The holidays flew by..... could not understand how the days could just pass by at the blink of an eye like that.
Mia spent the holidays with her books. I failed to get Anastassia do her preparation for UPSR. Malas la nak comment, although Mia complained to me several times a day pasal adik dia yang still in dreamworld. I heared her giving a sisterly advice and and siap lecture kat Anastassia, then told me that her adik buat derk aje....
Puteri and Zaryff main sakan, board games, monopoly, PSP and watch videos. So basically cuti kali ni memang tak buat apa2.... except for shopping at Kunikuniya and the girls raided the GIRLS shop kat KLCC. Last week, we went to see Narnia..... it was very good movie.... Helena yang tak sedar diri ni went gaga over Prince Peter.... HAHA..... ada iras-iras boyish face Prince William tu yang tak tahan tu..... hehe.
The kids receive their mid term results. Puteri cried although I puas pujuk dia and said that not getting no1 tu is not the end of the world. I guess dia sedih considering that for the 1st time in her life dia tak dapat no1 in class.
Helena dah standby nak lecture Zaryff..... mmg menunggu ajer sebab he really played around and tak serius masa nak prepare exam..... But.... suprise suprise..... he got no4 (selama ni the best dia dapat pun no5.....) Heran jugak sebab dulu dapat semua 90 over..... numbering taklah macamni. Tapi exam midterm ni ada 2 subject dapat 80plus..... boleh pulak no4. I guess the paper is difficult this time round kut.....
Anastassia.... mmmm.... oklah her midterm marks..... but her maths yang buat i sakit jantung.... sigh... kena ngadap dia la pulak. But for her Percubaan UPSR which is right after midterm...... quite good.... 1st time dapat 94 for science... itupun dia tertinggal satu soalan... Maths dia pun better at 90.
Oh Ya.... Anastassia won the State Level Hari Guru Essay Competition..... kena gi ambik prizes kat hotel (siap dinner tu) next week. I guess either MB or Pengarah Pelajaran yg kasi hadiah kut.....
I still remember when she wanted to enter dulu, Helena macam angin sikit la..... Yela, dahla dia busy with competitions back to back...... class banyak kena tinggal, ada hati nak write essay... Especially bila pikir Mia who can REALLY write pun tak ambik pot nak enter masa sek rendah dulu (although I and her English teacher suruh sebab she writes beautifully) padahal she has all the time in the world compared to Anastassia....
Mmm.... nasib baik my nak "naik angin" tu i simpan dalam hati ajer.... hehe
Episod baru..
Ahad 20.10.24
Cerita baru..
Semangat baru..
Selepas balik dari Switzerland abah tercari cari nak ke mana lepas ni..
setiap hari tengok iklan lalu lalang ...
4 months ago
We went to see Narnia, too, and my daughters and I had quite a hot debate as to who's more good-looking : Peter OR Edmond? Their Mommy berkobar-kobar and tak nak kalah cakap Peter lagi handsome! Macam budak-budak! Hahaha!
Don't worry too much about Anastassia - she'll be alright on the day, insya Allah :)
My kids are slowly getting their mid-year exam results this week. Penantian itu satu seksaan... And we'll only know their position in class on Thursday and Friday next week during their Open Day.
Alahai, lamanya...
Helena!! So jadi jugak tengok Narnia?!!! haaa....memang best kan? Nak ketawa, these kids sama je lah....rebut2 nak kata siapa lagi handsome, pas tu my two girls rebut2 siapa Susan, siapa Lucy!
okielah tu kak helena, dpat 90 above is excellent.
still,kena tengok tengok, jangan bagi diorang cepat puas hati.
Dear Helena
GIRLS shop... sounds so familiar... my AF1 wanted a GIRLS pencil 'case' for her birthday her one at 1 Utama
My AF1 lagi banyak baca buku cerita rather than her UPSR books..
Masing2 dgn thier own strengh & weakness..
Hello Helena, you know, my Bahasa is jurassic 1950's before Merdeka, my Malay Chegu, a matured man had one front tooth missing and I can't remember his name now, but my friends and I nicknamed him, 'Chegu Batu Caves', ha ha. That I remember.
Anyway, what I'm digressing is reading yours, and other lovely ladies blogs with mix Malay English, I am picking it up again, bits and pieces.
A lady blogger taught me to use,'lintang pukang' instead of 'kelang kabote' which I normally use. As well a few more expressions.
But today, from your this lively posting, your, "buat sakit jantung", ha really in an instant brought me back to the 50's and 60's. A Malay lady teacher mad at our class work, ha ha.
And another expression I have not heard or read long time is, "sakit dara' or something like that...correct me if wrong, that means, 'makes my blood boil'? Ha ha.
I always enjoy popping into blogs like yours as not only enjoy read your postings, I pick back expressions I have forgotten...and you can bet, one of these days you'll see this expression of yours in one of my blog cheritas."Buat sakit jantung"!
Terima kaseh seribu, Helena, have a nice weekend, Lee.
bagus anak2 helena, cerdik2 belaka!
wan shana..... hehe peter tu ada boyish look .... definistely MY taste ..... Haha.... Edmund tu lebih pada rugged looks kut....
Open Day will be this week for the kids..... somehow I'm not looking forward to it..... sigh.....
ms hart, a blogger did suggested Narnia dulu, was it you? Lupa la... hehe.... i guess the good reviews that I read from your blog made me chose Narnia over Indiana Jones..... hehe. Thx dear.
Lucy nampak dah grown up kan.... Susan looks the same though....
Jimi.... for now 90 is okay la.... but target Helena higher. (boleh tak? hehe)So mmg tak bagi dia puas hati... tapi at least semangat dia naik lebih la sebab dapat markah begitu...
In the real UPSR, ramai yang dapat markah 100% ... betul tak Cikgu Jimi....
afsi..... my girls kalau nak claim hadiah, be it birthday present ker, hadiah exam ker.... kalau tak story books, it will be GIRLS thingys.
Tapi last holiday, their grandparents yang ajak they all raid the shop (Phew.... hehe) so selalunya grandparents tak specify price range yang boleh dibeli... unlike the mother.... hehe. So enjoy sakan la they all beli....
My Anastassia pun lebih pada TV ajer ni.... revision takdak.... nak harap tuition and homework ajerla... Nasib baik homework dia melambak....
nbk.... yup.... masing2 with their own kerenah.... hehe
Uncle Lee.... u are really funny la... haha
Yeah, one of my bad traits.... i speak rojak and i write rojak.... using both Malay and English.... Thank God my French (which I learnt in my primary days in US) and my Arabic and Japanese (learnt during MRSM days) are gone cases.... HAHA. If not it will really be a full blown rojak....
Thank God for the Mat Sallehs around me, obviously I cant speak rojak with them right? hehe....
sakit dara? hehe no la Uncle Lee.... its naik darah, which means will make your blood boil due to anger...
kelam kabut, lintang pukang, sakit jantung.... hehe... You had just described me on a bad Monday morning..... haha
Do come again Uncel Lee, you really bring zest in the comments that you make....
mak lang.... biasa aje maklang.... tapi mmg helena suka cabar they all agar target mereka mesti tinggi....
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