Sorry for the long silence. Most of my time was spent to be with my dad who is still in the hospital, uruskan whatever necessary at the house while trying to handle 2 very active kids at home and trying to be a mom via phone to my 2 teenagers.
Helena sekarang ni tengah kerinduan..... I miss Anastassia so so much.... Dia boleh balik for the weekend but I told her tak payah, since she just came back from Penang and Kuala Lipis back to back and i just want her to rest in college. Nak suruh dia slow down in koko esp since dia dah wakil college in Public Speaking and Taekwondo. And now pulak preparing for her debate. She's also off and on chosen to be the MC during school functions.... both BM or English....something which i really like her to be exposed in, besides debating. She now needs to crack her books esp since she missed so many classes already.
When I met her last Friday , she looks so cute and mature in her badan wakil pelajar attire. Nampak independent sangat dia. I'm so happy for her there as she's being exposed to a lot of things there, hilang ralat Helena that she could not be in the same school as Mia, although she was in the Pengetua's quota, although dah tau sapa should be her CS, although dah tau she'll be in Yellow house,.... its just not meant to be. Opps macam telepathy pulak.... she just called..... hehe.... but just a short one.
Have been waiting for Mia to call, bertuah budak tu sunyi sepi aje......
Zaryff attended a Kem Kepimpinan Pengawas last week, Pu3 and her team got 3rd placing for choir, lost to chinese schools as expected, but i was taken aback by how good the choir team was. Much2 better compared to previous years.... Janji ada improvement.... ok la tu....
Life is hectic and challenging at the moment. Yela, risaukan my dad la, what else.... Ingat senang ke jadi the only child..... banyak responsibilities tau..... esp at times like these............. Syukur he's improving and Nasib baik ada The Biggest Loser to calm my nerves..... hilangla tension esp since benda tu aired every day....
Ha? telepathy lagi? Mia just called. hehe.... so chiao....
Episod baru..
Ahad 20.10.24
Cerita baru..
Semangat baru..
Selepas balik dari Switzerland abah tercari cari nak ke mana lepas ni..
setiap hari tengok iklan lalu lalang ...
4 months ago
Salam Kak Helena..
semoga akak pun sihat ye..
semoga ayah akak sihat
lama tak baca celoteh akak menegnai anak2 yg sungguh bijak2 semua tu...
Take care!!
loo.. so Anastasia kat MRSM lah, ya.. OK lah, ikut jejak mama dia... la ni ada lagi ke super MRSM? Zaman my friend dulu, ada one student from boarding school yang tersohor apply mintak switch to super MRSM because parents dia aware of such excellent plan kat situ although sekolah anak diaorang tu memang top boarding school.. and the kid dapat sebab bapak dia 'somebody'..
Mia mesti busy ngan weekend activities kat college, kan TKC last Saturday ada OGA meet with the girls, so mesti Mia kena perform something, kan..
Semuga ur dad cepat sembuh..
Kak sya pun dah minat Biggest Loser skrg.
Anastassia sekolah MRSM mana? She's really active.
He Helena, regret to read your dad not feeling well.
Hope he's much better now.
I'm sure he appreciates your caring, though father's are not demonstrative as mothers.
But you can always say, He didn't tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it.
You have a nice day and keep a song in your heart.
Best regards and best wishes to your dad, Lee.
wow helena! you sure have your hands full! hope your daa's getting better. hey, in 2 weeks time budak2 tu balik la nanti...same here, I'm missing mikey too as the last labor day weekend, he was asked to wakil his school for a solar car competition. so langsung i tak jumpa dia since april :(
Hope everything is going well with your Dad.
Boarding schools sekarang boleh bawa hp ke? or they use public phone?
Anastassia is so very well exposed. Good for her...
hi rizza, alhamdullillah my dad dah keluar hospital smalam. helena pulak yang demam.... hehe.... dah 3 hari dah but today dah rasa cergas balik.... ok la....
thx for droping by rizza
Anony....hehe... pandai u, yup Anastassia kat mrsm. Super mrsm? tak taula.... nanti i cek. Rasanya dah lama tak dgr super mrsm ni.
Yup Mia mmg busy la memanjang. Dah lama tak jumpa dia. Cuti hari tu pun tak balik. Oh OGA datang ye? Tak tau la pulak, dia tak cerita lagi. Ermmmm.... you OGA ke?
Sya.... thx for the support. Risau kan kalau orang tua tak sihat..... sigh....
I mmg minat sgt biggest loser. Mostly to take my mind off things tat merisaukan i.... But then nak berexercise tu.... tak start2 lagi ...hehe
anony.... anastassia mmg too active. I have asked her to slow down. Jadi BWP (Badan Wakil Pelajar)dah take a lot of her time, wat more koko pulak. Hari tu punya exam, she didnt get straight A's.... punyala dia frust.... I told her i tak expect pn straight As sbb dia asyik miss class, miss prep..... nasib baik results dia boleh tahan... cuma tak straight As la...
Mrsm mana.... hmmm wat i can say is its quite far from home.... sob...sob.....
Uncle lee, thx for the kind words....
He was discharged yesterday and I'm happy to see tat he is his old self again. He hasnt been for months you know. Cant believe tat I was so happy to get a lecture from him for something tat he didnt agree on.... yes he is his old self again... i like! hehe
Well my dad is the type who would demonstrate his love. To me, to my mom, to his grandchildren..... too much i guess. Esp to my mom and my grandchildren, (now tat I'm married) In the hospital, its common knowledge among the doctors and nurses tat my mom cant leave my dad's sight. Even a "slightly long" trip to the bathroom, my dad made the nurses check on my mom to see whether she is ok. True love, tats what it is.
U take care uncle lee.
Mama rock.... hey yes hols are coming. But the kids balik sekejap ajela. Anastassia wold be back only a week as she has leadership camping somewhere kat air terjun. Mia pun ada classes but Mia lama sikit la kat rumah compared to Anastassia.
The house would be tunggang langgang i guess.... and I'm looking forward to it.... hehe
a solar car competition? Wow sounds very interesting..... macam F1 la sikit2 yer? yela kan.... org lain cuti, anak kita tak cuti... sedih la kan.....
mamamia.... the kids call pakai public phones.... ramai jugak kids bawak hp but i ni anti handphone sikit when it concerns the kids. hehe.... much to their annoyance.
Yes Anastassia is well exposed. Over exposed pun yer.... Less than 2 months dah kena wakil kebangsaan twice..... state level and daerah level pun ada jugak..... so i suruh dia slow down sebab she needs to study jugak kan.... too much koko is definitely not good.
Hi k helena
jst wanna ask..Mia TKC ke?
macam ye je bila u mention pasal CS tu...
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