Finally, we are now in the year 2008. And I'm looking forward for a fantastic year!
The year started with the sending off of Mia back to asrama on 2 Jan. She moved to a new block, hence a new dorm..... a bigger one too.... Its a bit too big for my comfort but hey, I'm used to 3-to-a-room back in my MRSM days..... hehe..... but it looks like she's not complaining... Helped her mengelap her locker and bed..... and letak wrapping paper......
That night, I had a hard time sleeping, after 2 months with my firstborn, its quite hard to let go again..... and i started smsing with other moms yg anak masuk asrama and found out that I'm not the only one feeling sad and empty.....
mmm.... funny, I cant seem to recall what i did on Jan 3rd....
Anastassia, Puteri and Zaryff were excited to start school on Jan 4th. I sent them earlier than usual as Anastassia has prefects duties as early as 7am. Puteri who will now be in std 3 will be having new classmates as they started streaming.
I went to Zaryffs school to pay the school fees. School fees that I have to pay this year :
1 - Anastassia = around RM300
2 - Puteri = around RM90
3 - Zaryff = around RM230 (last yr was around RM350)
Anastassia's fees are high because of the kelas bimbingan fees. Zaryff's is because of his IT classes. This time round, Helena tak bayarpun duit insurance AIA tu.... i wonder I did the right thing...... Mia punya tak tau lagi.....
While paying the girls punya school fees, I made sure I went to see all the std 6 teachers, immaterial whether they teach Anastassia or not. Saja tanya khabar, considering all of them will do latih tubi with the std 6 students few months before UPSR. Some teachers memang dah tau, this year adik Mia will be in std 6, and it seems that Anastassia will be getting the same teachers as Mia 2 years ago.
I also went to see several std 3 teachers.... Puteri's class teacher said that she's looking forward to have Puteri in her class, after having had both Mia and Anastassia few years ago. "Nak tengok, Puteri ni perangai macam Mia or macam Anastassia" she said, smiling sweetly.
Free text books this year such a relief, and it was really a suprise to see Zaryff getting new books. Anastassia of coursela dapat new books because she was the pioneer batch for Maths and Science in English. However, kesian Puteri, the books that she got was quite old and some torn.... so I retrieved Anastassia's old books (same syllabus) from the cabinet and gave it to her. Jenuh jugak nak mencari buku2 lama tu.....
And sejuk hati Helena bila the first two days sekolah tu.... Anastasia came back from school, terus pergi tuition, and once back from tuition terus habiskan homework and buat mapping. I hope she will continue like this sampai bila-bila............ UPSR this year..... Helena harap ada kejayaan untuknya di akhir tahun nanti.....
Episod baru..
Ahad 20.10.24
Cerita baru..
Semangat baru..
Selepas balik dari Switzerland abah tercari cari nak ke mana lepas ni..
setiap hari tengok iklan lalu lalang ...
4 months ago
oh helena...i know the sad and empty feeling :(
jgnla cedih2..nnti cuti penggal nanti Mia will be home again..:-)
seronok dgr pengalaman ibu2 (ofismate N neighbour) cerita pengalaman anta anta depa for Std 1..yg paling kelakar..anak ofismate org nih..dia nak duduk sorang2..dua meja dia punya..taknak kongsi ngan org lain..siap kangkang kaki n depa tangan..taknak org lain duduk..if ade org duduk..nangiss sekuat ati..then bila org tu dah blah..diam balik..hahaha..kelakar..mak dia dah mati kutu..nak marah2 kang semua org tgk...last2 cikgu kene pujuk..hheheh
Looks like hal-ehwal sekolah anak-anak dah selesai. As for me - separa selesai coz' my eldest daughter has not got her Rumah Sukan, and she has not registered for her extra-curri activities. Therefore, her timetable is not finalized yet. So, hal-ehwal logistics belum settled lagi. Never-ending.
I can just imagine how you're missing Mia... Hang in there, dear.
