Bulan puasa menjengah kembali. Kali ini a bit tiring sebab tak ada maid, furthermore my dad buat renovation - upgrade all the toilets in the house so penatla kena mop and berkemas everyday for 2 whole weeks.
1st day
Zaryff wanted to follow me to Pasar Ramadhan. Dia nak Rangka Ayam Goreng (or whatever u call it), so I bought one and let him carry it. Then I continued cari the dishes for the family yang telah diorder awal2.
Dalam membeli barang2, i stopped and nak mintak Zaryff tolong pegangkan plastic yg ringan2. And punyala terperanjatnya as I saw him munching, with one hand in the plastic bag!!!
"Zaryff! Kenapa Zaryff makan???? Kan Zaryff puasa????"
"Zaryff lapar sangat.... Zaryff lupa......"
"Zaryff, mama nak tanya, Zaryff sengaja makan ke, Zaryff tak sengaja?"
"Zaryff tak sengaja mama....."
"Betul ke? cakap dengan mama betul2."
"Betul mama, Zaryff terlupa...."
" OK kalau terlupa, keluarkan balik apa dalam mulut tu. Jom kita pergi kumur mulut"
I dragged him to the nearby toilet (nasib baik it was very2 clean) Zaryff kumur mulut, siap buang air kecik lagi......
"Dah mama..."
"Come, I need to buy Tau Foo Fah for Puteri"
"Zaryff haus...... sebab makan ayam tadi....."
Sigh.............. However, I just told him to be patient, lagi satu jam nak berbuka.......
2nd day
ALL of us demam and batuk2 because of the dust at the house.
3rd & 4th day
Because the dust was so bad at the house, we stayed at the Condo during the weekend.
And that weekend i realized betapa PENTINGnya a microwave especially time bersahur. Argg... Mengada ke Helena? But seriously, to heat the dishes one by one without a microwave is really driving me nuts!
Mmm..... looks like we need to get one for the Condo.
5th day
As usual the kids left for school at 6:40am.
At 7am, got a call from Anastassia from school. "Mama, kita terpijak taik kucing. Kena kasut. Banyak sangat....."
6th day ( yesterday)
Spent the afternoon watching TV with the kids. Watched Jangan Pandang Belakang and CH77's The Sextuplets and the Twins........ Best sangat......
Episod baru..
Ahad 20.10.24
Cerita baru..
Semangat baru..
Selepas balik dari Switzerland abah tercari cari nak ke mana lepas ni..
setiap hari tengok iklan lalu lalang ...
4 months ago
yeyeyeyy..ade new posting..
hehe..bz ye kak?
neway..selamat berpuasa...:-)
"Zaryff haus...... sebab makan ayam tadi....." smart boy (bloghopped from Ruby)
Hehe..cute. This year no drama. Semua berjalan lancar ( so far ).
I agree about the microwave thing. Memang help a lot.
Selamat berpuasa !
My 7 years old boy kat sek ugama puasa...then balik umah makan.Kat sek keb puasa...then balik umah makan.
I don't bring my kids to pasar ramadan. Tak nak dia org tergoda. & also tak nak nanti kena layan macam2 yg nak dibelinya.
Asyik missed aje Sextuplets & Twins tu... Bila lagi ada kat Ch 77 tu?
rose : yeye to me tooo.... hehe. Selamat berpuasa to u too.... dah buka posa kat luar dgn mr right ke?
x-eyed : hi there! thx for dropping by.... being the mom of a y yr old only son, i am now learning how ngelat boys can be esp during fasting month....
mak andeh : now i wondered how was it before the microwave days.... hehe.
suria : hehe 7 tahun ni boleh kasi chan lagi.... my 8 yr old yg every yr puasa penuh and betul2 jaga puasa dia just called nak buka puasa.... penat sangat la tu. (told her not to go for taekwondo, dia taknak dengar)
mamamia : from the car lagi dah cakap what I'm gonna buy, and jangan nak beli entah apa2 lagi, nanti menbazir, itu syaitan yg mintak tu.... hehe.... tapi once in a while ... layan jugak.... mcm smalam, zaryff nak tambah beli roti john.... mmm.... last2 roti john yg stare at him.
Try not to miss ceta the sextuplets & twins. Things to watch out :
1. The huge tummy carrying the 6 babies. Macam nak meletup, i think my mouth ternganga tengok.
2. The 5 yr old twins.... Cara and Mady.... they are such opposites. Cara can be adorably funny, being the "naughty" twin.
3. Of course the sextuplets - 3 boys and 3 girls.
A must see documentary.
Sis Helena, macam2 ragam anak kan masa berpuasa ni.
Me doter baru start puasa penuh, by 6 dah bising2 lapar. :P
BTW, show kat astro@77 tu best. Paling berani masa wifey tu tunjukkan perut dia yg masih gendut (whatever kedut @ lemak @ selulit) walau lepas setahun lebih bersalin kembar 6 tuh.
selamat kembali berblogging helena and selamat berpuasa juga....kesian zaryff:)
I second you on the microwave thingy. What a life-saver...Kudos to the inventor! Hehehe...
So funny la your Zaryff. Cute! :D
microwave? entah la, sometimes I prefer panaskan cara biasa...tapi kalau nak cepat, it really helps la kan haha...
