i woke up tadi ok, ceria.... memang lately I've been a bit upbeat sebab banyak things to look forward to. But after picking the kids up from school tadi.... i guess after reading an email..... i tiba2 jadik sayu... sigh. Now cant seem to stop that feeling. The sadness in me tiba2 membuak2....No, it has nothing to do with the contents of the email.... cuma a word or two in it reminded me of something.
Hmmm, I'm the type yang suka keep things to my self. On the outside, Imay look happy and bubbly tapi yela, whatever problems I have semua bottled up in me. Sigh. Am now forcing myself to think of good happy things..... I hope this dam wont burst la....
One of the disadvantages being an only child. You have no one to share things with. There are things that i just could not share with my best friend, tak terbukak mulut ni.....
Episod baru..
Ahad 20.10.24
Cerita baru..
Semangat baru..
Selepas balik dari Switzerland abah tercari cari nak ke mana lepas ni..
setiap hari tengok iklan lalu lalang ...
4 months ago
Salam Helena ...
Janganlah sayu2 .. ;-)
Kadangkala meluahkan yang tersirat dapat melegakan sayu itu InsyaAllah .
when I can trust no human to tell my woes, I turn to the great One - padaNyalah kita mengadu dan pohon bantuan. May not be so satisfying to some but with constant practice, it gives such relief to all grievances.
Hope you're all ok now.
Maybe it's the age...
Me & frens are organizing a 'Crying session'. Agaknya, most of us, suka bottled up, so sekarang empangan dah nak pecah....
Thanks all.... atas segala nasihat dan support. :P I'm feeling much better now.
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