I'm feeling down at the moment, so I'm just not in the mood.
I accidently poke my eye last week. and therefore had to forgo my contacts and wear my glasses instead. Burukla pulak nampaknya my specs tu. I guess i need to make a new one, esp now that I'm thinking seriously of using the specs 24/7. Takkan sampai tua pakai contacts kut.....
I'm worried of Papa. I hope he'll cheer up and not worry too much.
I'm worried about Anastassia too.... sigh..... she's a worrier like her Atok too..... and like me also, if I may admit.
Pu3 and Zaryff bergaduh is getting to my nerves..... They are getting too much, I just cant stand it. Tak berhenti2 shrieking and shouting, bila kita kasi warning pun, buat donno aje.... sigh..... Jangan tunggu Helena naik hantu sudah!
okla..... i better stop before i naik angin kat sini.... hehe
Episod baru..
Ahad 20.10.24
Cerita baru..
Semangat baru..
Selepas balik dari Switzerland abah tercari cari nak ke mana lepas ni..
setiap hari tengok iklan lalu lalang ...
4 months ago
Salam Helena,
Bersabarlah kerana kesabaran itu adalah yang terbaik. InsyAllah.
Sound macam Amiza n Arif gaduh aje.. rasa nak lagakan kepala je dua2 tu. Kak sya pun dah pakai spec 24/7 dah sebab bila pakai contact my eyes go red n itchy.
Buruk benau rasa pakai spec.. so pakai masa driving and tgk TV aje.
buat lah laser treatment.. x yah pakai contacts/specs.. kan on the way gi your Pu3's school ada satu klinik eye laser treatment yg tulis besor2 kat kedai die ; )
Hi Helena, wow, you sure having worries.
Hey cheer up, they'll be fine...
you better stay easy and relax, and regret about your eye.
Hope you better now, boleh nmpak Brad Pitt incase he walks by, ha ha.
Best regards, Lee.
kak helena..
semoga semuanya akan kembali ke asal ye..
hepi2 sokmo k...:-)
Hi helena, teringat masa zaman2 duduk dorm dulu... malam2 jer semua jadik mata belalang..... siang2 nampak comey jer....
My 10 year old and 3 year old pun dok bercakar everyday..... 5 minit sekejap kata Atok..... I just let them be.... after a while the little lady will come wailing.... sakit itu sakit ini..... apa jenis sakit pun, I'll have the handyplast gambar kartun ready..... she gets well in a jiffy!!! kesian kat abang selalu kene mengalah tu yang kekadang dia debik jugak tu adiknya.... we will miss that in a few years time....
Hi Helena
A week has passed since your last posting. I hope things are much better for you and family.
zabs.... terimakasih...... sememangnya kesabaran itula yg terbaik......
thanks atas nasihat yang diberi
kak sya..... hehe budak2 ni mmg gaduh macam anjing ngan kucing...... well, slowly putting a stop to that..... dah tak tahan Helena ngadap hari2.....
Itula rasa buruk la pakai specs..... Tapi Helan tengok orang lain pakai specs sun ajer....
anony.... laser treatments. mmmmm tak berani la coz ada dengar the nonsuccessful stories...... bab2 mata ni.... Helena ngeri sikit.....
Ye la kan.... ada satu kat on the way gi sek Pu3..... but if i were to go pun.... i would go kat kl nya kut...... but i wont...... hehe pengecut.....
uncle Lee..... yupe have been experiencing several challenges....
But I'm doing okay right now... trying to be positive at all times.
I bought nes specs already.... so can see brad pitt already..... hehe
thx for dropping by....
rose... thx rose.....
Helena ni high anxiety tau.... have to start control how i feel about things..... serious.... kalau tak mesti susah tidur, tak selera nak makan.... tapi bab tak selera tu Helena mmg alu-alukan.... hehe
hi poots...... ramai tak tau i pakai specs.... coz since 18, Helena jarang sangat pakai specs..... only at home at night aje....
Mmm.... pu3 is a bit sensitive lately..... tak boleh kena usik..... zaryff pulak suka nyakat..... itu yang in the end menjerit2 tu.....
hey u are rite, come a few years, mesti terngiang2 ingat balik all the fights and tantrums kan?
hi Tm, did not plan to write anything, just to view comments, but after reading yours, cant help but grab the chair and type away..... hehe
well.... the week is like a rollercoaster but syukur everything went well.... Dad is still weak and me and the kids are trying to cheer him up..... ni tgh tunggu call from dr so that I can send him to the hospital.
ok then .... take care dearie....
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