Fail lagi sebab biarkan my blog ni bersawang...... ADOI..... today pun tak tau nak tulis apa, so sebab tahap kemalasan yg amat sangat, i write down my feelings in point form ye....
- Pagi tadi kelam kabut nak siap2 pegi LHDN sebab ingatkan today is the last day of submission... huhu.... rupa2nya its on 30 April.... haha.
-still tengah frust coz tak tengok Mia on TV semalam. My mom saw it kata, Mia looks so happy playing her French Horn and the camera actually zoomed on her alone.... RUGI betul huhu..... My mom kata she looks so sweeet sangat2.... lagi la i frust.... haish! Oh My eldest ni took part in a performance in Dataran Merdeka last week, in conjunction with RTM's Anniversary, whereby orchestra from 5 SBPs performed as one as the biggest Orchestra and they planned to make it in the Malaysian Book of Records. They played for Koir Kebangssan and Safinaz Selamat.
- Tengah nak pikir nak buat cake apa2 yg simple for my mom's birthday besok. Not choc cake sbb dulu dah kasik. Or maybe i should prepare a dish sbb she's trying to control her sugar intake? hmmm... nak buat apa yg senang eh? Spagetti? Pasta? Lasagne? Nak kena carik resipi jugak ni.... Apa2 pun i akan redah rumah Zarin dulu... my favourite place for recipes and also the place utk naik kan semangat I if tiba mood malas nak cook or bake.... hehe. Thanks Zarin dear!!!
- Am still nervous with the recent SPM results... nervous memikirkan macamana la Mia nanti this year. She is in Band and most of her time are spent practicing. Classes pun kadang2 kena miss, like last week due to the performance mention above. Anastassia with PMR lagi.... Pu3 with UPSR lagi.... Zaryff yg dok menchallenge my sanity lagi.... sigh....
Eh.. napa my point form ni nampak macam paragraph jugak yer? LOL
- Semalam banyak sangat la pulak makan Nasi Arab yg popular kat my area ni... Tapi mmg yummy la, no wonder people from all over came just to enjoy the food there. Ongeh betul.... huhu... Diet GONE jangan cerita la kan....
Okayla Gotta go.... Nak siap2 gi Midvalley to meet up with customer yg beli bags.... chow peeps.... erm i better put a note on my hp, both Pu3 and Zaryff suruh tapau Auntie Anne pretzels banyak2..... :P
Episod baru..
Ahad 20.10.24
Cerita baru..
Semangat baru..
Selepas balik dari Switzerland abah tercari cari nak ke mana lepas ni..
setiap hari tengok iklan lalu lalang ...
4 months ago
hmmm finally u update! hahaha tiap kali u update, sure i ckp mcm ni hikhik :D
eh, apa nama kedai arab tu? nk pegi jugak :-D
Salam Halena,
Banyak yang diupdatekan tu. Well done to your daughter. Kalau nenek dia dah kata bagus, tentulah bagus tu, walaupun saya takda tengok juga.
hAHA zARIN.....
everytime i update pun... i akan sebut i FAIL lagi...huhu
Kedai Arab Damsyik.... kat Jalan Senawang. Very nice..... jauh beza sedapnya dgn Kedai Arab yg lain....
Mr Zabs.... tapi i pun nak tgk jugak.... huhu....
thx liyas.... appreciate it much much....
Hi Helena
Subuh sepi I kesini..
Nasi arab Damsyik? I just had abt a week ago fully sponsored by my sis who stays in Sban.
Seems your children will sit for 'big' exams. All the best for them esp to their mum, hehe..
Pagi tadi kelam kabut nak siap2 pegi LHDN sebab ingatkan today is the last day of submission... huhu.... rupa2nya its on 30 April.... haha.
betul betul cuak baca statement...ingatkan betul...sebab kita pun tak setel lagi...hehhe hehhe
Salam... lamanay tak 'bertemu' ..same like you I pun biar blog I bersawang ... wahh.... 3 will sit for big exams ..InsyaAllah anak2 you are just doing great ..I hanya Izzat yang akan ambik SPM .. good luck to all of them !!
visit mine also
hi so muffins.... apa khabar? i baca entry ni balik, buat i kecur air liur nak makan nasik arab damsyik tu.... huhu macamanalah nak diet mcm ni.... adoi.
Thanks dear, mmg risau pikir pasal exam budak2 ni... esp yg duduk jauh di asrama... I'm helpless!!!! huhu
13may, in the end i buat a week before tarikh tutup. okay jugak... everything all done in less than 10 mins for both hubby n me.
Last 2 years i did 2 days before due date, 2 jamla melanguk kat IRD tu....
Next time mmg kena buat awal la... senang hidup kan.
silversarina, all the best to yr Izzat too...
I jusr came back from visiting my eldest kat asrama, dok bebel kat dia coz tak tau lagi nak pursue in what field.... adoi minah sorang ni....
epalpie.... salam perkenalan... nanti kita jenjalan kat rumah awak pulak kay.... :P
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