Pu3 doing her split during a demo on Sports Day. She's good at her spilts, so much so that she was even asked by her Master to show her Black Belt seniors on how to do a perfect split during a senior class Taekwondo training! (which she is not in but she was at the centre tunggu her kakaks training)
Anastassia, the Sports Captain of Rumah Kuning.
"Shhhh.... dont let Mama know that I'm using the laptop......"
Anastassia updating her Friendster...... I wonder whether she has finished her homework..... mmmm.....
Anastassia, most left second row, doing one of her solo parts, in the State Level Choral Speaking Competition in which they got 1st.
Anastassia, seated most left, during the Bahas Competition which was held in March. She was the best debator.
Sweet Pu3 and boboy Zaryff during the trip to A Famosa.
Hope you guys enjoy the pictures......
Sejuk hati and mata tengok anak-anak yang active, and at the same time excel in both co-curriculum and studies and well-disciplined. Syukur alhamdulillah :)
My eldest also holds a WTF red-black, but she can only sit for blackbelt grading when she's 15. I think she's tired of waiting...now dah tak pergi training dah! My younger ones, one Green1, one Yellow1. Pun dah abandoned training as it clashes with their Chess class (which they prefer to go to) Have to make a point to cari other training centres for them.
Take care!
Cute lah pu3 tu.... suka saya tengok gambar dia :)
btw, as a parent kita mmg proud sgt bila anak² kita achieve good things in life kan. rasa berbaloi berkorban utk mereka.
Helena, of course we enjoy the photos!! Lovely kids you have, Helena! Bravo!
Oh..terkenang daku jaman2 den dgn WTF dulu..sempat sampai 2nd Blue jerk...
My son dah red black..tunggu 15 juga baru boleh sit for black belt.Anyway he is acting like a typical remaja.This year tak nak join TKD langsung ..dia kata dah puas dah sejak sekolah rendah.Dia pilih Bomba sebagai kelab uniform dia..!! Maybe next year I try to pujuk him lagi....
wan shana, bab well-discipline tu nak buat Helena tergelak la.... hehe. My kids selalu fail bab tu, tats why mama dia ni asyik dok jadi mak tiri aje..... *sigh*
Mia tu pun WTF red black, but I would just say black belt. Samala tu kan. Age aje tak sampai. Collar baju pun color black. Boleh ke? hehe.
Anastassia Red 1, Pu3 Green 2 and Zaryff Yellow 1. Apart from Mia, nampaknya yang show interest is Pu3. InsyaAllah dia akan masuk her first competition this June.
I had to forgo buat sementara their chess class sebab timing tak kena. Sayang sangat.
wan, my hubby baru complain tadi. Dia kata I obses ikut anak2 punya activities. Tadi I paksa hubby hantar I to see Mia perform in the Choral Speaking State LEvel Competition kat a remote place an hour away. Biarla dia complain, janji dia sanggup jadi my driver... hehe.
Pada Helena, benda2 ni la yang jadi kenangan anak2 di sekolah. I want to see their joy, their eargerness first-hand. Tapi tiringla kan. But as u said, berbaloi.
Pu3 tu memang ada sweet face, muka dia asyik tersenyum aje.... hehe (unlike me... hehe)
actually as I was writing this, Pu3 is standing next to me rehearsing a play. First time dia dapat watak, so she's excited. Its a class thingy, but obviously a big deal la kan.... *wink*
thx, mrs hart. Just realized that its been a while since I last post pictures here.
Glad you liked them, dear.
nbk, napa blajar sampai blue 2 aje... sambungla lagi.
Do you plan to send your children for Taekwondo lessons?
Suria, Mia pun red black. Tapi Helena selalu sebut black belt jer.... hehe. Pada Helena dah kira black la tu, age ajer yang tak cukup kan?
Mia pun sama dgn your son prangainya. When she entered form 1, she chose Band, instead of Taekwondo. Although I was a bit upset and confused, tapi I just let her learn make her own decision. Yang buat I lega, I dont have to worry about injuries lagi. Tapi risau la if certs nanti tak cukup.
