs that it is important to have the "right" friends for our children. Moreover she has passed the 'adjusting and blending" in college. She is a different Mia this year, more mature, more focussed to her academic abilities.
"Congratulations Mia, you have more "A"s than before. You have definitely improved" I said, patting her back.
"No Mama, I'm not satisfied. I am still weak in Maths and Sejarah" Mia menggeleng kepala, sulking.
"Tak apala, at least ada improvement. Your target tu tinggi sangat dulu. Now with your results, okayla for you to aim 9As in your next exam." I said.
"mmm..... gerammmmmla, Mama....." Mia mengetap gigi, still tak puas hati.
Anastassia had fever during exam, I was called to pick her at 10 am on the 2nd and 3rd day. I did not expect much from her. However, she managed to get highest in Penulisan...... which is unbelievable. I guess it has something to do with the nonstop coaching she got for her Bahas, Syarahan and Pidato competition... hehe..... As i told the teacher who coached her (BM teacher), Anastassia dapat tuition BM free.....
Puteri........ mmm...... I sort of neglected her during the exams, as I had to concerntrate on Zaryff and Anastassia who was not well. But then.... what can I say, she got no1 and became the best student for std 3 again this time round...... (During exam, memang dia belajar sendiri..... she still continued to study even when I asked her to rest)
Zaryff...... alamak, his results dropped slightly....... I vow to really mengadap dia for his May exam..... *sigh*
Last Wednesday, I accompanied Anastassia and her teacher for her Pidato DiRaja Competition. Wow...... tercengang jugak Mia tengok. Pidato ni terbahagi kepada 2. The first part is the normal pidato which the students prepared earlier. However the 2nd part is the Pidato Spontan. The student kene berdiri atas stage, was given a topic and was given a minute sebelum mereka start berpidato. Memang susah. Anastassia got the topic "Ibubapa memainkan peranan penting dalam memupuk perpaduan kaum di kalangan anak2".
Out of the 12 patricipants, only 3 of them, Anastassia included managed to give a full 3 minute pidato. The rest could only stand up the stage waiting for the bell to ring before saying "Sekian, Terimakasih". Kesian. Yela, berdiri aje atas stage tu terkebil-kebil tak tau nak cakap apa. Tapi its a good exposure for students, and from there memang nampakla Anastassia tak gugup langsung and tak ada masalah bercakap dihadapan orang ramai. And memangla tak sia2 cikgu BM dia preparekan Anastassia on this, masa school holidays hari tu. Must be good in General Knowledge.
It seems dalam Public Speaking pun ada macam ni.
After Pidato, I rushed her to the other part of town for her Choral Speaking Competion. Lega the teachers bila tengok Anastassia sampai. Apa taknya, she is one of the main speakers! hehe. She arrived just in time.
During ther performance, memang nampak dia all out. Her teacher puji dia kat Helena. Later when I told Anastassia that she was superb, she said "Kita menangis masa tu, Mama. I really got into the character". (Anastassia jadi Mak Si Tanggang, who was frustrated with her son yang tak sedar diri)
So now, more rehearsals and practise for the next round........
Episod baru..
Ahad 20.10.24
Cerita baru..
Semangat baru..
Selepas balik dari Switzerland abah tercari cari nak ke mana lepas ni..
setiap hari tengok iklan lalu lalang ...
5 months ago