I have been allergic to prawns since I was 18 years old, and allergic to dust after I delivered Mia. However most of the attacks mostly caused me to have itchiness, sometimes, fever, sometimes flu. Only one occassion that it became so bad, masa tu kat KLCC that i kena masuk oxygen. At that time I was 5 months pregnant with Zaryff.
I always tell my friends, kalau I pergi rumah they all, and I started to sneeze nonstop, maknanya rumah they all berabuk la tu.... hehe
In November last year, we went back to MIL's house tidur overnight. Our room kat rumah MIL memang strictly our roomla, maknanya, no one will stay there if kita orang tak balik. I guess since everyone was busy with the kenduri we were having there, MIL and myself pun tak vacuum the room. The next morning, I woke up with very bad flu and nonstop sneezing, the same goes to Mia (who is also allergic to dust) and Anastassia selsema sikit2. However, the kids selsema sekejap aje, but in my case, without realizing it, I kena allergic attack yang amat teruk.
I had fever the next day and the rashes came. Then eczema, then gegata covering my entire thigh area. And I started scratching until it bled. And yes, I'm still having it now. Dah 5 months. I've had antibiotics, I've had numerous injections, and yes it disappeared, well a bit before it came back again, this time at other areas.
OK, malas nak ceta pasal allergy ni, let me update about the kids.
Anastassia and her team won the Choral Speaking State Level. They will now compete in the Kebangsaan Level which will be held in Trengganu. Hmmm.... I hope it doesnt clash with her UPSR trials.
Mia's school will compete in the Choral Speaking State Level anytime soon. Just found out that one of the school competing will be her "to be school", if dia tak masuk boarding school. And the girls representing choral speaking for that school will be her old choral speaking friends, the same girls she travelled to Kelantan and Perak for the Sekolah Rendah Choral Speaking National Level. Hmmm... tough fight la nanti.
Mia came back for the weekend last week. I remembered jotting down that she has improved attitude-wise in her studies few weeks ago. Ada semangat nak belajar compared to last year. Well, her change was a nice suprise. However, I was caught off guard with the 'new" Mia last Friday. She started to crack her books the minute she reached home. And she barely stopped.
"Banyak sangatke homework?" I asked her.
"Tinggal sikit ni, dah nak habis" Mia said.
Helena just tengok aje perkembangan terbaru ni. She didnt even glance at her laptop! Selalunya she would check her Friendster dulu. The next day I asked her again.
"Tak habis lagi ke homework Mia? Kata semalam sikit aje" I busybody tanya.
"Dah habis dah. Semalam lagi dah habis" Mia said.
"Habis, buat apa lagi tu?" I asked, memang Helena curious.
"Mama, I'm doing my notes. Ni baru chapter 3 tau, I have another 4 chapters tau. Form 1 punya syllabus belum buat revision lagi. Lepas ni nak baca Sejarah pulak, lepas tu Kemahiran Hidup, Science lagi. Geog? Maths latih tubi? Melambak2 chapters nak cover tau. Next year dah PMR, next month mid-term, mama ingat Mia sempat ke nak cover semua? Time cuti ni la Mia nak cuba cover ni" Mia explained in one breathe.
Wow, this is the first time I see her attack her books macam ni. Tapi naik rimas pulak. Ajak tengok TV pun dia decline..... However, Helena harap semangatnya yang berkobar2 itu akan stay sampai bila-bila. (Tapi sebelum balik tu, dia tetap berfriendster dgn kawan2.... hehe) Dan Helena harap, Anastassia dapat tempias semangat kakaknya to prepare for her UPSR. Which is 4 months away.............. Argh..............
Episod baru..
Ahad 20.10.24
Cerita baru..
Semangat baru..
Selepas balik dari Switzerland abah tercari cari nak ke mana lepas ni..
setiap hari tengok iklan lalu lalang ...
4 months ago
quite bad jugak your allergy tu, mine pun sama tapi setakat gatal2 hidung BUT LATELY the itchiness tu mula naik ke pipi! Takutnya! Tapi habuk memang sensitif but then rumah tu nak kata spanking clean without habuk pun payah gak. :)
Wah, rajinnya Mia! insya-Allah all usaha berbaloi.
my sister ambik upsr last year -sampai kena pi urut belakang tengkuk dia! Alhamdulillah berbaloi lah dapat 5A. Mak I kata study macam orang belajar kat uni.
Mama Mia kena spare hadiah siap2 la tu.. ;-)
Salam Halena,
Saya pun "alergy" dengan habuk ni. Akan dapat selsema kalau "expose" dengan habuk especially bila buat "spring cleaning".
Tentang eczema ni lama juga dah tak di serang semula. Pernah berjumpa satu doktor di Wangsa Maju, yang saya dapati, agak sesuai ubat dan injeksyen yang diberi untuk rawatan eczema saya.
Anak2 sekarang ini dah tahu buat perancangan sendiri nampaknya.. Tak perlu nak peringatkan lagi. Tetapi sebagai ibu bapa kita masih rasa itu tanggugjawab kita....kan.
wuih teruk tu allergy!
anyway, rasa nak pengsan baca about mia's workload. dahsat!
keep up the good work sis! your kids are great!!