Harap-harap pun begitu lah.... semoga berjaya....
Lama jugak U cuti fr blogging...
It's a brand new year, new semangat but expectations remain the same. ie our kids will do well in their studies.
mama rock : yes... rindu sangat. But Mia tak tau pun i miss her. I dont show it much. The last time we talked she was feeling down.... challenges of being a junior la tu...
rose, hehe..... I'm feeling better now, cuti penggal? eh chinese new year pun dah cuti i rasa.... hehe.
Rasa rindu ni sekejap jer..... now dah ok dah.... i'm used to letting them be independent, pun.....
Memang best tgk kids pergi sekolah. I was running from one school to the other, (both Zaryff and the girls's school) Saja nak tengok they all. Padahal Zaryyff dah std 2 and Puteri std 3. But I just love to see and observe how my kids interact with other school mates.
Tapi in the end, I left the school because PUteri marah i hang around.... hehe.... so i lari la kat sekolah Zaryff pulak, tgk dia masa recess.....
wan shana, tis year i had to find new transportation for the kids, the old one decided nak berniaga kat pasar malam. When I got the info a week before school reopens, kepala i rasa nak pecah dah..... then somehow i managed to convince myself that, i could not worry about things tat i couldnt control. (Transport mmg susah nak cari sbb i live far away from their schools) So worst come to worst, i told myself tat i can just jemput sendiri la.
Tup2 a day before school starts, someone called asking me whether my kids need transportation... phew.... selesai satu bab. Yesterday, alhamdullillah... the kids reached home safely, naik van sendiri without having me around to check the van out for them.... esp Zaryff who waited sorang2....
Now waiting for their jadual JQAF, so i can finallize dgn van on the timings....
mmmmm...... penat la this last few days.....
Tapi kan.... best tau.... layan anak2 ke sekolah.... hehe
ahni.... thx dear.... i have a short term goal for Anastassia.... end of this month nanti tau resultsnya.
However, the one for Mia could not happen, sebab dia duduk boarding school, so susah sikitla.... so her short term goal is academic la... for her to get 8As in this coming March exam....
mamamia, hehe.... lama ke.... its just a combination of me being busy and me being lazy.... hehe
Yela, basically expectation sama... and basically for me personally, this yr would be a year of promises, so hopefully everything will be as planned...
Salam Halena,
First time here. Best of luck to Mia. Duduk asrama di mana tu, MRSM juga ke macam emak dia? Saya dulu pun ada dua orang anak belajar di MRSM. Itu cerita lama.
My yougest (girl) now, is in std 6, sama mcm your Anastasia. Best of luck for their UPSR nanti.
Boleh hilang ingatan ler pulok 3hb tuh..he..he.he... KAKAK masuk PASTI pun around RM300, yuran RM245 + kasut, stokin, tudung, beg sekolah, etc.
just wndering yuran sekolah for whole year ke?or monthly?it sounds expensive if its monthly...I tot you all dapat free education only pay minimal school fees...sorry lah tak faham your system.
Helena...yuran anastasia mahal ye...anak kak lady Fareez tu cuma RM156 aje...sekolah agama lagik mahal RM400+...Tahun ni kak lady takde yang amik relax sikit cuma nak suruh Farhan yang di Tingkatan 2 tu do all his revision bermula tahun ni.
Memang pun bila anak dah masuk asrama semula...terasa rindu kan?...macam Huda dulu...bila balik asrama semula macam tak tau apa yang missing kat umah tu...
zabs, salam kembali.... Mia is lucky, she got into one of the best SBP in the country..... oh, your kids dulu MRSM ye? MRSMs throughout the country rasa2nya lebih kurang sama je lifenya, tapi in SBPs, i can see that different SBP lain college lifenya....
