Its been quite sometime since i blogged......
A lot of things happened. Have been busy at work with some challenging Quality issues, so much so that we had to call in several mat salleh specialists to help us out.
At home, last week was when the August test was held. I had started to get panicky the weekend before the test as Anastassia had barely done any revision, what more she had missed almost a week of class due to the competition that she was preparing for. (Remember that dia merosot teruk in May exam)
I beri semangat pada Anastassia, had a full 2 day back-to-back revision....... Alhamdullillah her results came out good. Puteri, who studied on her own got full marks in all the papers that she got so far. I was astonished when I saw her Science paper, which she got 100. It was a difficult one and some tricky, in fact the second highest got 80 plus only.
Zaryff had fever the week of the exam. Thanks to the "stupid" arrangements that made the std ones kena injection a day before exam day..... Most of the kids demam that week.
Last Saturday, went to see Transformers. Zaryff enjoyed it tremondously..... but if you ask me, tak la best sangat cerita tu.....
OK la... I write properly later. These are just snippets from me......
Episod baru..
Ahad 20.10.24
Cerita baru..
Semangat baru..
Selepas balik dari Switzerland abah tercari cari nak ke mana lepas ni..
setiap hari tengok iklan lalu lalang ...
4 months ago
Congrats to Puteri!!
Glad to hear that Anas's spirit is back....Hope she'll excel in final too.
I'm still stuggling with Sofea dah dekat...
Recent exam nyer result dah macam complecent sikit...not as good as Mid-year hari tuh...mana tak nyer....(as u have read in my latest post)
izz, i was really worried tau. the week b4 exam, dia tak masuk class for 3 whole days....
Tapi i told her, u r gifted, 2 days are enough to cover EVERYTHING. I didnt really believe it, but I tried to convince her.
So tadi i told her, see what u have gotten with 2 days of serious studying. Imagine what u can achieve with say, a month of studying? Dia pun nampak semangat nak study for finals, tapi knowing her, i know i have to motivate her every other day....
dont worry about sofea sgt. Her results down sikit aje kan.... tak menjunam like Anastassia. So its easy for her to pick up nanti... lagipun tahun 2 senang sikit, kalau dah tahap 2 tu a bit tough la. (Baca cerita u pasal sofea, reminded me of Anastassia. 2nd child syndrome la kut... hehe)
Sek sofea streaming darjah berapa? My kids punya school Tahun 3.
Alhamdulillah Anastasia punya study kembali improve. Some time they just need our extra attentions..that's all...
Wah, very impressivelah Puteri's achievement.
Seems that Anastassia dah belajar dari kesilapan dia. Way to go!!!
My kids pun, bila nak exam ada aje yg tak sihat... Infact, my daughter masa UPSR last year demam teruk, nasib baik result OK.
nbk, yela, helena rasa Anastasssia needs more attentiopn from me compared from the rest, walaupun dia yg kakak, and yg lain2 pangkat adik pada dia...
mamamia, i can see the teachers are inquisitive about Puteri's marks sekarang ni bila exam.
I am so relieved with Anastassia. I sleep better now knowing that the few days hard work has paid off.
Anak u demam during UPSR? Wow... thank GOD result dia ok. Banda2 macam tu yg buat kita helpless kan? Bec we cant control it.
Take care dear.
congrats to all of you. I just don't have the heart to force my son into studying :)
congrats to all dari anak hingga ke ibu mereka kerana berkerja keras.
:) Congrats to Puteri...
And best wishes with require attention and support...and u r doing ur bit...:)
Well done! Keep up the good work, Helena!
Congrat to Puteri and also Anatassia.
Biasalah tengok transformer, mak budak mana lah nak suka, budak2 suka lah walaupun sebenarnya tak ada apa-apa pun.
Tahniah pada anastasia & Puteri...begitu juga pada maknya... : )
Alahai kenapalah sekolah tu buat injection masa bebudak tgh nak periksa...ntah apa apa lah ye...
Hello, Helena! (name portuguese)
Thanks for posting
have a good weekend
sibuk sgt ke? agak nya dia terabai sket. ok lah dia dah kembali cemerlang...
Dear Helena,
Happy Merdeka dear. yeah Long time tak chat. Btw, were you around at some dinner on 18th Aug at Sheraton? Wondering. Cheers.
goboklama : ye la kadang2 tak sampai hati nak suruh dia baca buku, esp masa dia tgh main adik beradik.....
kak elle : mak dia pun penat sbb dapur pun nak pikir lagi, kain baju pun nak pikir lagi, hubby pun nak pikir lagi.....
idham : i have resigned to the fact that Anastassia need special handling. Her tuition teacher told me that I need to play with her feelings. Hmmm.... hairan, sampai cikgu tuition dia pun tau yg dia tu lain dari yg lain.....
d : Thx dear..... its great to see that the hard work paid off.
ahni : yela.... the male species love it so much..... tak paham Helena..
kak lady : lepas asking around, rupanya the school ada schedule injection tu...... tapi terlepas pandang ke..... saja tak kisah ke.... entahlah
david : hi there.... good to hear from you.
cikdinz : ha'ah sibuk sikit.... apa nak buat....hehe
Ruby : Hello there. Have been busy lately, so didnt have the chance to give a comment or two at yr place. No, I didnt go to Sheraton. Saw the pics and wow.... it definitely look grand... Congrats on the video presentation. I'm sure it was superb.
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