Mia is now a senior. She in a room now (no longer in a dorm) due to the jawatan she has in college. This year is SPM year. Sigh.... i feel so old la pulak. I am very very worried as she's still active in band, and will continue to be active until, around July I guess. Currently, tengah sibuk practice for a performance with Bunkface. During last hols, got a call from her cikgu Band, asking her whether she's interested to join him buat performance in KL. I left it up to her, hinting to her the 1 month a year tuition that she will need to forgo if she accepts. She declined.
I am very worried on her preparation for SPM. Kalau boleh nak suruh dia keluar band... sigh....
Anastassia is schooling 4 hours away from home. Jauh rasanya. Dulu tak jauh, just 1 1/2 hours aje. Shes the Vice President for Badan Wakil Pelajar (BWP) so basically she holding the no2 position la. President dah tetap mesti boy.... No2 baru girl. She is always busy with her BWP duties, baru-baru ni, they all kena organize orientation week for Form 1 baru.... I told her to take a step back from any competitions this year. Kena concerntrate for PMR. If debate, boleh. Yang lain2 tu @story telling, public speaking, choral speaking, taekwondo..... kena tinggalkan tahun ni.
Pu3 will be sitting for UPSR this year. Syukur alhamdullillah, she's doing okay so far. Since kakak2 in asrama, Pu3 la yg selalu teman i if pergi mana2...... She put on weight due to my constant baking... hehe so dia tak kurus macam dulu lagi..... She looks great and can see that shes blossoming into a young lady. Oh and syukur dia baru Khatam Quran last hols.
Zaryff is in std 5 but i worry about him nak sit for UPSR next year. Although he is in the A class, to me he is not at the level that i want. Alahai boboy ni asyik nak main aje... to me he is still my baby.... much to his annoyance... haha.....
Actually to be honest, I'm not in the mood to write tapi kalau tak tulis, bersawang la lagi kan.... So, sorry la kut tulis lintang pukang...
Episod baru..
Ahad 20.10.24
Cerita baru..
Semangat baru..
Selepas balik dari Switzerland abah tercari cari nak ke mana lepas ni..
setiap hari tengok iklan lalu lalang ...
5 months ago