Helena ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya dan Maaf Zahir Batin kepada semua rakan2 blogger yang mengenali Helena. Mintak maaf jika terkasar bahasa atau terlepas kata, dan minta maaf kerana telah lama menyepi.....
To be truthful, I am enjoying myself as a homemaker to the fullest. So banyakla "things" yang i buat, yang selama ni i tak ada masa nak buat. Baking, cooking, jual/buat kuih raya, jahit beads... housewifey thingys yg my friends pun tak sangka I'm into it.... hehe. I am also spending more time in FB, tu yang jarang ke sini. Thousand apologies to all.
Kids are doing fine, syukur alhamdullillah. Another 2 weeks to go and Mia will sit for her PMR. Please pray that she'll do well. Anastassia won a national level award for Pelajar Cemerlang 2008, majlisnyer would be held soon. Pu3 and Zaryff are being mischievious and adorable at the same time, most of the time challenging my patience ;D
I'll try to update regularly, insyaAllah..... See ya.....