The last 2 weeks have been really difficult for me. It was frustrating, and it was depressing. Hubby being away for almost the entire time did not make it any easier.
I'm still weak. My reflexes are slow, I cant seem to analyze issues rationally, and I'm actually in a daze most of the time. Yesterday, as I was picking up the girls from school, I got honked again. Made a turn without realizing that there's a car zooming past me. Nasib baik takde apa2. It dawned to me that I've been driving dangerously these few days, due to my slow reflexes.
Yesterday, about noon, I felt dizzy and a bit lightheaded. As I was contemplating whether I should go home, I got a call from my maid, telling me that Zaryff is not back from school. Its already 2pm, and dia selalu tiba rumah at 1:30pm. I called the van driver that was supposed to pick him up. Rupa2nya Zaryff did not get on the van. Apparently the van driver tried to contact me, but I tak perasan my hp ringing in my bag.
Dengan rasa yg nak pitam tu, I drove to his school which is 1/2 an hour away. Macam2 bermain dalam hati I, dia kena kidnapped ke.... dia naik salah van ke.... Yin's face terbayang2 jugak kat kepala I.
After parking, I ran to the school. Masa tu tengah drizzling. So tak weird sangatla kalau orang tgk I berlari2 anak. (or was it 100 metres dash) As I entered the gate, I saw Zaryff's standing just near it, looking worried and with a red nose. I sighed in relief. Cepat2 I hugged him.
"Zaryff, what happened?" I asked.
"Tadi kasut Zaryff hilang, lama Zaryff cari tak jumpa2" Zaryff tried to explain.
"Kenapa bukak kasut?"
"Masa kelas agama, Zaryff pergi surau... Zaryff lama cari kasut, pastu bila dah jumpa, tengok2 van dah pergi"
"Jumpa tak kasut tu?"
"Jumpa, mama. Kasut tu bawah beg kawan Zaryff...."
"Laaa...... Zaryff nangis ke tadi?"
"Ha'ah.... sebab tak jumpa kasut...."
"Nangis tak bila tgk van dah tak ada?"
"Tak..... sebab Zaryff tahu mama mesti datang"
It just dawned to me that I lupa nak ajar Zaryff pakai public phone.... so that he can call me should any thing like this happened.
All my kids LOVE to read. Memang bookstores and library yg entah apa2 kat my area ni is their favourite place to hang out. However, since Zaryff tak lancar sangat membaca, he is seldom frustrated with himself. (Ability Zaryff membaca at std 1 equals his sisters membaca at 5 years old. Kakak-kakaknya at 5 yrs semua dah boleh baca papers)
So it was a nice suprise to see him pick up the paper last Sunday and saw him reading. (Since masuk sekolah ni, nampak vast improvement in him) I was reading my Readers Digest and I saw him pegang Pancaindera (Mingguan Malaysia). Suddenly he said :
"Suami saya gila-kan isteri orang" and then looked at the cartoon characters in the DCCK column.
Dalam hati Helena, kenapalah, dia baca that page.... maybe sebab ada kartun kut.....
"Suami saya gilakan isteri orang" he repeated it again, this time much louder.
I buat tak tau, I pura2 tengah concerntrate baca my Readers Digest.
Then Puteri came in the room. "Zaryff baca apa tu?" she asked.
"Suami saya gilakan isteri orang" Zaryff told Puteri.
"Suami saya gilakan isteri orang?" Puteri asked and then terdiam.
"Ha'ah...... apa maknanya kakak? Zaryff asked.
Mmmmm..... this is interesting.....
"Maknanya.... ada suami tu gilakan ada isteri tu..." Puteri said confidently.
"Oh....." Zaryff said deep in thought.
"Kesiankan orang tu...... dah jadi gila....." Zaryff said.
"Ha'ah" Puteri said absent mindedly. (Puteri dah start colouring, dah lost interest in Zaryff)
"Kalau dah gila, mesti jumpa doctor kan..... kena makan ubat...." Zaryff said, slowly.
"Ha'ah" Puteri said again, her eyes still glued on her colouring paper.
Haha...... nak tergelak Helena.....
Episod baru..
Ahad 20.10.24
Cerita baru..
Semangat baru..
Selepas balik dari Switzerland abah tercari cari nak ke mana lepas ni..
setiap hari tengok iklan lalu lalang ...
4 months ago
kesian zaryff kan! direct translation..
nasib dia tak tanya u apa maksud sebenar ye? pening juga nak explain!
i've been drinking 2 bottles of 1.5 litres of water everyday and it has worked so far. somebody told me that 100 plus is also good.
of course antibiotics and piriton will work wonders!
sleep well!
kekadang layan budak2 ni kelakar walaupun sometimes boleh mencabar kesabaran. i'm not really good dengan kanak2 ni tapi sekali sekala melayan anak saudara, best gak.
cuma i thing 4 sure (buat masa ni le), i takkan bawak dorang pergi soping kompleks. boleh gila dibuatnya. pernah jadi bawak slh sorang anak saudara i, lepas tu dia boleh berguling2 atas lantai sebab nak toys. sungguh memalukan. rasa macam serik je
how's the weather kat sana actually? Kat sini has been 2-3 days consistent heat wave followed by 1-2 hrs of rain only....lepas tu panas balik...and it goes on like dat....dat must be the main reason dat Minah tire easily.
