I dont know what to write about... so I'll just share what I'm feeling and thinking right now.
1. Went to my tailor yesterday, was told that she does not accept any more tempahan..... but since I'm a regular customer, she'll accomodate..... This is a yearly affair actually, me coming to her at the last minute..... hehe..... So, if sempat, I'll shop sekejap masa lunch break today..... today break 2 hours...... if tak sempat, I'll do it tomorrow.
Opssy..... just realized, Mia wouldnt be able to choose her own material.... mmm..... tak apala..... I hope I can get one which is to her liking....
I proposed to hubby that this year's theme to be turqoise or blue.... depending on the designs kat kedai nanti..... hubby approved.... yeay.... takyah argue color..... hehe
2. Anastassia will be sitting for her ICAS exam next week..... (Its an Australian Assessment Exam)...... have yet to print out past years questions. Pu3 was also selected to sit for this exam..... tapi si kecik ni dok simpan the fee and form in the bag. Bila dah tarikh tutup baru dia teringat..... bertuah betul..... so takdapatla dia sit for this exam....
3. This weekend is Grading Day for Pu3 and Zaryff. Pu3 will go for the Blue Belt.... Zaryff for the Yellow 2 belt... Need to find the time masukkan tali jerut in Zaryffs Taekwondo pants. He took it out because tali tu terpanjang sebelah.... aiyah..... now seluar tu longgar and menggelebeh..... nampak pulak spender dia...... hehe, Dulu Helena buat donno, nak teach him a lesson (malas pun ada) hehe... tapi nak grading ni... kenela betulkan balik..... Nanti tak selesa pulak dia buat grading tu.....
4. hmmmm...... hehe.... dum dee dum dee dum...... mmmm..... okayla... okayla..... I plan to visit Mia this Saturday...... hehe..... Nak kasi duit laundry, nak kasi kasut yang i dah hantar cobbler, (baru pakai 1 week dah kene hantar cobbler..... heishh......) nak kasi semangat pasal coming exam..... okayla kan....... hehe.....
5. I would like to thank Cikgu Jimi..... for the percubaan paper and most of all for giving MORE than what i expected..... Cikgu, I shared the paper with Panitia BM and she will share with the rest of the standard 6 girls..... i hope its okay with you.... The CD is fantastic!! The book is such a GREAT book! Terima kasih banyak2 cikgu, kebaikkan cikgu Jimi, yang Helena hanya kenal in the blogworld ni..... memang tak terbalas..... thanks again..... (opps kebaikan.... satu k or 2 k? hehe.... in case you're wondering, i got A1 in my SPM BM paper.......hehe)
so okayla for now.... have a good weekend you all!
Episod baru..
Ahad 20.10.24
Cerita baru..
Semangat baru..
Selepas balik dari Switzerland abah tercari cari nak ke mana lepas ni..
setiap hari tengok iklan lalu lalang ...
4 months ago
nnti dah kawen pon..org nak buat theme colour for my family...:-)
Wahh...Sangat terujalah baca kejayaan anak2 ni..Nak mintak jadi mentor boleh?
So abah nak mintak izin linkkan blog ni ya..
Salam dari Liverpool
hi have a nice day.. looking for wallpapers for your house? or your friends/relative interested, visit my blog! thanks
Salam Helena .. (reminds me of My Chemical Romance's song) .. I am experiencing the same with my Ms T. Tiap minggu mesti ada barter trade.. Me got the busuk2 ones, and she'll get the wangi2 ones (takmoh basuh baju sendiri nanti tangan kasar.. huhahuha..). Do 'visit me' ..
sorry off topic!
i remember earlier your son masuk pertandingan pakaian beragam kan (yang baju dari bendera tu). i just wonder ada ke kedai yang jual pakaian2 macam tu? my son been selected la pulak for this coming merdeka celebration. hopefully you can share your experience.
thanks a bunch!
I' curious, what's the Australian Exam for? U nak hantar they all further studies ke sana ke?
kami pun, InsyaAllah tahun ni turqoise..menjadi ke tak...baju Paklang and Hakim tak tempah lagi!
hi rose.....
hehe.... Helena mmg suka bab2 theme colour ni.... Masa kids kecik2, even their tshirts and dresses pun ada theme color on 2nd and 3rd day raya..... infact jalan2 biasa pun if possible, they will wear the same colors. But only for kids la..... mom and dad tak payah..... letih you....haha
abah najwa.... alamak.... nak jadi mentor, jangan la, seganla... kita ni pun masih belajar2 jugak ni.....
nak link no problem.... mmm.... you reminded me of my BFF (i read about yr bff entry....hehe) in Nottingham..... will send her a long email hopefully by today....
hi somuffins..... thx for dropping by.....
