CORRECTION : Pu3 demanded me to correct my previous entry on the Spell it Right Junior Competition. She spelt the word " mistreat" with a double "s"..... and not as what I wrote earlier.
Lots of things happened last week. Some good, some bad. But mostly good.
A friend betrayed me last week. Hmmm.... i got several "I told you so's..." from my other friends. Do not want to dwell on this. Dah terjadi tu dahlah.....
I made a big decision last week. Well, to me its big. I have stopped Pu3 and Zaryff from Smart Reader. It was quite hard to reach to this decision as I have been sending the kids since 2002. Dah 6 tahun! Mia and Anastassia finished Level 10 and both of them benefited tremondously from this program. Especially Mia. Pu3 is now at Level 8 whilst Zaryff is at Level 6.
Memang sayang to stop them, but kesianla actually the timing of the classes tak kena with Pu3's schedule. So dia nampak penat. Kesian Helena tengok. Nampak penat sangat, i know she likes the classes but timing tu yang tak kena..... Apart then that, the class is like at the other side of town, because Helena mmg akan hantar to the best place (to me), although there is one very close near home.
After the decision was made, I felt as if a huge burden were lifted of my shoulder. Phew..... Yes, let me admit here that sending both kids for Smart Reader to a location quite far from the house, is very-very tiring. Very rushing, and kerja-kerja lain memang tergendala on the days ada SR. Its very time consuming...... For example, on Wednesdays, both Pu3 and Zaryff have classes, at different times. Lepas tu, money wise, I need RM20 just to send them to and fro. RM20, if I used the smaller car that is. Kalau pakai the big car, it'll be RM30. But to me, when education is concerned, duit tu not an issuela sangat......
Now, that we are free from Smart Reader classes.... I feel that there's more time for me, kids have a more relaxed schedule..... and hey..... there's more family time together too......
Pu3 who was upset at first, is now okay with the idea. I told her that she can just continue where she stopped anytime she want....... Zaryff pulak jerit "YIPPEE" was grinning ear to ear..... hehe. But i told them..... I will photostate theirs sisters SR books and they will have to do the exercises with me..... so at least dapatla sikit additional knowledge tu......
Oh Ya...... Papa's durian tree started berbuah this year.... Yeay!!!!! Sebenarnya ada satu pokok aje....... tanam kat hujung pagar....... I remembered that he planted this tree masa Mia in Kindy. Mia was asking about durians and I guess Atuk planted one just for Mia and Anastassia (and other future cucus - Pu3 and Zaryff, yet to be born).
And last week the first durian fell, and now yang dah gugur ada la dalam 15........ and nampak around 80 more kat pokok tu...... Papa now ada kerja baru petang2...... driving from one neighbour's house to the other...... kasi durian..... hehe....
I guess my dieting have to wait again..... hehe.
Episod baru..
Ahad 20.10.24
Cerita baru..
Semangat baru..
Selepas balik dari Switzerland abah tercari cari nak ke mana lepas ni..
setiap hari tengok iklan lalu lalang ...
4 months ago
Oh dear. Tapi takpe Helena, now u only have true friends around you. Better lah kan.
I watch SIR every Sunday, only semalam miss. I think I saw Pu3 but didn't recall that she's your sweet daughter.
Aiyoh. Anyway, congrats to her.
I inspired my DS and DD to watch this show.
Salam kak Helena, dah check email dah?
My, my!! SUbhanallah! I'm in awe...
Reading thru your post, you have such talented kids - active and all-rounders too. What a lucky mum they have.
Please send Pu3 our warmest congrats and a loud "BRAVO" - from the casa-escuela gang!!
I felt the same way when I had to choose between taekwon-do and chess class for my younger kids. Even though I felt that they would benefit more from the former, I followed what THEY wanted. And they chose chess.
But, yes - rasa macam burden offloaded from our shoulders when activity anak-anak dah kurang, kan? Boleh bernafas secara normal balik...Hehehe!
Re : durians - my hubby got 2 big pails (baldi besar rendam baju tu!!) of durians from a very appreciative patient the other day. Dah dibahagi-bahagikan to my parents and my MIL. All three houses bau durian semerbak...But, YUMMMMYYY!!!
kak helena... byk2 sabar ye... kawan ni ade macam2 jenis... hanya yg betul2 kawan kerana "hati ingin berkawan" akan berjumpa dengan yg betul2 kawan nya.... (hehheh merepek sat)..
uwaaaa nak durian gakkkkk ala best nye sapa jadik jiran kak helena... dapat durian fresh tu.....
"be happy worry..."... with your wonderful kids..
wan.... dah tukar name ke.... hehehe.. fenin helena kejap.
