So photos lagi la yer.....
Anastassia during her Khatam Quran last December..... Syukur Alhamdullillah...... Unlike Mia, in which we all siap buat majlis macam orang nak bertunang, Anastassia wanted to do it at rumah Ustazah, amongst her mengaji friends.....
Semasa Majlis Khatam Quran Anastassia.... Alamak, your tudung tak betul la, Pu3..... Mama pulak sibuk nak ambik gambar..... agih-agihkan food pack...... mmmm..... cian my princess...
Dah selesai, Majlis Khatam Quran, Zaryff sempat give his "monster look". Suka sangat dia buat muka macam ni.....
Anastassia with her best friend since std3. Although this friend of hers dah move to Klang, and then migrated to Australia last year, they still keep in touch via e-mail. Her visits back to Malaysia (twice a year) tak sah kalau tak jumpa. Its a must for them which either me or her mom will make it a point for the girls to meet up and have their girly-girly talk..... By the way, she won last year's Public Speaking Kebangsaan Level .... dahsyat tu menang at std 5, selalunya yang menang budak std 6.....
A nice girl, i was a bit heart broken when she moved away as Anastassia was really attached to her (and vice versa).
Mia, preparing for nasyid. Ada competition apa entah. However, they won the 1st prize. As usual Mia is one of the solo singers.... Aii Mia, is that lipstick and blusher I see on your face..... haha. Elokla tu, konon tak hingin pakai bedak pagi2.... bila nak perform kan dah kena paksa..... elok sangat la tu...
Mia's collection of teddy bears in college. Ini baru this year punya collection.... presents from her seniors. Tak Helena sangka, masuk sekolah menengah..... she is obsessed with teddy bears..... Ingatkan dah takde budak kecik kat rumah, takdela soft-toy2 macam ni..... aii, macam2 kids nowadays.
Yesterday, Zaryff came home from school and complained to me.
"Mama, my teacher scolded me today" he said, looking at me for sympathy.
"Why, what happened" I asked.
"Zaryff tak lancar Sifir" he said, monyok muka dia.
"Why tak lancar?" I asked, and it came to my mind that I have yet to coach him on his timetable.
"Cikgu marah sebab I did not memorize my 4 time table" Zaryff explained.
"La.... kenapa tak ingatkan mama suruh ajar Zaryff?" I asked, feeling a bit guilty.
"Ala mama, Zaryff kan dah lancar Sifir 1..... cukup la tu...." he said.
"What? Sifir 1? Sifir 1 buat apa? Semua orang memang tau Sifir 1 macamana" I said.
"Eh, mama... Sifir 1 pun susah tau..... tapi Zaryff dah lancar... OKla tu...." Zaryff said, so proud of himself.
Zaryff punya cerita is a good one. Sifir 1 punya hal! Nampak gaya kena jumpa Siti Sifir.
Cutenya komen si Zaryff. Camarina pun curretly menghafal sifir. Mama dia ajar shortcut.
Hahaha! Yeah - right, Zaryff.
Cute ;)
If you teach him sifir 0, 10 and 11, sure dia happy giler - EMPAT sifir dia hafal tu. Hehehe!
Lovely pics!
Haha...cute Zaryff ! My boys pun banyak autanya...the girl is more proper and straightforward bab pelajaran.
Alhamdulillah...anak helena kecik2 dah khatam...suka dgr anak2 yang dah khatam pada usia muda.
Zaryff tu comel...dah lancar kan sifir tu...okay le tu...heheh
Hi Helena, beautiful, well taken photographs.
Someone, not me, once said, 'one picture is worth a thousand words'. And yours at least few thousands, ha ha. Cute pics.
You have a nice day,Helena, Lee.
soo cute zaryff nih..gud one..pandai dia nak lepaskan diri.
betul la kak helena..mia n anastassia tu..beza sgt nampak tahap maturenya..Mia nmpk mature n anastassia still childish..:-)
neway..nice shoot...terutama yg anastassia ngah ngaji tu..
HI jorazak.... ZAryff always degnan innocently buat statement yang kelakar. YEla kan that Siti girl, with her umbrella and all. Tapi itu zaman2 dulu, now dah tak ada dah....
minah songeh... my eldest 2 cepat Helena ajar sifir. All out to get the gold badge for Sifir in school.
But the youngest 2 ni, mama dia terlelan sikit. Gold Badge Sifir program tu pun macam tak jalan ke, entahla.. need to ask the school la nanti. I'm now coaching Pu3 as she is now learning it in school. Did not realize that Zaryff has started to learn multiplication too...
Shortcut yang macamana tu yer?
wanshana.... haha.. u r definitely right. But his teacher only wants until 4 time table... so 10 and 11 tak masuk book.... hehe.
Aii... dapat one boy ni, memang lain ragamnya compared to his sisters....
MA, betul tu. Zaryff ni tak taula, blur ke, innocent sangat ke (cuba nak bersangka baik) or plainly trying to get himself out of trouble.
But you are rightla, girls are more straightforward... Kalau tak hafal tu, memang mengaku ajerla dia tak hafal.... no excuses2 yang out of this world...
kak lady.... I would always target them to khatam in their primary years. Mia khatam masa early std 4. Anastassia a bit late at the end of std 5. Senangkan, lepas ni ulang ajela baca Quran kan.... Now that Mia in asrama, taklah risau macam parents yang anak belum khatam. Yela although ada ustazah mengajar in asrama, but I would prefer that I know the ustazah (personally and capability and style) and I am there to monitor their learning as well. Tapi bila dah khatam tu, tak kisah sangat lah dia further blajar dgn uzatazah mana kan... basics dah ada.
Both Pu3 and Zaryff pun dah baca Quran, so hopefully boleh ikut jejak their sisters....
About the sifir, baru nak start coach dia.... alahai.... slow and steadynya.... sigh..... hehe
thanks uncle lee... I was in the photography club since primary school.... love to take photos so much so tat hubby who thinks tat all these are petty and troublesome, took advantage and appointed me to be the family photographer (and handle videocam as well) Aiyah... the blurry ones were all taken by my children....hehe.
Glad you liked em....
rose, zaryff tu memang banyak akalnya.... mischievous and playful. I hope he doesnt apply this trait in his studies.... though it does give him a colorful charming personality... hehe...
Dari rupa pun boleh nampak kan.... Anastassia now at std 6 still skips around in the house, tapi Mia std 4 lagi dah start prim and proper. (which is so not like me...hehe) But I guess another year or two, boleh meet in the middle kut.... Because I really want them to be sehati sejiwa as sisters....
Gambar ngaji tu, kacaula mineral bottles kat blakang tu.... if not lagi ok kan?
My no 3 pun dah kena hafal sifir...and I dont know how to teach him?Any tips..
For my no 1 and 2 balik sekolah aje terus dah hafal sifir .Sendiri aje tak yah kita ajar.
You have 1 boy ...I have 3 you knowww.....
Helena, drop by my place, have a surprise for you, Lee.
ha..ha..cutenya cerita sifir 1 tu..
suria.... ada tips ke.... hafal cam biasa aje kut.....
hari tu, hubby ngadap Zaryff buat sifir 2 and 3.... dah ok dah... ni nak push hubby ajar sifir 4 pulak... hehe...
same here, the girls hafal sendiri ajer. Tau2 ajer dah hafal sampai sifir 15.
uncle lee..... ok will do!*wink*
hi there yatt, thx for dropping by.... wow, i saw the cakes... it's beautiful.... my kids would really go nuts if they saw the sponge bob cake....
bestnya jadi orang Creative nih.....
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