OO, yes makin teruk. Ni dah demam pulak ni. And the rashes are became bad..... arghhhh.
Sometime must have happened kat college yg buat Mia jadi macamtu. Kut ada motivation talk ke, kut ada seniors yg beri semangat ke. Tapi syukur alhamdullillah la. Hopefully it shows in her mid exam.
Seriously speaking, I am worried with Anastassia's preparation for UPSR.
Siapkan hadiah? hehe.... dah besar, dah kurangla nak umpan dgn hadiah. Tapi ofcourse i would give if she wants something (and deserves it) I know its gonna be the trip to Kunikuniya at KLCC.
Helena first time kena eczema ni. So rasa rimas dan miang sangat badan ni.
I seldom do any spring cleaning at home. Boleh demam nanti. Dear hubby helps out .... hehe ..... bila lagi boleh tolong kan....
Yes, syukur Mia sekarang blajar on her own. I guess being surrounded by bookworms in school makes her realize her priorities in life. Memang Helena syukur sangat2. Just for me to keep on api2kan semangat nak memperbaikikan diri yg ada padanya.
Cabaran Helena seterusnya adalah utk adik2nya yang lain....
anamiraa.... yes, cabaran allergy tahun ni mmg hebat. Ni pun tengah dok garu sana garu sini.... sigh....
What Mia was referring to bukannya homework. Cuma her own revision. She like to do her own notes masa revision.... Notes tu macam her lifeline masa exams.... hehe. Helena jugak yang kopak sebab she wants stabilo color pens to do her notes..... hehe
oh no!! another one with a severe case of allergies!! I know a couple of friends who are like you and guess what?? I too have developed some allergy which comes as the season changes from cold to warmer?!! Adoi... tadi menggatal singgah dengar apa tabib cina sorang tu cakap, and he said, "as we glow olter, ower boty reacts like dis..". In other words, allergy comes with age too? Uwaaa!! Allergic to good weather?! Camane ni??
Hope you get better...
Oh dear! Hope all the rash/itchiness has gone by now. Memang tak senang duduk if naik gatal-gatal ni. My daughter Hasya seems to have similar allergies - selalu dapat what they call "Sopak garam"? But, calamine lotion seems to always do the trick, alhamdulillah.
Waduh! I had palpitations reading Mia's schedule tu! Hope she'll find time to sit back and relax every now and then.
Take care - get well soon, dear.
Hello Helena, regret to read you ada udang allergy. Alamak, kesian.
I can understand re allergies.
you know, till we came to Canada, I never knew nor heard of people allergic to kachang.
Here schools etc have to put up notices if there's peanuts in food sold.
As well when we invite anyone home for dinner my wife will first check out anyone ada kachang allergy.
Baik pun saya tada allergy to perumpuan, arhaa ha ha.
You stay easy, Helena and keep well, best regards Lee.
Senang datang.
hi there D, yesterday was quite ok, so bersyukurla sangat. Then this morning it came back and dari pagi sampai sekarang, i dok mengaru2..... argh it comes with old age? Alamak?
OO season change make u feel itchy too? mmm... kena lari holiady tempat lain la during that time... hehe.... balik sini ke...
Wan shana.... no la.. teruk la today. I'm thinking of going to the specialist afterwards. I hope I have time....
Sopak garam? wats that. tak pernah dengarla pulak. BUt as long as you know wat can cure Hasya, should be okay la.
Mia should be okay la. I know that now she's busy with her Choral Speaking. TOmorrow ada performance, next week is the competition. After that ada International Week or something, and dia sibuk suruh i cari wedding gown for rent, for their western wedding show ke apa ntah.... Itula dia nak selitkan as much as possible her studying kut, coz she knows she'll be bz at college.
hi there Uncle lee..... haha... Allergy sama perempuan... exactly what my dad said some time ago.... haha....
yup this allergy has been a nuisance lately. Esp when it comes with fever.... but lets look at the bright side.... a lot of MCs getting my way..... haha.... BAD helena....
Sorry about the allergy.I am allergy to dust and cats.And nowadays Morning till around 12 I will sneeze and sneeze....really nuisance.Children are all allergy to dust too if bad they get asthma attack.2nd and 4th masa baby ada bad enzema.Ni semua related kan.
Hope you get well too.
Neeza pun ada sinus jugak tapi alhamdulillah, tak severe. Cuma baru2 datan S@udi ni, tak tahan, selalu aje flu and cough.. sini banyak pasir halus terbang.. orang kata everyone has sinus cuma some people severe than the others.. tak tahu lah ada ubat ke tak...
hi suria.... mmm samala penyakit kita kan. I used to sneeze and have running nose in the mornings. Then the dr prescibed zyrtec to me, and its really a huge relieve!
Arghh... this is my first experience with eczema... letih nak layan la... your babies have eczema? Oh dear, hope tak teruk sangat.
hi there neeza, thx for dropping by. Kat Saudi the air lagi dry and dusty kan? But I guess, kalau takde masalah sinus should be no prob.... ni yang ada masalah yg susahnya...
do take something (i take zyrtec) for sinus.. It really helps.
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