1. Anastassia got chicken pox. But mild and sekejap ajer coz dah ada injection chicken pox masa dia kecik. No fever pun. Kecoh jugak sikit bila cikgu tgk dia datang sekolah. Tapi doctor dah confirm that dah kering so tak contagious lagi. Nasib baik kena saturday and sunday......
2. Anastassia won consolation prize for a state level art competition last week.
3. Anastassia and Pu3 ponteng from an art competition today, now tengah ongoing sebab mak dia dah malas. Tapi sayang la sebab its kebangsaan level.
4. For the first time this yr the school buat Jamuan Perpisahan for the standard 6 students. Anastassia gave the opening speech and buat Bhangra and Hip Hop performance. Helena ternganga tengok dia menari esp yg hip hop tu. Entah bila dia belajar buat robotic moves and terngeliat sana sini. Foot work dia pun dasyat. Practice 2 hari aje tu. I was really impressed! Her solo act was superb! (I whispered to my friend, teringat zaman dulu2...... hehe..... she really reminded me of my school days) (and I guess I have to admit that the challenges that I have with her.... well, dia sebijik macam Helena dulu..... the challenges tu la.... hehe.... shhhhhh)
5. Just came back from the school's Anugerah Cemerlang. Both Anastassia and Pu3 dapat. Anastassia received several additional anugerahs - Anugerah Nilam Jauhari Emas, Anugerah HEM, Anugerah Murid Cemerlang Persatuan & Kelab and Penghargaan Ketua Pengawas. However, the top anugerah - Anugerah Kualiti, dia tak menang. Her chinese hip hop friend beat her to it. Dia frust jugak sikit..... but okayla......
6. Tomorrow results UPSR keluar. Dengar cerita, results keseluruhan jatuh. Maths jatuh. I'm hoping for the best for Anastassia.... The rumours is that..... opss..... besokla beritahu.....
OKla... roger and out. takda mood la nak tulis...
Episod baru..
Ahad 20.10.24
Cerita baru..
Semangat baru..
Selepas balik dari Switzerland abah tercari cari nak ke mana lepas ni..
setiap hari tengok iklan lalu lalang ...
4 months ago
1. oiitss, lamanya dia punya "holidays"
2. congratulations to both Anastassia and Pu3, for all the achievements.
3. hi,hi, kena tunggu baca besok punya entry...
Wah... dia bolot semua hadiah. Congrats to both Anastassia & Pu3 & Helena too!
Whatever the outcome maybe, nak ucapkan Tahniah pada Anastassia for being pelajar cemerlang & gemilang.
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