Chicken Pox
I did not share much about the demams yang the whole family kena last week.
It was bad. I was on MC for 4 days. In fact sampai sekarang pun I dont feel quite fit, my body still ache and my throat is still sore. After the batuk and demam for a month in May, it was really frustrating to fall sick again, all because of the dust caused by the renovation at the house.
Whilst I was hit hard because I'm allergic to dust, Anastassia had mild fever and didnt go to school for a day, the same goes to Puteri and Zaryff.
As I thought everyone was getting better, last Thursday I got a call from Puteri's teacher asking me to pick Puteri up from school as she was having red spots on her palm. Since there was a HFM (Hand Foot n Mouth) case a month before in school, they werent taking any chances about Puteri's condition.
Went to the family GP who also found red spots kat tapak kaki and in the mouth. Puteri was suspected to have mild HFM as she was not having fever.
On Friday, Zaryff complained of headaches. Tapi Helena buat tak layan bec the week before dia complain the same thing and tak pergi sekolah and spent 24/7 depan tv and main computer games....... So I insisted Zaryff go to school.
As I fetched him at 12 noon, I saw him monyok menunggu kat guard house, rupa2nya he was still having his headache. I asked him to break his fast immediately in the car (guilty sesangat la tu) and prepared lunch for him as we reached home. He slept right after.
That night he showed me red spots kat tapak kaki..... but sebab tak banyak, i didnt bring him to the clinic.
On Saturday, more red spots kat tapak kaki, but since tempat lain clear, still did not go to the clinic.
On Sunday morning, his hands and arms and buttocks penuh dgn red spots, and banyak yg membelon macam nak pecah. His spots are different from Puteri's, tapi yg kat tapak kaki tu sama.
Yesterday, after having blood test, Dr kata its chicken pox. And after discussing with Dr, it looks like Puteri pun maybe bukan mild HFM tapi mild chicken pox. (Tapi heran sbb spots dia kat hands, foot and mouth aje. Red spot dia pun hanya red spot, yang mengelembung macam Zaryff cuma ada 2)
But it made sense la. All my kids ada chicken pox vaccination. So IF kena chicken pox pun, it would be mild. Itu yg buat semua confuse tu.
Mia was exposed so many time dengan kawan dia yg kena chicken pox, pernah tidur sebilik masa they were in Trengganu, kawan2 dia yg sebilik (theres 6 of them) semua menyangkit kena chicken pox, except for Mia.
Mia balik last weekend, I hope dia tak menyangkit and I hope Anastassia pun tak menyangkit...
Mia came back for the weekend
I really looked forward to having Mia back. I missed her so much as I didnt got to visit her since puasa started as kita orang semua demam.
The first thing Mia said bila masuk kereta was :
"Mama, malam ni buka kat hotel tak?"
"Ha? Buka kat Hotel?" We would make it a point to open fast at a hotel at least once every year, and with all the kelam kabut I totally forgot that since Mia is in boarding school, this weekend would be the only time we can do it as a family.
Suddenly my handphone rang.
"Helena, this is Alice from ABC123 Hotel"
"Hey Alice, whats up?"
"Just to let you know that we have vouchers for you and you can collect them on Sept 25"
I was already smiling. Due to my line of work, I would always get vouchers from the hotels that I normally frequented and have business with, most of the time the vouchers will be given during puasa month.
"Thanks Alice, your call ni memang betul la good timing" I laughed.
"Ala Helena, bulan puasa kan.... mesti you want to come over for berbuka kan?"
"Alice, is it possible for me to collect the vouchers....... say ....... tomorrow?"
"Alamak, tak boleh la Helena, our GM belum sign lagi"
"Oh yeke..... because my girl balik from asrama this weekend so I was thinking of using the vouchers either today or tomorrow, but maybe tomorrow la kut....."
"Helena, memang tak sempat...... mmm....."
"Ye ke......"
"How many of you Helena?"
"How many of us?"
"Yes, how many of you yang nak datang berbuka?"
"Mmm.....7 kut...... kenapa"
"Make it like this la Helena, vouchers memang confirm tak sempat, but you tell me when you want to come over, it's my treat"
"You're kidding right.....?" Terperanjat Helena because although I always get free makan, but it was always when I was dining with Alice's boss (Alice is still new, in fact I've never met her), but never with my family.
"No, I'll just put you under my account, you'll be my guests....."
We went on Saturday night, the food was fabulous, the best compared to previous years, the spread was never ending, and..... its free!! hehe............
That reminds me, I plan to give a token of appreciation to Alice sometime today.....
Episod baru..
Ahad 20.10.24
Cerita baru..
Semangat baru..
Selepas balik dari Switzerland abah tercari cari nak ke mana lepas ni..
setiap hari tengok iklan lalu lalang ...
5 months ago