Mia (front, second from left) with her friends during a school function just before the hols.... oh! to be exact..... just before their August exams......
A place where I share my experiences with my children, a mother's journey to raise her bundles of joys..... I'm a wife and mother of 4 children, aged 16, 14, 11 and 10. My life revolves around my children as they are my heart and soul. Most of the entries here would mostly be on my children's experiences and journey into adulthood.
Anastassia got RM50 for saguhati..... okayla tu..... hehe. Sijil yang penting tu...... (tapi kan Helena prefer paintings yang guna crayons rather than color pencils..... Crayon lagi naik and hidup gambarnya nanti)
Tapikan.... the weekend was extra sweet after knowing from Anastassia's tuition teacher that she got A for her UPSR trials - Pemahaman..... YEAY!!! (cikgu kat sekolah belum kasi papers lagi) YEAY again...... HURRAY!!!!!!!!
Received this award from abahnajwa dikala Helena pening2 lalat and in the midst of nak demam sebab banyak sangat kerja..... thankyou abahnajwa.... although Helena lambat cakap terimakasih, please let it be known that it came at the perfect time.... at the time when I felt helpless and terkapai2...... hehe..... thanks abahnajwa..... first time dapat award ni......