Syukur alhamdullillah my eldest girl Mia dapat 8As in the recent PMR. I am so so happy for her..... syukur sangat-sangat....
In her school 5 orang ajer yg tak dapat straight As...... sayang betul. The school also ranked no1 in SBPs.... and had the best ever results ever produced in PMR history among SBPs.
Will write more after school starts. Now still busy menguruskan hal Mia and Anastassia nak balik asrama.....
Let me close today's posting by menjemput you all ke as we are now having our first SALE!!!
Episod baru..
Ahad 20.10.24
Cerita baru..
Semangat baru..
Selepas balik dari Switzerland abah tercari cari nak ke mana lepas ni..
setiap hari tengok iklan lalu lalang ...
4 months ago
weehooooo...tahniah tahniah tahniah...
sy tumpang gembira utk akak..
tahniah buat Mia...semoga terus kekal cemerlang .
congrate for both of u (mama and mia)...
Tahniah Kak!
i pun dengar jugak, 5 org je tk dpr 8A's
bezanya ngan zaman i dulu...i rasa 30 people je kot dpt 8A's kat tkc :)
anyway congrats to mia..
Congrats to Mia...
thx rose..... I m so so happy for her, can still remember her face expression bila dia dapat tau her results....
thx silversarina.....
begitulah hendaknya.... due to her busy schedule in koko, she sort of studied last minute for her PMR. Something she cant afford to do when preparing for her SPM....
thanks anony..... appreciate it :D
thanks rizza..... i saw how she sacrificed herself... memang kesian i tengok dia.... syukur she was rewarded with good results for all the hard work....
zarin.... syukur alhamdullillah. Their batch was the best batch, they gave the best results ever in T*C history. T*C also got the no1 ranking amongst SBP for PMR 2009.
Tapi heran kenapa the other all girls SBP school yg masuk paper n berita..... that school dapat no2.
Whatever it is.... syukur sangat2..
Hi... apa kabar.... thanks dear. Tahun ni i relax then can start worrying again in 2011.
2011 nanti, Pu3 ambik UPSR, Anastassia ambik PMR and Mia ambik SPM... HELP!!!!
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