Hope that our girls do well in UPSR kan.... I am still waiting for MOE to announce the date for the UPSR exam. I would prefer if they stick to the original date. Itu time Ramadhan/Syawal tu....
nbk.... hehe seriously, I CANT seem to remember what i did on 3rd Jan.... but it must have got something to do with kids kut, sebab esoknya kan 1st day of school.... hehe.... signs of aging ke ni???
yela yuran semua mahal, tapi esp yuran bab agama ni.... benda baik kan.... redha ajela...
kak elle, itu bayaran for the whole year.... siapa yang bayar monthly tu, hantar anak mereka to private school..... or anak2 still in kindy age...
sek agama pun banyak private....
kak lady, budak std 1 kat sekolah the girls pun bayar dalam RM60-RM70je... Anastassia kena bayar additional RM210 for kelas bimbingan, tu sebab jadi banyak....
Masa darjah 1, sekolah zaryff yg dasyat. Sekolah dia semi-government, so sapa2 1st time masuk sekolah tu kena bayar RM150 for yuran pembangunan.... so total bayar last year was about RM350...
Kak Lady, Helena dah ok dah without having Mia.... masa mula2 tu jer yg rasa rindu teramat sangat... Mia pun kena start revision, tahun depan PMR..... mak oii... cepatnya waktu berlalu....
semuga dia org semua berjaya nanti..
I think Mia is in the same school that I attended many, many years ago.. alahai helena, dekat je tu, anytime kalau tertinggal barang je boleh gi.. if I were you, every weekend, kalau diaorang x de activity, pegi melawat. Ingat lagi during my time the wakaf & surau baru je siap.. b4 that sembahyang berjemaah/tarawih kat dewan, tgk wayang pun kat dewan yang sama gak...hehehe.. nostalgia...
My friend is looking for good English teacher for her daughter around our area.. she said the S***t R****r that she used to send her kid not so good.. in particular, the teacher lah. Can you give any recommendation? Primary school level.
Been thinking of sending the kids to Helen Grady drama class but clashes with Arts Class and taekwando during weekends!
zino, terimakasih, insyaAllah semoga dipermudahkan olehNya....
mom-of-3, hehe.... yeke.... maybe kut. Yes, its quite near... thats why it takes a few days aje nak hilangkan rindu and resah dihati.... knowing tat she's not tat far away....
Last yr i visited often, tapi tis yr I'm trying to reduce to once a month... rasa2nya boleh tak? hehe. Bestkan if we go down our memory lane.... teringat zaman dulu. But seriously, Mia's school is TOTALLY different from MRSM.... environment dia lain betul..
To which S***t R***** did yr friend sent her child to? Helen Grady is good, more towards drama kan? Check out Cosmotot.... quite good too I heard. Which area are u from?
My area very near your villa ; ) hehehe...
My friend send her daughter to S***t R****r near "Raksasa" atas Wat**n tu. "Cikgu kureng bagus skit" she said.
Helen Grady, for me, more to boost up kids confidence but dah clash ngan aktiviti lain pulak. Cosmotots kat mana, ek?!?Near 'our' area ke?
oooo dekatla kita ye.... I have also heard tat the SR there is not that good, and it seems that the kids have to sit on the kindy chairs...
cosmotot jauh sikit.... kat bukit galena........ on d wat to highway tu....
salam helena, kalau betullah mia goes to the alma-mater of mom of three,'s my alma-mater too!!! the wakaf thing, the do-everything-in-the-hall thing!!! hmm..nostalgia...I was the hall prefect!! he he fact i have just called the school this morning to inquire something for a friend's daughter and the teacher who spoke to me (also my teacher then) said "How nice if you are doing this for your daughter instead!" this, and your saying how different life there is compared to your school, make me re-think. should i or should i not??? he he he
ms hart, thx for dropping by... oh, u know mom-of-3 eh?
hey, of course you have to have your kids there.... its such a great school.... (They got 1st spot amongst the SBPs for PMR 2007, you know.... 101 students out of 114 students got straight As)
yes, it is much different from MRSM, maybe to the fact that MRSM is a co-ed school, and they do things a bit differently than other schools. The difference are not bad, it's just well, different..... Your alma mater is really one of its kind....
hehe.... i would love to have ALL my girls there... You shud too.... *wink*
Hu ala ms hart.. what batch were you in? Age-wise, I am a few years younger than our Helena here.. hehehe.. new form 4 intake started when I was in form 3(quiet an issue of its own there.. the old girls vs the new girls).. Actually I once thought Helena is my senior during A-L****ls @ Sect17. But, age-wise.. cannot be lah. I'm too young to be Helena's junior...hehehe...
