I'm a nervous wreck! Sometime this week or next week, we would be bound to know which school Anastassia would go to next year.
Most of you would wonder why I make a big deal out of it. To tell you the truth, the reason for me encouraging the kids to be active in their koko and to excel in their studies are all because of this. So that they go to a good secondary school. Obviously getting in a normal sekolah harian doesnt mean the end of the world, its just that this is the target I set for my children since their first day of schooling ..... try to get into a boarding school..... a good one if possible.
However I lot of things happened during the waiting game.
1. I turned 39 on November 24..... hey I actually remember my actual age!! haha. Itupun pakai calculator nak kira hehe...... Seriously... I stopped counting at 30......
2. On my birthday, I got 2 nice suprises..... one was that Anastassia masuk paper...... it was a nice suprise considering that although reporters did come to the school on the days UPSR results were out, we found out that they received instruction to publicize luar bandar schools that had good results. And sekolah the kids tak masuk category.....
Gambar kecik..... tapi okayla..... suka sakan la si Anastassia....
3. On my birthday also, I got a call informing me that Anastassia has been nominated for the State's Pelajar Cemerlang Kokurikulum. Mmm..... memang terperanjat..... and it will be a tough fight but to be nominated is such a big thing for us already. Results would be in Jan- Feb time frame I guess.
4. Zaryff makin montel! Alahai..... Kakak Mia said that his face looks like a balloon now. I must do something la.....
5. Anastassia won a consolation prize for an Art competition...... Pu3 did not win but the goodies bag was great so budak yang tak menang pun akan rasa dia menang ..... hehe. Yang kelakarnya, the girl yang menang sat next to Anastassia during the competition.... and dok copy Anastassia's ideas...... tapi her shading is fantastic.... itu yang boleh menang tu..... Lagipun judges dia are the typical chinese judges whereby ada certain type of coloring yang they go for. Compared to my children in which cikgu seni mereka lebih tekankan cara menghidupkan lukisan..... so buat artline and all is a no-no....
So now tengah cari the right time nak use that hotel vouchers..... hehe
Hey, sorry you guys, I havent been hop-blogging for a while...... Hope to start again soon.... miss reading you all punya stories and going-ons.....
Episod baru..
Ahad 20.10.24
Cerita baru..
Semangat baru..
Selepas balik dari Switzerland abah tercari cari nak ke mana lepas ni..
setiap hari tengok iklan lalu lalang ...
5 months ago