Laa kelakarnya si Zaryff tuh.. TERhaus lepas TERmakan ayam AFRIKA. Tapi mmg betul pasal microwave tuh Helena...sib baik rezeki murah dpt FREE sebelum bulan pose tahun lepas..sangat useful masa bulan pose esp SAHUR time.
mcm mana lah si zaryff buleh lupo..
sedap je makan ayam goreng haa...
dah buka kat luar dah..
15/9 besday Mr. Rite..so, isnin baru celebrate sbb weekend tu dia balik kg..
org lanjer dia buke pose kat Intekma Resort..quite nice la makanan2 kat situ..:-)
Selamat Berpuasa Helena!!
Macam2 gaya budak2 puasa.
Anak2 I, I insist dia orang makan quaker oat sebelum tidur and nasi masa sahur at 5 am.
that's why I suruh Arif berlatih pose dulu 2-3 hari sebelum ramadhan. 1st day practise mmg dia terlupa,dah sendawa baru teringat dia pose,heheh...
macam-macam gelagat di bulan puasa. Letih tetapi menghiburkan :)
tak tahan nak gelak bab 'terpijak tahi kucing tu'
selamat berpuasa..
Hi Helena, my Haakem's 4th year of fasting is going well. I guess we no longer have to entice him with anything. Sahur pun setakat minum air zam2 segelas. It pays a lot to train the kids to fast from very young age. He started when he was barely 5. Alhamdulillah. It worked partly because there was nobody "influencing" him like a little sister/brother going aorund the house with food in the mouth!! Moga2 berkekalan sampai dewasa.
Last year, a day or two before puasa, we hurriedly went to buy a new microwave - the old one dah kaput bcos my son put coins in it. Memang cannot live without the microwave (mengada ke kita?)
lama tunggu n3 baru, kiranya all ringkas2 nak cover all the missed days!
Wan, yela budak2 nak start puasa ni, berkobar2 nak puasa, tapi bila petang tu ada ajer alasan nak buka... hehe
I betul2 terperanjat tgk perut that lady masa full term.... no wonder, perut dia jadi macam tu....
I just gotta know Ch 77.... I love it!
kak elle, selamat berpuasa to you tu.... Kat SIngapore ada pasar ramadhan tak kak elle? eh... what for kan. Chef kak elle ada, takyah beli2..... hehe
wanshana, i alwaya take it for granted you know, the microwave. My MIL pun tak pakai microwave tapi tak terasa sangat la...
Bila kena kat rumah sendiri, mak oii.... esp bila nak reheat ayam goreng, tension betul.... ayam berlada pun tension sebab dari ada kuah berlada, dah jadi kering kontang! hehe.....
alex lacey.... if you ada microwave tapi u prefer panaskan cara biasa.... mm... what I can say is memangla you ni seorang yang penyabar..... hehe....
MEmang pun kan....
nbk, ayam afrika? IS that what its called? HElena tak suka la beli ayam tu tapi zaryff suka sangat2....
microwave ni mmg useful.... kalau ada mamat2 kat sini yg sayang wifey, belila satu for the house kalau belum ada lagi.... hehe
cik dinz... itulah Helena masih sangsi, dia betul2 terlupa ke... or dia tak tahan tengok rangup ayam tu yang menggoda.... hehe
Rose, wah... pergi Intekma Resort.... mesti best kan.... oo birthday mr rite ye? dah brapa umo dia yer? La busy body la pulak akak sorang nih. hehe....
Raya balik mana dik?
minah songeh, mmm quaker oat sebelum tidur..... mmm good idea kan.... but first i have to introduce to them quaker oats... hehe.
Helena pun insist anak2 makan nasi during sahur... tapi kadang2 they all nak makan mee, kasi chan jugak la....
goboklama, hehe... anak2 i, few days before puasa akan melantak makan itu dan ini.... nak cendol la, nak ABC la.... macam nak lepas geram ajer, buat storage dalam perut.....
tapi good strategy jugakkan.... i wonder whether i can do the same... hehe
sherrina, inila puasa paling meletihkan buat Helena. Dengan demam tak baik2 nya.... anak2 tak sihatnya....dengan takde maidnya... ngan renovation rumahnya.... ngan hubby memanjang outstationnya.... Dugaan sangat2.....
fid, after buat investigation, rupa2nya dia terpijak tahi kucing depan gate we all. Since taik tu masih baru, lembut dan panas (haha) so terkena kasut Anastassia at the entire side....
That week my friend yg carpool, mesti dia heran bau busuk dalam kete dia.... shhh.... I didnt say anything to her tau.... hehe
hi pootz, good that you train Hakeem at the age of 5. Helena takde specific age, yg badan besar tu Helena suruh puasa cepat2, if badan kurus kering tu, takdela Helena suruh start puasa awal.
Tapi Helena tengok, yg girls berkobar2 nak berpuasa, yang lelaki berkobar2 nak buka puasa.... hehe
QOTH, put coins??? so what happened? meletup ke?
I guess pada siapa yg tak pakai microwave would say kita ni mengada la.... hehe.......
maklang, mmg buat ringkas2.... kiranya summary aje le.... tapi sebab malas pun ada gak.... hehe
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