There are changes to my visiting schedules with Mia now.
Mmmm its a bit embarassing but, I would like to admit here that ever since Mia entered boarding school last year, I never failed to visit her EVERY WEEKEND. (hehe....) Padahal I'm the type who thinks that when kids masuk boarding school, we should leave them be, jangan visit selalu sangat. Let them be independent. This was what my parents did when I was in MRSM, they visited once or twice a month.....and yeah it worked out pretty well with me.
It all started with me helping Mia with her laundry masa dia baru masuk Form 1. So every week kena datang ambik laundry, right. When I stopped doing that just before fasting month last year, patutnya tak payah datang every week dah.... but I guess dah jadi habit pun satu, Mia suruh datang bawak food pun satu..... hehe
So 2 weeks ago, I made a decision. and for the first time.... I did not visit her. It was quite an accomplishment for me tau.... hehe.
I do not plan to visit her again this week, tapi mmmm..... i wonder whether her pocket money is enough.....
Episod baru..
Ahad 20.10.24
Cerita baru..
Semangat baru..
Selepas balik dari Switzerland abah tercari cari nak ke mana lepas ni..
setiap hari tengok iklan lalu lalang ...
4 months ago
Insyallah takde apa2..belajar2 hidup berdikari ek...
I'm sure, besides worrying whether her pocket money is enough and all, you will be able to come up with another 1001 reasons (or rather - excuses!) to visit Mia nanti...
All the best with your "let-Mia-be" attempts! Hehehe!
Kids nowadays are lucky...With the highways, parents can zip to where they are....I remember long long time ago, once a month visit pun dah consider a luxury!
kalau dah tiap minggu datang bila masa nya dia nak belajar berdikari.. hehe
zino dulu tengok dia orang memula tu sebulan sekali.. bila dah lama sikit datang bila dia org ada keperluan je hehe
nbk.... memangla takde apa2.... tapi yela.... anak sulung.... hehe...
mak dia yang lebih kut....
haha.... wan shana.... you are absolutely right!..... hehe.....
Tapikan..... i can see quite a number of parents visit weekly.... although they live quite far. Ada jugak yang datang on both saturdays and sundays. I wonder it was like this before, during your time i mean....
When I was in mrsm dulu, jarang parents visit, most probbly bec most of the students come from luar bandar.....
Having said that, incase you were wondering, I didnt visit her last weekend, but it was an outing weekend, so my parents brought her and a friend to one shopping complex in town, the same place where I teman pu3 buat colouring contest dia....
dad 4+1!!! Hey long time no see....
Yup.... with improved highways around, beruntungla the kids eh....
I remembered during my time, I enjoyed college life so much that, I would begged my dad NOT to come even once a month.... hehe....
zino.... itula, mmg to me... kids in boarding school ni, tak boleh kacau selalu.... tapi bila ter kena batang hidung sendiri.... hehe.... Helena failed big time....
Itula sebabnya nak jarakkan visits tu.... and now with me needing to be with Anastassia on weekeends.... its just the right time to start....
HAving said that, Mia is very-very independent. She showed this trait as early as std 4. Std 4 memang dah mature..... memang Helena tak payah pikir pasal dia, cuma monitor aje sikit....
So, kalau visits tu, Helena rasa takla kacau sangat independence dia.... lagipun my visit are short ones.....
But yes.... I need to stop visiting her weekly.... nak dia jadi lebih independent.... The problem is me.... not her..... hehe
sis helena,
my blog been hacked during the weekend. now the new add is
(the previous turned to a PORNO site - jeezzz!)
alahai mama ni...takleh nak berenggang ngan puteri sulung dia...:-)
Once a Week, sister??? My parents hardly ever visited me during secondary school years or college.... My late father would only come and pick me up 9with my stuff, if necessary) at the end of every term... and send me off a day before start of term..... in betweens, it's me who come home at most, once a month.... laundry? on my own sis....
arina, alamak!!! prono site..... oh dear.....
ok will visit your new place nanti....
rose.... hehe... bukannya tak boleh rengang.... its just that I'm used to being part of her daily life....
