The 2008 short term target for Anastassia has been met today. She was officially announced as the Ketua Pengawas this morning.
Selepas menyandang tugas dan memangku jawatan Ketua Pengawas since day 1 this year, and after going through a tough one-to-one interview end of January, sememangnya pengumuman pagi tadi merupakan berita paling manis buat Helena.
She doesnt know that I knew. I will meet her around noon at the bowling alley, dia wakil sekolah for bowling today.
Congratulations Anastassia!
Syukur Alhamdullillah.............
Episod baru..
Ahad 20.10.24
Cerita baru..
Semangat baru..
Selepas balik dari Switzerland abah tercari cari nak ke mana lepas ni..
setiap hari tengok iklan lalu lalang ...
4 months ago
tahniah buat anastassia.. buat mama dia bangga.. hehe
lama tak masuk sini...
Salam Helena,
Tahniah Anastassia. Semoga terus cemrlang dalam segala lapangan yang dilaluinya.
bravo anastassia!
Tahniah kepada Anastassia! Hai, belum apa-apa dah kena interview. I cuma kena interview prefect masa form four, which I flatly rejected the offer. Sampai sekarang I pun surprise how I managed to do that to the principal. Imagine, 5 years later I was interviewed for a job opening by the same guy (who was then became a general manager of a yayasan).
Anyway, semoga dapat memikul tanggungjawab dengan jayanya. Heheh, dah tentu mama dia senyum meleret sampai ke telinga...
Tahniah Anastassia.
Another ace point added to her many achievements. I can just imagine her impressive Sijil Berhenti Sekolah nanti... Tak cukup I page kot nanti to list down her activities, tanggungjawab and achievements at school, Helena?!
I'm sure she'll be a well-respected and admired Head Prefect and will be the role model for her peers, juniors and future Head. Bravo!
thx zino.... mama dia masih tak boleh caya anak dia boleh jadi Head Girl..... hehe
thx maklang.....
Helena pun once in a while ajer dapat jenjalan blog hopping.... ada musim..... hehe
thx zabs.... now for her to do her job well, and concerntrate on her preparation for UPSR....
mama rock.... hehe... i told her, you rock, girl..... *wink*
mama rock.... hehe... i told her, you rock, girl..... *wink*
Jorazak.... la, why did u decline the offer.... jual mahal pulak dia... ha kan dah jumpa balik orang tu later in life.... hehe.
Yup the school mmg hold interviews... group interviews for prefects and one-to-one interviews for calon Head Girl. Interview betul2 tau, ganas punya hehe... it seems all the girls cried after interview tu.... ada yg menangis sbb kena sergah, ada yg menangis sbb tak tau jawab..... hehe macam2...
thx wan shana. I really hope she will carry herself as the Head Girl well.
hehe... sijil berhenti sekolah tu kecik jer, tak cukup nak isi semua... Mia punya dulupun isi main points je, byk kene left out.
Actually Mia lagi active in school, but Anastassia ada wakil Malaysia in Story Telling which she got 3rd placing. So tat will carry weight and also title Head Girl la...
thx for the wish, dear.
Hello Helena, congrats to Anastassia. I can imagine how proud you are of her, and she feeling on top of the world.
Good for her. Your daughter has a great future.
Helena, if free drop by my place, best regards, you have a nice day, Lee.
auntie OO tumpang bangga anastassia jadi head girl! Congrats!!
Waaaah....congratulations again Anastassia!!! Helena, untung you dapat anak2 yang cemerlang gemilang gitu!! Tapi tengoklah pulak ibundanya punya commitment, ya? Congrats to you too!! We all semua tumpang bangga! Take care!
Tumpang happy for you and anastassia.
congrats to both anastassia an the mom Helena mesti belum habis tersenyum kan?
bila nak lawan uncle ni main bowling...
Tahniah..tahniah..den pulak rasa cam nak nangis..terharu
u Lee, thx. I think the Head Girl position had more effect on me than her. Hehe... She was happy alrite, but thats it, but me.... on cloud nine for several days.
All the hard work, motivating and supporting her to constantly be an all rounder student from day one starting std one.... paid off. It was worth it!
thx OO!...... I will let her know.
thx mrs hart....
alamak... cemerlang, gemilang? Janganla... baru sek rendah je ni... ish ish
But yes, I do try. Each child masuk std 1, dari day one lagi i instill in them that they are capable to excel in all areas, academicly, koko-wise, sahsiah diri. I told them them I will support them 24/7 to be an above average student.
Altho some would say that I expect too much from my children, I only see positives coming from them. They dont get pressured, instead welcome the competition.
I guess its not because i demand from them, but more towards working side by side with them to achieve this. Be there for them.
thx suria, its a biggy for us also... tak pernah ada head girl in my family.
kak elle, thx.... eh takdela senyum nonstop. But Helena rasa at peace with my self, rasa my tanggungjawab utk bimbing dia in primary dah hampir selesai. Just for her to continue what she is doing right now and concerntrate in her upcoming UPSR exam.
Now I plan to cencerntrate on Puteri and Zaryff. I need to work on Puteri on her confidence and Zaryff on his studies and make him be less playful.
cik dinz.... hehe, cik dinz terror main bowling, dah different league tu...
Anastassia frust because she didnt do well masa bowling tu. She had stomach ache....
nbk.... eh sentimental jugak nbk ni yer.... hehe. Tapi mmg Helena pun terharu sebab Anastassia dapat kepercayaan dari pihak sekolah utk memegang jawatan itu.
Masa announcement tu, it was said that Anastassia terpilih sebab cemerlang dalam akademik dan koko, mempunyai sahsiah diri yang tinggi, telah menunjukkan sifat2 kepimpinan yang baik dan layak dijadikan pelajar contoh di sekolah. Huhu.... now Helena pulak la yg emotional. *sigh*
Hello Helena,
Wow! Congratulations to Anastassia. Once a leader always a leader.
Helena, I was a prefect at college. I would like to share this little snippet with you.
Before I was a prefect, I had an encounter with one. Three of friends and I sneaked out to study at the staircase some nights when the dorm lights were off. Yeah! You got it. We were finally caught. We froze! If we were reported we would get a black mark.
To our surprise she let us off, saying that she only caught us studying, so she did not report us. From that day, I swore if I became a prefect, I would use my head and be kind when I could. I was told, I was quite a popular prefect sfter I left college..he he.
So moral of the story..being a keeper of the law does not mean we play by the book to the 'T'. We must use our head most of the time.
Maybe this could help Anastassia to be a kind and good leader.
Tahniah Anastassia.. You must be one proud mum.
Dia garang tak as Head Prefect?
Hi there Ruby. Thx for the advice dear. I will ask Anastassia to read your comment. You're definitely absolutely correct on that one. Cant be too rigid, must be humane.
You were a prefect? So u had so many perks back then eh? Your own room, etc.
I really wanted to be one, but was never chosen. sob... sob... hehe. So its like my kids are living my dream.... *wink*
Take care.
Thx mamamia. I dont think she's the garang type. Garang sikit2 tu adalah kut. But I asked her to try to be more garang. Hehe.
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