However, her Master still wants her to be active. Infact, dia nak masukkan Mia for International Competition in Japan, but Mia had to say no la. Susah duduk boarding school nak keluar train kat luar. Entahla, I hope I'm doing the correct thing here.
I noticed Mia pun dah tak obses in taekwondo lagi macam dulu. Esp when realizing yang dia tak as fit macam dulu. Yela, brapa kali sangat dapat practice spar kan. However, I cakap kat dia she mustnt stop training, during school holidays pun jadila.....
Her friend in the pic tu, pernah menang Gold in Kebangsaan Tourney. I memang suka sangat if Mia spar dgn dia. However that girl is now busy training for Sukma.
I pun hope Mia get serious again in taekwondo. Yela, nowadays the place is not safe for the kids. So kenala fit selalu kan. Maybe if she wants to continue when she's in Uni pun, I dont mind.... janji continuekan?
Wow!! jangan main2 dengan anak2 Helena ni. Semua ada Taekwondo. Tapi, it's good to let kids learn self defense. It'll be useful when the desperate time comes...
hai helena...lama sungguh tak singgah sini. u have a bunch of excellent and smart kids there. tentu sejuk perut ibu mengandung...:)
Salam Helena,
Gambar yang menarik. Banyak gunanya nanti bila nak siapkan slide show semasa mereka nak kahwin nanti.
Kami juga ada simpan banyak gambar anak semasa kecil dan memudahkan memilih untuk tujuan tersebut.
neeza, hehe.... jangan main2 yer...
Tapikan even though you are a black belt holder, tapi still kena need to train continuously. Yang Helena tau, that Candy who got murdered tu, is a Taekwondo Black belt. Tapi yela kut dah stop ke, panic ke.... tak lepas jugak kan... entahla..
actually, Helena tak minat TAekwondo ni, but Mia dok pujuk2 sampai nangis2 nak blajar Taekwondo. I tot its just a phase for her, saja2 nak ikut kawan.... rupanya memang minat habis. Mmm, alang2 kakak dah blajar taekwondo, and I pun dah start to fall in love with the sport, adik2 pun automatic la Helena masukkan blajar bila masuk std 1.
Camtula ceta nya....
kc... hey good to see you here. You disappeared for a while dulu, baru tadi i remembered that you r back in the blogging world, tu yg i datang menyinggah tu... hehe
mmm.... they all la pengarang jantung helena.... tapi kadang2 buat hal (smalam for example) alahai, menduga betul kesabaran. Hehe.
Zabs, gambar ni Helena pinjam pakai digital camera yg Mia won in one of her colouring competitions. (Canon - 1K punya harga) She's starting to hint tat I should get my own digital camera.... hehe... (so manala nak campak camera lama yg berjasa tu kan..... still in good condition.... )
hai Kak Helena...
How r u SiS? semua ok...hope everythin' under controls..
sronok tgk anak2 akak..semua berjaya..:-)
congrats for being a gud moms..
you've got wonderful children there, Alhamdulillah. keep snapping those pictures, it will do good for later!
Excellant photos. The one that caught my eyes is your girl doing the split. Relax aje tengok dia....
nampak nya ceria je semua anak anak helena tu..
rose.... ok jer.... allergy problem still takda tapi nampaknya ada kurang sikit dah.....
semua berjaya? eh yang terkucil tu pun ada tau... tapi takdala ceta sini..... hehe
Hi D, thx dear.... yes, yang bestnya bila look back at old pictures nanti kan.....
I love taking pictures of the kids, the minute they were born, however, hardcopy film I in a mess la.... have to find the time to get it organized. Kids made it even worse as they will take out the photos from the small FOC photo album.... sigh....
mamamia.... hehe senang ajer Pu3 buat split. But Helena gerun jugak, I said baik2.... karang terpeleot nanti susah......
Tapi dia kata dia tak force pun, yela badan dia lembut kut..... kita ni ajer yang dah keras.... hehe
zino.... eh dah nak letak dalam blog, kenala pilih yang ceria-ceria kan..... hehe.... thx for the compliment.....
Tak bestla letak gambar they all masa mencuka and moody..... *grin*
WOW!!! your kids are such achievers!!! Kudos to you!!!
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