Life has been a bit challenging for me lately.
I am not really into sharing anything that is in the negative here, only happy moments and memorable occasions. However, just to share that there are some issues that Anastassia and I have to work out. I just dont know what to do, sometime I feel like I'm failing her. A family friend, who is also Anastassia's tuition teacher suggested that I bring her to see our family GP. Mmm.... yela kan, should have done that. Maybe ada kaitan with her journey into adulthood.
Few days ago, Pu3's teacher announced that Pu3 got no 1 in class and in aliran. (I got the info much earlier, tapi cikgu baru announce) Dulu Pu3 belum streaming, so dulu tak perasan sangat siapa best student. However since they started streaming tahun ni, nampak betul competition between the girls. Pu3 said 2 of her closest rival cried after hearing the results. (Thank you cikgu, sebab belanja Pu3 for her good results!)
La.... budak2 sekarang ni, benda macam tu pun get upset. They are still in the top 5, so should be okay la kan. Tapi sebenarnya Helena rasalah kan, some of these kids will get a bashing from their parents if tak dapat the desired results. Pada Helena, although I motivate my kids to get the top spot, kalau tak dapat tu, takdela nak marah sangat. Cuma kasi nasihat if ada yg careless. Infact kalau takde careless apa2, I would just say tak ada rezeki....
Semalam, borak2 dengan Pu3,
"Mama, bila Pu3 boleh pakai baju kakak Mia yang kebaya tu?" Pu3 asked.
"Mama rasa end of the year, la..... sekarang belum boleh lagi. Baju tu cantik kan? Kakak Mia pun pakai sekali je" I said.
"Tapikan Mama, Kakak Mia pakai masa std 3, Pu3 kan sekarang std 3, so Pu3 boleh pakai sekarang la" Pu3 explained.
"Kakak Mia dulu gemuk.... awak kurus" selamba I said.
" Eh eh..... Mama.... Tak baik cakap anak Mama macam tu tau????" Pu3 looked at me in shocked with her big specky eyes.
Alamak.... terkantoi Helena.
"Errr.... tak la, dulu2kan Kakak Mia badan dia berisi, sekarang tak lagi" I said terkedu kena tegur anak sendiri.
"Yela Mama, tapi still tak elok cakap macam tu pasal anak sendiri tau" Pu3 lectured me.
"Yela kan. Mama tak perasan tadi" I answer, cepat2 nak tukar topic...... hehe
Its obvious to everyone who know us, siapa yang rupa Helena, semuanya cekiding and kurus. (like me, once upon a time, hehe) and siapa yang rupa hubby, will be the ones with the flesh. Mia was born the lightest, but she was a chubby toddler and is the montel child sampai dia in kindy.
In std 1, she lost 10 kg in 6 months and she maintained her weight sampai sekarang. Infact, whenever she's at home, she will wear her size 14 tshirts which she used to wear when she was 6years old! Can you imagine? Hehe.....
Note to Mia : I hope you tak stumble upon this entry..... hehe.....
Episod baru..
Ahad 20.10.24
Cerita baru..
Semangat baru..
Selepas balik dari Switzerland abah tercari cari nak ke mana lepas ni..
setiap hari tengok iklan lalu lalang ...
4 months ago
budak2 sekarang memang lebih bijak utk berhujah dan berbincang.. so kena lebih berhati2 hehe...
I know what you mean...
Sometimes I pun terlepas cakap words yang tak bagus to kids ears in front of them, especially bila tengah tension. Have to be more careful when we're around them.
Mmg tak senang jadi sorang IBU.. itu ler pasal syurga tuh terletak bawah tapak kaki ibu kan?
Hi zino, itula pasal. Pu3 especially, is the type yang vey observant and particular. Infact, our nick name for her is Miss Particular..... hehe
wan shana, yela kadang2 bila penat tu, malas nak construct the words in the proper manner.... haha.
nbk..... hehe..... betul, susah nak jadi seorang ibu yang baik.... Especially if nak melayan kerenah anak2 yang lain personality dia....
Tak termasuk lagi bab kerja2 rumah yang dok melambak dan tak habis2 tu...
*sigh* Ironing melambak tak buat lagi.................. uwahhh.....
Tahniah kepada Puteri.
Yes, nowadays parents jadikan anak macam robot.kesian diorang. still okie dapat 7As dalam SPM, kan bagus lagi.
Tak faham saya, Kak helena. as long they are really enjoying themselves.
Helena, waaah...refreshing template! Cooling..and the pix at the header tu...hmmm....serene nya!!
Aaaah...who should know better about motherhood, huh?? Don't worry Helena, I too sometimes feel like I'm failing my's tough tough world nowadays!! But we all mothers have one another for comfort, right? Have a great week, ya?!!
hi akuni, thanks for dropping by. thx for the wish dear *smile*
jimi, betul tu. i dont believe in pressuring the kids to study. But more to instill in them the joy of studying. And masa exam kena prepare. Tu je.
Jimi, okay ke 7As in SPM? Jauh lagi tu utk anak Helena. now Helena dok analyse PMR utk Mia. I expect that she gets 8As la. OK kan?
thx mrs hart! Tiba2 bila tgk Suria's new template, rasa motivated pulak nak change mine. You like that picture? Mmm, thats what i do here, always searching for a cool secluded spot to write my journals. Tapi I'm not a blondie tau........ haha.
Good news is that Anastassia's blood test came out negative. So i guess its just fatigue and period pain punya hal kut..... I'm still monitoring her though.
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