Mayb a good long break will help you ease your frustration and weariness. :)
Kak Helena tak sihat sepenuhnya lagi ye..lama ek..sian..semoga cepat sembuh..
skang mmg musim demam mengejut kot..kat ofis ni..ade 4 org MC sbb demam ari nih..padahal semalam kami duk gelak2..sembang2 cam biasa..heran ek..tiba2 demam..huhu..maybe sbb cuaca tak menentu kot..
org suke tgk kerenah anak2 buah..mcm2..ade yg hyperactive..ade yg skit2 slow..ade yg byk cakap..ade yg pemalu..hheheh..mcm2..yg byk cakap tu yg tak tahan..byk tanya..kdg2..tak terjawab pon ade..:-)
Take care sis. Musim demam ni. I myself MC Isnin n Selasa lepas.
Keletah Zaryff tu menghiburkan hatilah. Tapi dia confident, dia tau yg ibu dia akan pick him up kalau terlepas van. :)
kesian zharif tertinggal bus. Nasib baik dia tak apa2.
Memang bahaya tu bawak kereta bila tak sihat..take care
bijak bijak hehe
"ayah budak tu sukakan mak budak ni.." kan senang nak explain tuh..
Eh silap.."Bapak kiter sukakan mak budak tu.." ha baru betul punya explaination
dah sihat ker nie??
pB pening kalau anak anak dara tu start tanya benda yang pelik pelik nie...
apa itu rogol?
dlm perut ada baby??
cam ner baby tu masuk dlm perut??
layan setakat yang mampu ..
dah ajar ker zharif guna public phone??
helena how are you feeling now?better go medical if you are having prolong giddiness tu.
Zaraff make a wrong start reading the paper lah...haha....ask him to start from business and share market!!....hehe
Kesian dia tertinggal van, mesti panik jugaklah tu tapi macho pulak ye... cool aje
tergelak gelak baca karenah zaryff tuh...
Helena dear, take good care of urself ya, hope you will be back to ur normal self soon.
Zaryff is so brave and can be funny too :) reading yr childrens' antics. children say the darndest thing i must say.
take care of yr health ok. very the important one. badan nak pakai lama tuh...he he he
mummy rizq : Hi there! I had to stop myself from giggling upon looking at his face expression. Air muka confuse and trying very hard to understand the sentence..... hehe
Intan : I've been drinking lots of water, kesat sangat my throat kalau tak minum. Another one more day of antibiotics!
Thanks for caring.
Hope you are feeling much2 better too Intan!
darling : nak tau tak, after having 3 girls, I really thought that kids yg guling2 kat lantai kat shopping complex mmgla spoilt brat. (sbb I had never had problems mcm ni) UNTIL.... I g ot a baby BOY..... and... my one and only son did it at Parkson! Hah... terkena batang idung sendiri....
minah celoteh : eh! the wheather kat sini pun macamtu. Yes!! I need a LONGGGGGGG break.... hehe
Just hope that all my energy comes back before the school hols.
rose : ha'ah teruk pulak kena kali ni... but although I'm still feeling weak, I'm getting better everyday. Slowly but surely.... hopefully la hehe.....
kids can really be funny eh? Tunggula when you have kids on your own. Best tau..... (if you ignore when they wail at night for milk and when they start throwing tantrums and etc.... etc.... hehe... just joking)
Wan : you pun tak sihat ke? Hope u r feeling better right now.
Zaryff mmg confident... I guess because I'm always there checking his every movement. Have to do less of that, to make him independent, though.
maklang : Itula asyik kena hon aje... Mula2 tak perasan, tapi bila sikit lagi nak accident hari tu.... baru tersedar.
zino : hmmm.... kids nowadays...
djin sakti : HELLO!!!! apa hal pulak bapak KITER suka mak budak tu????? Ish..Ish..... tersedak Helena tau....
pb : hehe... Helena dah start ajar dah... sebab soalan2 tu dah lama keluar. Berpeluh jugak nak menjawabnya....
Belum lagi ajar pakai public phone.... tunggu Helena sihat betul2 la... sekarang ni, otak jemla...hehe
kak elle : blood test semua okay. Blood pressure tinggi. Cholesterol borderline... I'm feeling much better, giddiness pun not that bad lagi, although its still there.
haha.... yela kena ajar dia bukak business section....
ahni : yup... macho... with a red nose lagi tu.... hehe.... tapi cute pulak Helena tengok.... hehe... ieei.... geramnya...
13 may : eh... esok 13 may tau... any special plans?
nj : dialah penghibur kat rumah ni... in fact sekarang ni dia tgh berdiri next to me, doing his Indian dance sebab nak tahan kencing.... hehe...
kc : mmm.... yup, kena overhaul ni kut.... hehe... kids can be funny, right? Kadang2 nak tergelak pun ada.... nak marah pun ada....
Hi helena,
Heyy..hope you are feeling better.
Ha ha! Kids are wonderful aren't they? Sometimes I wish the adults are as pure as kids again. Sometimes it gets tiresome to put up with so many people'e antics. The cute antics tu ok. But the hantu antics...mak dato Helena..malas nya I nak tango these days. Ha ha...getting on perhaps!
I am in some associations as I love social work. But bila memandangkan some people hanya nak warm seats and not deliver, haru rasa nya. But I soldier on lah, and just do my bit.
Take care.
Happy Mother's Day Helena! :)
Ruby : Hey, you're back!! I'm sure your trip was fabulous!
Yup, kids can be so funny with their innocent views on things. Well, I can feel your passion when you talk about the social work and stuff, and I do understand the frustration since most (though not all) have hidden agendas when getting involved in such events. I quite dislike the politics of it all.
I'm feeling much better, thx dear.
Wan : Thanks. Hehe.... This is the first Mothers Day that I did totally NOTHING at home..... hehe... sebab tak sihat, bukannya sebab kena pamper bec of Mothers Day.... hehe
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