So bila masuk boarding school, ofcourse lagi banyak activities, more interesting ones lagi yang Helena tak biasa.... so syok dengar dia ceta..... hehe.
pootsz..... i know.... i know.... dulu I kutuk orang2 macam i ni tau..... hehe......
I remember also doing my laundry dulu... basuh kat sink aje.... and those were the days... the gossiping in the toilet.... itu yang merapatkan siratulrahim.... best!!!
But now... ada makcik ambil upah membasuh kalau nak.... So I upahkan la dia.... and Mia need only wash her undies and baju2 yg tak sempat tunggu the 1 week cycle....
helena, pocket money boleh transfer kat bank ..hehehe, susah ya nak let go, still want to hang a bit where we can :)
Salam Helena,
Sebenarnya tiada masalah untuk melawat anak setiap minggu atau sekerap yang boleh.
Kerana satu masa nanti, mereka sendiri akan berkata, minggu ni tak yah datanglah Ma, ada hal.
Masa tu kita pula akan rasa sedih...
Sunyi kalau takda mak dgn ayah datang visit..sedih sangat tengok mak ayah orang lain bawak makananlah..hehehehe
teringat zaman sekolah dulu
huhuhu, dedolu chek masuk asrama mak bapak nak dtg sebulan sekali pun payah al maklum ler jauh...balik bila time coti sekolah jer
but i love asrama life - so life enriching!
mama rock.... hehe.... susah nak transfer kat bank.... kasi direct lagi senang.... hehe
yup.... I'm trying to hang on to her.... walaupun dia okay aje....
i rasa, moms esp akan rasa sedih la bila we realized tat we are no longer needed as much as before.... as now friends especially play a big part in their everyday lives.... esp yang duduk asrama....
I have felt like that.... sedih ... then out of the blue, Mia called me, pouring her heart out.... i listened.... I consoled her... and deep inside, i know..... no matter how independent .... no matter how grown up.... she will always be my little girl.....
abahnajwa.... thx for dropping bye....
Helena kalau visit Mia, for sure beli extra food for her friends, dorm mates..... kadang2 if they want help.... beli barang ke, apa ke.... i tolongla....
Tapikan... masa Helena dulu... mmg tak heran langsung if my parents dtg.... lagi helena tak kasi datang adala..... hehe
kc.... yup, i am all for asrama life. A lot cant be learnt. that's why to me tak payah kacau sangat mereka kat sana.... so bila my friends jumpa anak every week or every fortnight, to me tak patutla... (masa tu Mia still primary)
Then Mia masuk asrama.... and the rest is history ..... hehe.... (ha.. kena kutuk ngan kawan lagi tu....)
kak helena...
hehhe biase la tu..lebih lagi anak sulung...dan kalau anak bongsu...
jgn la risau2 sgt..lebih2 lagi anak pompuan...dia ok tu...
saya dulu pun dok asrama dekat je pun tiap minggu mak ayah dtg hehheh
adik bongsu (boy) saya lagi le...kain baju pun mak yg basuh...lagi le..bukan je tiap2 weekend..kengkadang weekdays pun...haru je...
slow2 la..lelama nanti Mia pun ok tu...(hehhe saya pun dulu sebenarnya tak nak gak mak ayah dtg tiap2 minggu..kesian derang..hehhe segan pun ye ngan kengkawan..hahhah)
apa2 cool!!!
rizza.... yela helena rasa sbb anak sulung kut.... The 1st experience is always emo-related sikit hehe....
Helena dulu basuhkan baju Mia. Maid ada ok lagi, pastu bila takde maid..... penat la sangat but still Helena buat jgk.... lama2 Helena rasa dah takda life la pulak on weekends nak mengadap baju dia ajer.... itu yg upah makcik laundry tu.... hehe
My friends suka if my parents visit.... sebab my parents akan bawak byk sangat food to share..... hehe...
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