I've had a bad week at the office since last week. In fact I'm still fuming mad.
So, since taknak my blood pressure naik, I want to think only nice stuffs that made me smile.
1. On 16 May, went to school for lunch with the teachers sempena Hari Guru. Was approached by Puteri's English Teacher who told me that Puteri was the only girl in std 2 who got full marks in the English exam. She was beaming ear to ear and also told Puteri's class teacher who walked to our table.
(It looks like Puteri dah ikut jejak Mia and Anastassia, being able to beat the non-malays esp Indians who are obviously more proficient in the language) When Mia first started to achieve this, her English teacher who is an Indian teacher said that this is the 1st time a malay girl scored highest in English, in which Mia did this continuously. A huge accomplishment in a school with only 40% malay students. Syukur Alhamdullillah.
2. I picked Zaryff up from school on Thursday. Bila masuk aje kereta, he handed his Maths exam paper. He got 100 for Maths again! Mmmm the car hasnt moved, tapi dah demand hadiah... hehe. He got 95 for BM, sayang sangat sebab careless semuanya. Tapi takpala. Janji Maths 100... hehe
3. Mia called from college. (Dia mimpi ke apa tu?) She sounded so happy over the phone, which Helena rasa lega sangat-sangat because the last time I saw and talked to her, she was in tears, risaukan exams dia. (Her exams will only be over this Wednesday)
She told me that she followed my advice. And I was very pleased to see semangat berkobar2 tu ada lagi. Risau bila tgk dia macam hilang semangat last week. To me its the effort yang important.
4. Had a great family outing on Sunday. Went to see Spiderman 3 and lepak kat shopping complex makan2 (burp!) until petang. It put a smile on my face to see Zaryff and Puteri getting excited over nothing the whole day. The effect of spiderman on kids! Hehe.
5. Anastassia has been showing me signs that tells me that she wont be little girl much longer. I hope it'll be next year, though..... Dia tak cukup mature lagi tu.... hehe
Episod baru..
Ahad 20.10.24
Cerita baru..
Semangat baru..
Selepas balik dari Switzerland abah tercari cari nak ke mana lepas ni..
setiap hari tengok iklan lalu lalang ...
4 months ago
hehe..zaryff..zaryff..tiap kali kak helena cite pasal gelagat zaryff..mesti sy tergelak..mintak hadiah macam2 ke? spiderman 3 ok tak kak?? org tak tgk lagi..takde masa free lagi...tapi..if ada masa terluang..rasanya akan spent masa utk shrek the 3rd..heheheh..:-D
** turut rasa bangga utk anak2 akak sbb dapat kalahkan non-malay students...:-)
itula rose, ingatkan Helena janji nak kasi hadiah bila dapat nombor kedudukan dalam kelas. Entah macam mana, dah kena manupulate dgn dia, tak pasal2 kena beli hadiah untuk dia dpt 100 dan utk Puteri for her English. Pokai la cam ni..... hehe.
(mula2 dia mintak hadiah kereta harga RM70. I said no, pastu dia ternampak kete Ferrari yg dijual kat shell tu.... terus dia jatuh cinta dgn Ferrari tu.... hehe... harga RM7.99 je....)
Pada Helena Spiderman 3 is better than Spiderman 2, Best la jugak. Although Helena takla melopong macam si zaryff tu kan. haha. Cuti ni pun plan nak tgk shrek jugak. Budak2 dah hint2.
alhamdulillah... seronok kan bila dengar anak-anak berjaya macam tu..
saya kan, terima aje result diorang. nak push sgt hb tak berapa suka, so let the kids enjoy themselves jek.
a great accomplishment knowing fully well how many malay students do not excel in this language - oral & written.
camana nak buat dorang terer cakap & tulis english ek?
wan, hubby pun tak suka Helena push. Kadang2 gaduh gak dgn hubby dalam bab begini.
mmm.... Anastassia baru call. Dia kata dia dapat lowest in class for Maths. Frust and ralat betul Helena dengar. Maths sebenarnya is the only subject yg boleh score 100.
Helena tak marah kalau anak2 bersungguh2 belajar tapi markah tak elok. Tapi dalam hal ni, like I said before, I DID NOT see her preparing for the exam.
mmg seronok dpt tau anak2 dpt markah tinggi dlm setiap exam paper.
betul la sis, jawapan depa yg salah tu, bukan sebab tak tau jawapan..tp sebab cuai...samalah ngan anak2 saya. tu yg duk pulun pesan kat depa, baca dulu soalan betul2, pas tu, dah abih jawab semua soalan, recheck jwapan yg dah diberikan.
KC, Helena mmg exposekan English to the kids from day one. (tapi tak boleh pinggirkan BM, nanti mereka problem dgn BM pulak)We dont speak 100% English to them, tapi since my parents pun speak English, I guess banyak jugakla English flying around in the house.
Then Helena masukkan mereka belajar Smart Reader English sampai habis Level 10. (Now Puteri is in Level 7, kawan sekelas dia budak Form 1 selalu mintak tolong kat dia)
Instill the habit of reading, so mereka mmg LOVE reading English books. And make them have a lot of non-malay friends. So they will be able to speak the language with their friends jugak.
Helena buat trial and error aje. So far okla kut.
Mmm... to tell you the truth, sekarang ni I had to stop buying English story books. Nak suruh mereka lebih baca buku cerita BM and Utusan/Berita Harian. Tapi susah betul!
congratulations! nothing can compare a happy parent except seeing their children's happy faces at getting good grades!
Glad u r smiling with the children's report and all.
Hi Helena,
Congrats! Wow! Your children did so well. You must be the motivating force. keep it up. Wonderful kan that feeling. I tau that euphoric feeling. Keep it up.
There Helene...told you that day...anak2 you takkan mengecewakan mama dia...Insyaallah....
Anyway...congratulations to all the good marks they got for their exams...
wow! buleh jadik mathemagician...!!
Intan : itula yg mahalnya tu. Yang tak sanggup ialah bila tengok anak menangis sbb keputusan tak elok, itula, mamanya suruh belajar, taknak ikut.
kak elle : sekejap aje senyumnya hehe.... tapi hari ni senyum lagi. More good results from Puteri and Zaryff. Tapi still tension dgn result2 Anastassia yg belum dapat. sigh....
Ruby : mmm.... my mom and dad does a lot in motivating my kids. But then, they critisize them a lot too, but when I see that happens, thats when I step in.
kak lady : am really suprised with Zaryff's results. He got another 100. This time in English.
My mom helped a lot. She cancelled her agama classes. Mmg tak terbalas jasa.
13 may : magician? hehe... baru smalam zaryff cuba buat magic act untuk I. sebenarnya tak jadi, tapi I buat2 tak prasan.... hehe
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