My weekends are usually hectic. Saturday will be full of Art Class, Mandarin Class, Smart Reader and Swimming Class.
On Sunday 21 Jan, Puteri FINALLY was upgraded to the 7 feet pool (from the 4 feet pool). Mmm... she was scared at first and even tried to convince the swimming coach that she is not ready yet (yeah... right) but the coach just smiled her and carried cute and petite Puteri to the deeper end. When the class ended, she ran straight up to me and told me how FUN it was being in a deeper pool. I gave her the "I told you so" look. The reason was that she was supposed to be upgraded much earlier, but Puteri refused. Penakut sikit anak mama ni.....
Zaryff is improving also. He is brave, so my problem with him when he's in the pool is that he would tend to go to the deep area whenever the coach is not watching. He almost lost his step once and went down the pool, tercungap2 and terbatuk2 terminum air but being boys... I guess he has yet to learn from that incident....
This weekend was less running here and there for me as it was a Public Holiday, so no Mandarin classes and no Smart Reader. Phew....
Episod baru..
Ahad 20.10.24
Cerita baru..
Semangat baru..
Selepas balik dari Switzerland abah tercari cari nak ke mana lepas ni..
setiap hari tengok iklan lalu lalang ...
1 month ago