Anyway Helena, do you still plan to send your kids to the negeri swimming practise? Do inform if they have another intake this year, my kids schooling at morning session only this year & kafa at night. However hubby may not prefer as may be too taxing on the kids...
hmm...i ni kan, selalu 'terjejak kasih' kat blog orang tau!!! he he, when u mentioned wakaf etc...confirmed u sekolah i!! err...i think the new f4 batch came in only some time after i left. maybe u masuk 1982? if yes, i was in F5 then. wild guess here...he he he...helena, thanks for letting me 'tumpang lalu' kat sini ye?
alamak.. i haven't even sat for the PDL (Penilaian Darjah 5) lah in 82!; ). But the 82-form 1 batch became my CS-batch.. hehehe...
ooops, memang i tersasul!! that's why sampai rumah je ni nak kena betulkan fakta! I had meant it to be 86. yang F1 masa 82 tu i..!!! sorry, dah excited kan tadi!! he he sah i batch yr CS, ya mom-of-three!! do come over my 'house'..boleh interrogate further!!! ha ha ha...
I got all 3 this year, SPM, PSM n UPSR hmm..
bagus betul la kak helena, jumpa semua teachers yang mengajar anak kak helena. hmm in my school environemnt, parents seems tak peduli nak tanya itu ini tentang anak diorang.
dear mom-of 3, hey isnt this great, jejak kasih kat my house ni.... hehe.....
Yeap you are several yrs my junior. It was in 82 when I entered form 1. So i guess I sama age with mrs hart? hehe....
State swimming Team? OK I'll let you know. Although I would really was the youngers ones to join, I really have to give it a miss... State Competition starts this end Jan, kan. Cepat pulak tahun ni.
mrs hart, hey silakan.... its wonderful that this place of mine jadi tempat jejak kasih.... hehe.... i guess you would know my friends/cousins there.....
So sama la kita masuk form 1 in 1982....
Hi liyas, thx for dropping by. Wow 3 exams in a yr! What is PSM btw? I'm gonna go tru the same thing in 2011. UPSR, PMR and SPM! whaaa! help someone.....
jimi, helena memang akan buat begitu jika anak2 dalam tahun 6. Janji cikgu darjah 6, walaupun dia tak mengajar kelas anak Helena. Sebab bulan Aug pun nanti, std 6 students akan pindah dewan, and all teachers akan buat latih tubi sama2.....
I would have done the same to my std 3 and std 2 kids, tapi takut cikgu kata over pulak..... hehe. So beramah mesra dgn kelas teacher ajele.....
Jimi, penting tau role cikgu dalam alam persekolahan anak2..... takkan kita nak buat donno gitu aje kan.... Esp std 6 teachers kat sek anak Helena.... very dedicated...
anak-anak dah besar kan.
sampai masa, dorang kena pergi jauh jugak kan...
aaah.. children off to boarding school - it's a new episode for them: hoorah!
May the following year be a blessed one for you. However it will be etched, it is the works of the Almighty.
salam, yang buat saya tak mo hantar anak2 duduk hostel ni :(.
eh, sori ya lama tak ke sini
cik dinz.... yela.... tapi rindu tu tetap ada.
d... yup, i'm a strong believer of boarding schools..... thx dear.
kak long..... kalau untuk nak belajar apa salahnya.... tapi tengok the child la.... ada yang sesuai, ada yang tak....
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