Yes true frens.... at the same time my true frens showed me yang mereka tu ikhlas dalam our friendship.....
SIR is every Saturday kan.... not SUnday.... I'm not sure whether my girl dah kluar ke belum.... I'm supposed to call the person in charge kat NST tapi tak call2 lagi....
thx dear... i will let her know.
My kids pulak jarang dapat tgk kat tv3 coz timing out la.... once in a while ajer dapat.... Helena mmg suka bab2 berkaitan spelling bee ni....
Jimi..... thx for letting me know. Terus I checked after reading your comment nih.... dah reply pun...
coach sha.... thx dear... you are so kind with your words....
My kids ni biasa2 ajer, struggling in school jugak.... its just tat Helena ni, suka get involved with their everyday lives..... tats why i envy you dapat home school your kids. I cant.... and I admit I dont have the patience to do so pun.....
And syukur, bila ada rezeki tu.... dapatla itu dan ini.....
I will let Pu3 know...... thanks coach!
Hi Wan shana..... so i guess u know I i felt eh? Rasa sayang sangat satu, dah jadi routine pun satu.... yela 6 years is quite a long time.....
Kadang2 Helena pikir, am I crazy ke apa, pushing my self like this for the kids.... dulu tak terasa, now terasa sbb like i said, timing off.... because deep inside I know, while nak kejar yang satu (Good English) I would in a way abaikan benda lain....
And Helena also pikir, to what extend i nak my children to master english. Mia was outstanding dulu, her essays, her exam results selalu tops... ok fine, Anastassia pun ok jugak though tak boleh lawan Mia ..... so.... penting sangat ke nak be the best? Betul tak... macam la, their english teachers at school are not good enough, and me encouraging them to read and speak english is not good enough? hmmm....
wan shana..... i think I'm rambling away right now....hehe
You pun dok makan durian.... hehe join the club.... Cant wait to get back home, hubby just bawak a loadfull of durian from his kampung.... (I'm ignoring the slight sore throat and mild headaches tat I'm having right now..... DURIANS..... HERE I COME!!!) hehe
rizza.... hehe Helena terpaksa baca 2 kali nak paham your comment....
Tapi seriously la....berkawan kena ikhlas.... betul tak....
Rizza suka durian ke.... hehe.... my dad mmg give away the durians .... nak makan pun brapa byk sangat boleh makan kan.... and further more.... hubby's side pun byk sgt duriannya.... so Helena ni, kiri kanan dapat durian.... hehe... first time ni tau.... tu yang gayat ni.... hehe...
You take care rizza...
takpe kak helena..ade masa lebih utk sama2 ngan anak2..n buku2 mia pon still ok kan..
akak can be a good teacher what...:-)
ape2 pon..selamat makan doyan..kita suker mkn durian..
and tak pernah plak makan durian yg baru gugur..huhu..bak mai la seketui..;-D
kak helena..heheh
sorry....komen kengkadang memeningkan kepala ..hehhhe
best ooo durian....
kesian jgk tgk anak2 penat kan. Takpe lah, ada cara lain lg.;)
hehe, kalau lalu ampang tu campak le sebijik dua deroyan tu :)
sedih la kalau kawan betray kite..... saya penah rasa... tp saya tidak buang kawan. just biarkan mcm tu je....
rose ... thx....
yela masa dgn anak2 more relax...takde la terkejar2 sangat kan....
to tell you the truth, bab mengajar ni, Helena kureng sikit. Helena cepat naik angin la kalau they all susah nak paham.... hehe.... Kalau setakat monitor jer... no problem. ( tapi bab english kalau tau paham, not so bad banding dgn if maths tak paham kan.... hhmmm)
suka durian?.... smlm nampak satu tempat kena serbu .... sebijik RM1.... meh la sini kalau nak durian..... hehe.... kita buat kenduri durian.... hehe
kv.... yela.... sekarang ni.... kids lagi energetic.... mak pun dapat lepak sikit.... hehe....
Ni tgh pikir apa nak buat with the extra time... should i start jahit beadings kat baju kurung? or should i spend more time in the kitchen?.....
tapi 2 -3 hari ni kena layan tidor dulu sbb dah few days tidur lewat nih.... mata Helena asyik jadi mata steam jer.... hehe
mamarock.... hehe....
dah lama tak gi ampang.... mama dok ampang yer.... Helena dulu kat Ampang Jaya.... i LOVE staying there.
OK la.... kut lalu ampang Helena golekkan sebijik dua ye.... hehe...
marisa.... helena pun camtu.... tak elok la musuh2 kan....
Cuma Helena kecik hati la....
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