Anastassia came back from KYS, confessed to me in the car "Mama, the school is just superb!" I forced her to share what happened the entire 4 days of interview and she did though not all, much to my annoyance but it's good to know that she carried herself well and it was evident that she enjoyed herself tremondously. That day, I also saw a mature Anastassia. A confident child who is just waiting to conquer the world. I saw a glimpse of that during the registration day too.
Results would be out mid December, I told her. Now its the waiting game.
First it will be interesting to know whether she would get an offer. They only want 20 girls and 40 boys. If she didnt, well..... tak da rezeki, the experience was good for her, a once a lifetime experience I would say..... (bila lagi budak sekolah dapat interview intensive macam tu kan)
However, if ada rezeki, although its gonna be a bit tough..... it would be interesting to know if the offer would be with full scholarship, half scholarship or with no scholarship.
Mid December will be a month of nerves. SBP results will also be out around the same time. Would Anastassia get an offer? Susah jugak sebab she's from sekolah bandar.... or should I say from a cluster school.....
Next week I plan to drop off her MRSM application to MARA. Or to the ANSARA office to be exact since I'm a member. I was informed by the ANSARA officer that last year 60 of the 120 Ansara applications got in. However, from previous experience, to me benda ni varies..... ada one year tu, it seems 5 orang aje dapat..... And again, it would also be difficult since Mara mmg go for pelajar luar bandar kan......
So the waiting game is on. Meantime, let me hold tight to her Surat Tawaran from Convent Secondary, which is just next to her primary school........
Episod baru..
Ahad 20.10.24
Cerita baru..
Semangat baru..
Selepas balik dari Switzerland abah tercari cari nak ke mana lepas ni..
setiap hari tengok iklan lalu lalang ...
4 months ago
kalau anastassia ke KYS, selalulah mama dia ke melaka, ek? saya suka KYS for their syllabus and program to develop well-rounded student cuma...saya tak pasti halatuju selepas spm.
saya lebih kepada mrsm, sebab mara akan lebih pentingkan pelajar mereka sendiri selepas spm. mara ada banyak program dan scholarship/loan for their good students. you just have be one of them.
even other boarding schools (even my alma mater) pun bukan keutamaan bagi saya. lebih baik hantar ke sekolah bestari kat rumah. most of them will compete for limited jpa and other govt scholarships.
hi, hi, my two cents...
good luck anastassia!
insyallah, kalau ada rejki tak kemana tu....mesti berjaya.
InsyaAllah... ada peluang tu..
Meanwhile, enjoy your time together before she's off to whichever boarding school.
Good luck Anastassia. Hope you get in.Very good school!!
Yup, KYS is very impressive. Cuma halatuju after SPM la. For those yang nak JPA and Mara scholarships, it seems that private students mesti ada 9A1s instead of the 9As rule for government schools. Tak tau la betul ke tak....
Yup mara lagi elok in that sense. Tapi mrsm intake lambat la... feb..... leceh kena tukar2 sekolah, and the suspense is not making it easier pun.... hehe
Your alma mater which school ye... tak prasan la.... STAR ke?
thx for sharing your opinion.... appreciate it....
cik dinz.... yela.... harap2 ada la rezeki Anastassia tu.... she's really looking forward to asrama life..... I hope she gets it....
mamamia..... ni tengah melayan Anastassia la ni.... asyik nak pegi rumah kawan aje.... alahai.....
Just told her this morning that i need to have lonnnngggggg mother daughter chat with her..... hehe....
IF dapat masuk asrama la kan... in which i hope dia dapat..... susahla competition....
minah songeh.... i sure hope so too.... thx dear....
tapi KYS tu mahal lah.
my boss son pun cuba mintak gak sbb dia dapat 5A...
cik dinz..... your bos dah lama mintak kut... sbb borang permohonan start in aug..... sebelum upsr lagi.....
yup mahal..... starting last year kena bayar. That is why if a student is offered a place, it will be interesting to know whether the offer is with full scholarship, half scholarship or no scholarship.....
Hi...Anastassia is truly a candidate for allrounder.The scholarship part tu no issue if she excels in SPM.Even though it is a private school...without fail every year,at least 70% dapat scholarship gi oversea and balance tu local uni.The one thing that sigle out other sekolat the character building part.Inysallah,you will not regret sending her to the best boarding school in the country.
All the best....!!!
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