Anastassia came back from KYS, confessed to me in the car "Mama, the school is just superb!" I forced her to share what happened the entire 4 days of interview and she did though not all, much to my annoyance but it's good to know that she carried herself well and it was evident that she enjoyed herself tremondously. That day, I also saw a mature Anastassia. A confident child who is just waiting to conquer the world. I saw a glimpse of that during the registration day too.
Results would be out mid December, I told her. Now its the waiting game.
First it will be interesting to know whether she would get an offer. They only want 20 girls and 40 boys. If she didnt, well..... tak da rezeki, the experience was good for her, a once a lifetime experience I would say..... (bila lagi budak sekolah dapat interview intensive macam tu kan)
However, if ada rezeki, although its gonna be a bit tough..... it would be interesting to know if the offer would be with full scholarship, half scholarship or with no scholarship.
Mid December will be a month of nerves. SBP results will also be out around the same time. Would Anastassia get an offer? Susah jugak sebab she's from sekolah bandar.... or should I say from a cluster school.....
Next week I plan to drop off her MRSM application to MARA. Or to the ANSARA office to be exact since I'm a member. I was informed by the ANSARA officer that last year 60 of the 120 Ansara applications got in. However, from previous experience, to me benda ni varies..... ada one year tu, it seems 5 orang aje dapat..... And again, it would also be difficult since Mara mmg go for pelajar luar bandar kan......
So the waiting game is on. Meantime, let me hold tight to her Surat Tawaran from Convent Secondary, which is just next to her primary school........
Episod baru..
Ahad 20.10.24
Cerita baru..
Semangat baru..
Selepas balik dari Switzerland abah tercari cari nak ke mana lepas ni..
setiap hari tengok iklan lalu lalang ...
5 months ago