My 2 girls are back at college. Mia went back a day earlier due to band practice. Anastassia went back on Sunday and was eager to get back to her new found friends. Hmmm.... Anastassia is such an independent.... more than Mia I might say.......
I'm waiting for Mia to call. Tak tau the exact time to come tomorrow for the English Drama. Anastassia called but as usual it was a very2 short call. Just to let me know that she will be representing her college for Public Speaking and had to let go of her spot in Choral Speaking as both competitions will be held on the same day.
Pu3 is enjoying her Choir practice, competition will be in April but dont know at which school. Zaryff pulak happy as he had improved tremondously in his March exam after jatuh during finals exams last year. (Banyaklah upah yg dia mintak tu) Pu3 punya results okay but can be better, positioning in aliran still tak tau lagi. Masa last March exams I was busy with a lot of things, so for the first time I did not prepare Zaryff and Pu3 for their exams. I totally relied on Score A. Minimun supervision with results that put a smile on my face....... I like!
My dad was just discharged from the hospital. Its great to see him being his old self again.... well almost. There's still the decision he needs to make. I love him so much...... he worries too much that its affecting his health...... sigh.....
Its back to routine life now that school reopens. I'm still not used to having just 2 kids at home.... rasa macam I have too much time in my hands..... hehe..... (shhh dont tell hubby that).
Well, what else.... takde idea nak tulis apa.... KJ won, Rafidah lost, Muhyiddin won, my ex classmate won...... have yet to send my washing machine for repair..... gained 3 kg last week and I'm trying to lose it again...... and more......
Things that keep me energized are Heroes, Greys Anatomy, American Idol, American Greatest Dog (I know..... dont ask me why), Desperate Housewives and The Biggest Loser.... to name a few...
Episod baru..
Ahad 20.10.24
Cerita baru..
Semangat baru..
Selepas balik dari Switzerland abah tercari cari nak ke mana lepas ni..
setiap hari tengok iklan lalu lalang ...
4 months ago
adat pertandingan.. ada yg menang ada yg kalah.. lepas ni kenalah kerja kuat kalau nak kekal popular hehe
waaa... macam2 aktiviti budak2 ye... mesti sayu je lepas anak2 Kak Helana masuk sekolah semula ye....
Ayah Kak Helena baru keluar hospital ye.. Alhamdullillah.. semoga dia sihat selalu....
layan je TV tu hehhe
you have the link for Score A tu? thanks a lot.
How's your dad?
Only lately baru start tengok Biggest Loser. Interesting show.. esp the part macamana masing2 pasang strategy to stay in the game & to choose who to eliminate.
Hi!salam perkenalan
Found you tru mamamia
Suka baca your citer nih..
Macam2 activity anak2 you take part la..
WHAT? You have kids already in college?
Hmmm, always thought your kids still in school maybe standard 6? Ha ha.
You stay easy and keep well, best regards, Lee.
zino..... hehe apa ceta pulak kalau dah menang jawatan dan menang boo? Double menang tu,,,,
rizza, yela rumah sunyi sikit.....
Tapi yg bestnya Mia cuti seminggu nanti..... sbb sekolah ada function..... so dapatla mengadap dia cerita ceriti yg teman dia study....
Memang tgh layan tv ni....hehe
My dad is resting at home.... insyaAllah improving....
arina, You can go to Let me know if you're interested....
mamamia, mac ingat biggest loser 2nd season dah habis... dah la... rupanya sambung pulak season 3..... bestnya.... hehe
i like the before and after.... and how the transformation changed them as a person...
hi zarin.... thx for dropping by/
yela kat sini byk ceta anak2... hehe.... pengarang jantung i....
hi Uncle LEe....
hehe understand the confusion. FYI, some boarding schools here are called college.... and since both my girls are in such schools.... college is used to refer to their schools.
YEs they are still young.... eldest is 15 and no2 is 13....
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