I was a bit worried as Pu3 is kind of skinny and has a small bone structure. Mia has always been sturdy and has a tough built. So masa Mia dulu takla risau sangat padahal she started much earlier. Anastassia memang Helena tak kasi although dia nak..... first, due to her built which is like Pu3, secondly I know her interest pun bukannya kat taekwondo sangat pun.... so baik tak payah......

Pu3 during the fight in the Finals. She's on the left, wearing the white headgear.
Pu3 had 2 matches. The first one was stopped halfway through as it was a one-sided match. Her opponent was hit at the head several times by Pu3. Budak tu pendek..... so senangla for Pu3 nak kick her head. The Finals was a great match to watch, dua2 same height..... with Pu3's friends cheering up for her. Pu3 won the match with quite a big margin.
It was a sweet moment to see Pu3 won the Finals. However what made me amused was the way Pu3 fought. She showed a different side of her the minute she stepped into the court. She really showed determination and she was agressive. She kicked her opponent nonstop, left and right sampai her opponent asyik kena undur.... and sikit lagi nak terkeluar court. This happened several times. Although I can see that she was tired during halftime, tapi dia force herself to finish the match with her nonstop kicking.
Bila pikir2.... now i realize that this is Pu3's personality. In her own quite way, she is very determined when doing something.... she does the same in her studies.... if tak faham apa2 topic, memang nampak dia akan geram dgn diri dia..... and akan make sure dia faham.... If Helena nak tolong ajar, dia kasi Helena ajar sikit ajer, she said she needs to figure it out on her own..... and selalu time ni.... mmg nampak dia agressive......

One mom approached me. Her 2 sons and daughter memang terror..... they compete sampai international level. Kakak ni kata, Anastassia has talent, Anastassia reminded her of her daughter masa mula2 masuk dulu..... Garang in the court. Her daughter (now 15) who just came back from a competition in Korea last month..... KO-ed her opponent in the Finals last Saturday. Dia suruh I beli protective gear for Pu3, and for Pu3 to actively compete in future..... (Mia punya protective gear is a bit too big)
Mmm..... nampaknya Helena kena get involved in Taekwondo lagi ni..... teringat lagi zaman Mia.... 3 times a week training...... jauh pulak training centre tu.......
Nampaknya now its Pu3's turn..... and she's really looking forward to it......