Dah lama rasanya helena tak menjenguk kat sini. Busy sangat tahun 2011 sebab all my girls ambik big exams - SPM, PM R and UPSR. Syukur Anastassia and Pu3 got straight As.
Tahun 2012 ni banyak yg akan dan telah berubah in my daily life. I guess i will have more time to myself. Mia has finished SPM and asyik dok merengek nak kerja. memang i tak expect dia nak kerja sbb i dulu pun tak pernah kerja while waiting for results. My family pun takda jugak. Syukur we found her a nice job, which would give her all the experiences needed plus would enhance her confidence level. Anastasia is in F4 and still in boarding school and Pu3 pun baru 3 days ago masuk boarding school jugak as a first former. Zaryf is in Std6 this year.
So the house is much much 1000 time more quieter than before sebab sebelum ni rumah bising pun because of Pu3 and Zaryff. Bila they get separated, mati kutu la si adik takda kawan nak sakat. Dia tak berani sangat nak kacau Mia. Mia garang! I call her the evil step sister. HAHA.
I really hope with the extra time i have for myself, i will be able to blog more often. Kita tengokla macamana sbb mukabuku mmg buat i busy jugak hehe..
Episod baru..
Ahad 20.10.24
Cerita baru..
Semangat baru..
Selepas balik dari Switzerland abah tercari cari nak ke mana lepas ni..
setiap hari tengok iklan lalu lalang ...
4 months ago
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