Life has been treating me well lately. Syukur Alhamdulillah..........
Last Wednesday was the Hari Anugerah Cemerlang. Puteri was in the highlight and she was beaming ear to ear. (Mak dia pun sama la tu..... hehe) However, what came next was really a suprise. At the end of the ceremony, as usual, the school will anonounce Pelajar Cemerlang 2007 and other Cemerlang Kategories. Memang this is the highlight of the Ceremony la.....
It was a sweet suprise to know that Anastassia won the Anugerah Koko Cemerlang 2007 ..... I didnt even know that she was in the running!
Al in all, Puteri received 3 story books and 3 vouchers worth RM42. Boleh redeemla kat book store nanti. Anastassia pulak dapat certificate and a 12 inch trophy...... punyala besar trophy tu.... hehe (Mia pun ada dapat the same Anugerah and trophy but Mia got it masa std 6)
On Friday, there was another unexpected suprise. Remember in my last entry that I have a short term target for Anastassia? Well, she got called on Friday and its now 80% comfirmed that she's going to meet that target. Tapi ada lagi 20% to work on..... I hope she'll be able to make it.
UPSR results are already out. I was at the school to hear the annoucement. Results sekolah the girls sama macam last year. Although it is still good, we were a bit disappointed as our target of 105 was not met. Yang kelakarnya, last year when Mia received her results, I tak menangis pun, just air mata tu mengenang ajer. But this year, entah kenapa I cried. Sedih tengok girls yg menangis2 atas kejayaaan mereka... dan sedih tengok those yang hampa dan menangis teresak2 keraba sedih .... As usual the reporters were there too..... click sini, click sana.....
Sekolah Zaryff dropped this year to 48 students yg dapat 5A. I hope the school will do something about it to be ready for my Zaryff to take the exam..... hehe.....
Episod baru..
Ahad 20.10.24
Cerita baru..
Semangat baru..
Selepas balik dari Switzerland abah tercari cari nak ke mana lepas ni..
setiap hari tengok iklan lalu lalang ...
4 months ago
Congrats to you and your children la sis.
Bagus betul cara u didik diorang.
kak helena...i have been reading ur blog since ur first posting and all i can say is that u are a very very good mother. ur children are all pandai2 because of ur dedication. i know u must be very proud of them. congrats to u coz u have brought them up well. im so happy for their success and urs too :-)
wan, thx..... erm.... yer ke bagus.... tak leh cakap lagi tau... Helena tengok ramai yg lagi dedicated lagi....
dear anonymous,
Thx dear. Terharu rasanya knowing that u've been following this blog from day 1. Thx ye.....
Ye, mmg Helena banyak mengadap anak2.... but let me tell u that its not a bed of roses.... Ni pun baru argue dengan hubby, dia complain sebab budak2 tuition during hols.... tapi nampaknya Helena menang sebab dia volunteer hantar and jemput Zaryff kat sekolah tadi.... hehe
oo... nak tambah... zaryff bukan pegi tuition, dia pergi computer class yg dianjurkan oleh pihak sekolah every holidays FOC.
Well done, Mom and anak-anak! :D
Syukur alhamdulillah - with the sound foundation academically AND in co-curriculum, they'll do very well in life,insya Allah.
Keep it up, Helena. I know you're an inspiration to a lot of mothers out there :D
Take care.
Heartiest Congratulations! 105 in one school obtaining 5A's!! That is the number of students in the whole of Haakem's school for year 2008. It's a very small community. Next year we will have only 16 candidates for UPSR. We will strive to have at least half of them for 5A's.
Congratulations to Puteri, Anasstasia & Helena of coz!!!
The crying part, I'm experiencing the same too. Could it be due to age? Senang sangat nak rasa hiba, kdng2 baca blog N3s yg sedih2 pun, boleh nak nangis.....
wan shana, thx for the kind words.... dah habis celebrate ke belum ni? hehe...
ofcourse we would want the best for our kids, and of course we want them to do well in life. Walaupun kadang2 we would always wonder whether we've given enough.... or whether we are doing the right thing for them.
Let us moms inspire each other.... okay kan?
pootz.... 105 tu is the target that was not met. Number of 5As are 95.
16 candidate for next yr.... keciknya.... I've been wondering, u duduk which area yer?
thx mamamia,
Bab nangis2 ni, just give it to me. I can remember my kids dengan herannya look at me menangis masa tgk ceta katun (animated movie)
And the best thing was I just joined them less than 2 mins.... dah menjurai2 air mata... hehe
salam sis helena,
ari tu dah dtg ke sini, tp ada prob. saya nak tinggalkan komen, sth wrong with my account. ni dah ok la..
tahniah atas kejayaan semua anak sis :D. bangga punya rakan blogger yg berdedikasi anak2nya cemerlang dlm koko, pelajaran dsb. tp mmg puas hatikan sbb kita yg menghadap depa sentiasa. rasa macam kita jugak yg berjaya sama.
believe it or not, I am staying very near the Golden Triangle. The school used to be a really big one. Now within the 100metres radious, there are 4 separate schools, all with less than 150 students each. Now that many primary schools are built in the surrounding housing areas, people choose to send their kids to these places instead.
kak helena,
i can't wait for my turn. my kids don't have any choice but to do their best. ha ha ha.. i'm going to assure that.
i don't really dig "straight-A student' thingy. i think education system emphasize too much on it. tapi when it comes to our children then how can we resist? :-))
wish you and family all the best!!
Congratulations Puteri, Anastassia and Helena!!!
kak long !!!! hi... Helena ingat sapa tadi.... hehe
thx... Helena ni kalau tak mengadap they all, and results tak elok... in the end i blame myself.... so kenala paksakan diri mengadap... hehe
baby tido ke kak long....
anamiraa... yr turn will come soon .... hehe
I am not into straight As too.... what i stressed is for them to give their 100% to be ready for exams..... Usaha itu yg penting. dan Usaha tu mestilah usaha yg bukan sambil lewa.
I always tell my children. Biar menangis masa preparation for exams, jangan menangis masa terima results.
thx minahsongeh..... dah lama tak ke tempat u... nanti i visit ok...
pootz, in the golden triangle??? u must be joking!
Yela now byk sekolah kat perumahankan.....
ok la jugak ....dapat cikgu concerntrate on the student as individuals.....
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