How old is Ms T? sama jugak barter trade....hehe.... i dah pencen ambik yang busuk hantar yang wangi, but barter trade still going on kecil2an.....hehe
Tried visiting you tapi tak dapat. Will try again later today...
Take care dearie....
arina! Bestnya.....
Actually that baju is a flag. Beli flag yang mahal sikit, the silky type..... lipat 2.... then at the lipatan you tebuk leher....
Then left and right jahit, (macam baju kelawar) tinggalkan opening for the sleeva... and walla..... dah jadi..... hehe (eh you paham ke my explanation ni?)
As you can see in Zaryff's pictures, dia pakai baju flag tu on top of his Baju Melayu.
For the songkok, I printed out gambar flag and pasted it to the songkok.... tapikan few days ago, went to this book store and saw lots and lots of merdeka songkok..... hey... lagi senang.... hehe...
Do let me know the outcome ok?
mamamia.... saja2 ajer ambik exam....
I first heard of this ICAS exam last yr, bila i read in the papers one girl from CBN ke mana ke, won gold for this particular exam. Searched for it in the net, found it and decided to look out for this 2008 exam, maybe the kids can try to sit for it.
Tiba2 last month, both Anastassia and Pu3 said tat they were given the forms by their teachers, and asked me whether I want them to sit for it. Rupa2nya their school pun dah start send students this year, elok sangat la.
Helena hantar saja2 jer, for experience sake.... saja nak test their skills.... the exam is today.... buT Anastassia slept late last night, pagi tadi pun cranky..... alahai.....
hi maklang..... Helena dah tukar ke color biru..... hehe..... design turqoise tak de yang berkenan la.....
Baju orang lelaki senang ajer...... takyah kejar tukang tailor macam orang pompuan.... hehe
helena, i think only once we had a theme colour. now bebudak dah beasr, esp boys...sempoi aje dia orang ni.
ps - i got A1 for my BM too - much to my surprise!
Hi again. My T is almost 18. OK ke tu?? Haha..
Wah..tempahan baju raya pun dah mostly tak terima ek.. Nasib baik org lelaki nie tak kisah cari yg ready made jerk.. Itu pun kalau nak sangat baju melayu baru.. setahun sekali jerk pakai maaa.. he..he.he..
mama rock.... yela.... nyusahkan ada theme color ni.....
so ada one year tu, helena tak buat theme color..... pastu bila berkumpul raya.... macam tak best la pulak.... hehe....
somuffins.... 18? wow dah lama dah biz barter trade ni rupanya.... hehe....
ok la tu.....to keep the bond growing stronger.... hehe
nbk.... itula pasal.... orang lelaki senang ajer.... my hubby selalu start tempah time puasa.... selamba ajer lagi 2 minggu nak raya....hehe. Pernah sekali tu dia busy.... seminggu sebelum Raya pun pernah....
Zaryff senang ajer.... beli ready made..... main capai2 ajer la kan.... hehe
terimakasih singgah blog saya
# selalunya dgn tailor yg dah biasa, tempah dulu kain hntr kemudian..hehehe
Helena, T's 1st time ever duk kat hostel. Dari dulu 'escape' jer but no choice now cos tiak Umi dia dah takleh nampong dia lagi. Dah besau.. hahaha..
Hi Helena, enjoyed reading your thoughts.
'What to wear'? Ha ha, the age old woman's question.
Did that start off with a, "I've nothing to wear"? Ha ha.
Yes, my wife too will ask me sometimes, but the trouble is when I say, 'wear the red one', she later comes out wearing a blue one.
Why she bothers to ask me...I have never dared mention or ask....let things be as they are, ha ha.
I still get home cooking this way.
Have a great weekend, Helena, Lee.
Hello Helena,
Heyyy...I was at a material shop yesterday to get some material for baju melayu. Gosh! Memang, if we left it too late, the tailors will reject our orders...woo..have to rush now..go to the tailor..ha ha. Lama tak bercerita2.
dear kujie...
itula kan.... untung kalau stick to one tailor kan......
mmg pening if tailors taknak accept..... masalah besar.... hehe
uncle lee... hehe... must be cautious with your words for the continous supply of homecooked meals...
If i have problems of what dress to wear, I would just grab a blue one.... I LOVE blue.... coz that color can never go wrong on me.... hehe..
you take care uncle lee....
hi there Ruby! Welcome back!!
You just bought your materials? Better dash to your tailor before its too late!
Yup havent heard from you for so long. You've been overseas? I guess there's an updated entry? Yes? No?
I'll take a peek sometime today..
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