Thursday, June 18, 2009

Cerita Ceriti

I would like to cerita my activities during the hols.

Tapi before that, ceta Anastassia dulu yer. She called yesterday saying that she was chosen to be the MC in the official ceremony in a Kebangsaan Level competition. Sayang sangat as I could not attend, as hubby being my driver has business meetings in Sabah at that time.... hmm... So Anastassia.... pronounciation biar betul... and clear okay. Her male MC partner is a Form 4 boy, and of course its an honour for Anastassia to be chosen since dia baru Form 1.... selalunya seniors yg get chosen utk benda2 macam ni kan....

Ok ceta holiday. We did not go anywhere sebab Mia nak PMR and she needs all the rest time yg ada.... kat sekolah schedule packed 24/7.

Pu3 dok sibuk suruh i dok baking..... okla so cuti ni i spend a lot of time in the kitchen la. Mula2 buat cupcakes..... Pu3 punya idea la ni..... she's supposed to be my helper. Tapi in the middle of preparing for the dough, Zaryff kacau Pu3, Pu3 got moody and merajuk somewhere in the house, puas i pujuk tapi tak jalan, tengok2 i ada another young helper, si Zaryff la pulak.... hmmm suka pulak dia tolong i..... okla biar my boy blajar ringan tangan in the kitchen ...hehe

The cupcakes turn out beautifully, for a first timer la.... hehe hubby pun beriya puji.... dia suruh buat lagi sebab nak tolong decorate.... tapi tunggu ler yer....

Then Pu3 suruh i buat chocolate chip cookies pulak. aii budak ni.....ok la jugak, boleh buat extra so that Mia and Anastassia can bring back some to college. i kata ok, dengan syarat, no moody2 and she must be my helper from start to end. And she did.... this time zaryff pulak yg moody coz dia nak tolong, tapi my mom suruh dia ngaji dulu.... sigh.....

So dapat 8 balang cookies..... 1 balang kasi neighbour, 2 balang each for Mia and Anastassia, 3 balang gone the same day kena attack by the kids....

But in the end, Mia brought back 1 balang aje.... Anastassia brought back 1/2 balang, coz ada aje tangan yg gatal ambik stock kakak2 ni, termasuk la si kakak sendiri hehe.... padahal puas Helena sorok tu... hehe.

Actually ramai yg suruh Helena jual choc chips ni sebab sedap.... yup my children actually called it "Famous Amos Mama" ....hehe.... nampaknya i kena buat lagi la daripada they all beli Famous Amos tu... selalunya beli 3 kg..... RM21.... hmm tak berbaloi since my recipe is almost similar to it..... maybe la Raya ni i buat lebih sikit..... nak jual.... maybe, maybe tapi tak sure lagi.....

Lepas tu Mia mintak i buat Italian pasta pulak.... mmm. Went to JJ nak beli cream.... What?? RM22 sekotak? The last time i buat early this year was only RM14.... gile betul la......... Memang the kids enjoyed it, and suruh i buat again the next day sebab ada orang datang rumah, and rezeki the visitors tu la kan.... hehe.....

Pu3 came back yesterday with her exam results. Syukur she got no3 in aliran. Actually i did not expect much because in april/may she was absent from class most of the time sebab demam off and on. Dalam 30 hari, dia datang sekolah dalam 16 hari aje. Then my dad masuk hospital and his condition was a bit disturbing, so i mmg tak pandang langsung the kids punya preparation, i wasnt at home much pun sbb jaga my dad at the hospital. Bila kat rumah pun, takda mood nak ngadap anak exam, yela kepala serabut pikir my dad ... tak kuasa nak layan kids for exam. But i bersyukur, Score A did the job la.... It was no hassle at all suruh kids buat Score A, as the program it self is like fun and games. Takda macam belajar pun to them.

Zaryff's results tak tau lagi but so far so good. So should be okayla. I ingat lagi dulu, for the kids to get good results, Helena yg kena all out sit with them esp Zaryff . Tapi now with Score A, tak payah buat macam tu lagi, and the results pun still very good. I like! hehe..... lagi relax la Helena *grin*

Opss gotta go.... need to do my ironing....

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

My Anastassia!

Time is just running out on me..... for the holidays i mean..... it flies so fast..... *sigh*.......

Mia came back home on the last day of school. Mia sorang ajer balik, Anastassia tak balik because she was at Malacca for a Kebangsaan Level Competition ~ She was there to compete in the Ol*mp*ad KAT1 2009 MRSM seMalaysia.

Last Tuesday, went to pick her up. Rupanya closing ceremony tak habis lagi.... I sneaked at the back of the hall, during the speech by Pengarah Bahagian Pendidikan. I tried to scan the hall, kut2 nampak kelibat Anastassia. Suddenly hubby said, hey isnt that Anastassia at the podium kat depan tu? Cant be, i know Anastassia demam during the entire competition and for the outdoor competition, cikgu keluarkan nama dia bec badan dia panas sgt and batuk2 nonstop.....

I punyala tenung that girl..... ada rupa Anastassia, but why the heck is she at the podium tempat MC? I tenung and tenung.... then this girl ambik mineral water and teguk..... and YUP! thats Anastassia alright..... its well known tat if dia minum air mineral, sebijik macam atok dia.... setiap pergerakan dia tu..... hehe....

Anastassia, first time MCing in a Kebangsaan function

Rupanya masa competition at MRSM TGB, the teachers observed the participants..... and dalam banyak2 pelajar tu ..... around 250 students..... Anastassia was chosen by the judges to become the MC (in english) for the official closing ceremony, alongside a boy from MRSM KKB. During their speeches, En Md Rahim Salim, Pengarah Bahagian Pendidikan commended on her good command of english, whilst Dato' Seri Idris Jusoh said that Anastassia reminded him of Wan Zaleha Radzi. Way to go, girl!!!

And to put icing on top.... Anastassia and her team was the champion!!! Everyone was so happy and jumping for joy..... Memang her college sapu bersih hadiah2 tu...... hehe.... i was so happy for them..... and ada dengar comments from teachers from other colleges complimenting the team for conversing in English most of the time during the competition....

Anastassia with the championship trophy

Their college had a great team.... thats for sure.

After the function, I saw Anastassia's collegemates berkumpul and did their cheers. I did not see Anastassia. Puas la cari, rupa2nya she was being whisked away to be introduced to Dato Seri Idris Jusoh. Lama jugak Dato Seri interviewed Anastassia.

All in all, it was a great start to a great holiday..... dont you think so?
