Update : 2:02pm - May 14.
Anastassia just came back from the Head Prefects Seminar and she said that there's a huge possibility that she's going to a Leadership Seminar in Malacca for 3 days!!!!
I’m a bit worried with Anastassia’s preparation for the UPSR. I have yet to see her really sit down and study. There is just not enough time for her to do so. Dengan homeworknya, dengan tuitionnya.... She has stopped her Piano lessons and Taekwondo trainings for the time being.... but still.....
Today, she could not sit for her mid term exam as she has to attend a Seminar for Head Prefects which was organized by the Jabatan Pendidikan. All the Head Prefects in the State berkumpul pagi ni. So exam kena ambik hari lain. The same goes for the Percubaan UPSR next week ….. it clashes with Pidato. Exam kena ambik hari lain jugak.
Robotic Competition lagi…. Then in June ke Trengganu pulak for the Choral Speaking Kebangsaan Level….. alahai….. UPSR starts early September pulak tu.
Am I doing the right thing in allowing her to participate in so many competitions? Masa Mia dulu, she was like this in her std 5, but not std 6. The opposite with Anastassia. But I couldn’t just ask her to let the opportunity pass by just like that right? When Mia was in Primary, I was anxious for her to get picked for at least one (individual) competition, eg Bahas, Syarahan, Pidato, etc and bukannya senang to get picked. Ini Anastassia got picked for every (individual) competition available for this year….. lain pulak ceritanya…
Oh ya, last week she won 3rd prize in a State Level Art Competition….. She received a hamper and cash…… time ni pun dia kena skip class…..
Yesterday, one of the Arts teachers called her, asking her to stay back for a few days to help out buat mural, lukis and paint the walls at one of the block at school….. hmmm…. Bila la budak ni nak belajar. I’m sure this would take a few hours a day, and ni bukan kerja sehari dua ni.…… Anastassia of course la suka, maybe during school hols boleh kut…..
I'm not complaining..... but bersyukur for her..... bukannya senang diberi kepercayaan lepas satu, satu untuk wakil sekolah...... cuma as a mom.... Helena risau la kan..... dari day one anak2 menjejak kaki ke sekolah, I would say.... Be outstanding..... grab all the opportunities that come your way.... tapi ini pengalaman pertama la all the opportunities drop at her feet macam ni.... tapi salah timing la pulak sebab exam year kan.
Aaiiii… risaunya pulak……
Note : Helena aja yang risau ni, but not Anastassia.... in fact last night she grumbled that she was not chosen to attend a 3 day camp recently just because she was not in class when the teacher dok pilih nama.
Episod baru..
Ahad 20.10.24
Cerita baru..
Semangat baru..
Selepas balik dari Switzerland abah tercari cari nak ke mana lepas ni..
setiap hari tengok iklan lalu lalang ...
4 months ago
Hi Helena,
I'm sure you are proud of your girl for being such an outstanding all-rounder. Wow..what an excellent student!
I read your past posts on your kids and I don't think you need to worry much about Anastassia. She's got brains, that girl.
Hi Helena,
madam tai tai is so right. Your kids are brilliant, you need not worry bout Anastassia so much.
Plus, the most important thing is they are enjoying themselves!!! You have really done a great job with your kids, you know... kudos to you!
my dear helena,
wowwiee.. your anastassia is one talented gurl!
dont worry mama, her extra-curri activity is indeed a learning experience and an exposure for her. She's getting all the soft-skills that uni students are lacking of.
Just make sure her homework is completed on time and each day mesti cover topics Yr 6 and every week must cover OLD topics frm Year 4 and 5 okay. Promise?
hi madam.... hmmm... Anastassia ni... one of a kind.... pernah buat i proud to the max, and buat i frust to the max jugak.... thats why I'm worried....
She has so many interests.... and it sort of kacau her concerntration on her studies... she's the type who would mengadap encyclopedia's and buat science experiments in the house...
its just that, I have yet to see her study yang buat i risau tu....
thx for the kind words....
mmmm... yeke.... so far they have achieved what they want in school... they enjoy school to the max!
Tapi kadang2 takut terlebih enjoy, terlebih over active.... takut yang di kejar tak dapat, yang dikendong berciciran...
And i realized lately tat unlike Mia at that age, Anastassia seems to need to be with me more....
Thanks dear...
hi there coach.... thx for dropping over...
To me public speaking is important, tats why i try to expose my kids to it as early as possible. Mia wasnt given the chance during primary, dia lebih pada group activity... eg choral speaking, choir, etc. But Anastassia showed that she's at ease talking on stage and was selected by her teachers after every audition held.
The soft skill are important, tats why i played along and let her take part.... just hope tat in doing so it would not jeapordize her chances in getting 5As in her trials and UPSR.....
Coach, itu yang risau tu. there is NO time for her to do her revision... macam ni la... i terlupa nak share one more point in the entry, Anastassia is the type yang do things slow, dia buat dgn teliti sangat2.... be it taking a shower, eating or doing the homework...
Tapi yang heran, bila mood meluap2.... boleh pulak buat cepat2....
hmm coach.... i hope everything will be okay, once the school starts latih tubi.... and hopefully less homework...
sigh.... now I envy you with your homeschooling....
kak helena... wow..dasyat2 la anak2 akak ni....memang berbakat...
hai Kak.... suka la baca ceta anak2 akak...
sis, kalau budak bijak..sibuk camner punlah ngan koko dia, insyaAllah dia tetap boleh cemerlang.
it just u have to keep monitoring on her..dan doa ibu pasti makbul insyaallah
tak perlu risau la.. sure dia tau membahagikan masa.. she know what to do..
Hello Helena, I guess every mother worries over a child re health or school. But reading your this interesting post, I can note you have an intelligent daughter.
Some children have to study like crazy to get thru exams, but some, hardly and yet they breeze thru. Simple reason being they able to grasp and understand things in a jiffy.
I have a son, I practically gave up hope on him old days and thought he either will turn into a smuggler, a bank robber or a pirate! Hardly studies, fools around with computer games instead of studying....BUT! He was good at computer programming and able to install and repair his computer.
I had failed to see notice he had a logical mind as well being fast in thoughts and logical thinking. I belong to the old school of thought, i.e, must read and study 5 hours a day to get thru exams.
Today he is a Robotics Engineer as well an Aerospace Engineer in a well known plane manufacturing company....he sure shocked me by securing two degrees!
I attended both of his graduation ceremonies. And my tears flowed when I thought back of how I was so worried he hardly touches his school books.
Your kid being her age will know what she wants...and the best you can do is motivate and your love. Believe you me, Helena, you will be attending her graduation at Harvard or Oxford.
Best regards, Lee.
rizza.... thanks.... tapi ada gak problems.... itu yg tengah risau ni...
Now tat dia kena pergi melaka pulak... bertambahla terkedu helena... but of course benda ni rugi kalau tak pergi....
marisa.... ni la tempat mencurah perasaan..... huhu
kak long!!!.... how are you...
bijak pun kena ulangkaji tau.... tapi yela itula yang helena buat sekarang ...... monitor
penatla tau.... si kecik 2 orang nak monitor.... yg dah darjah 6 pun nak kena monitor.... letih..... (tapi what are moms for la pulak kan?)
zino.... dia mewarisi one of my bad traits.... buat keje last minute.... *guilty*
so kadang2 buat keje last minute ni perangkap diri sendiri jugak....
Yela... dah helena pun tak beri contoh yg baik ......sigh....
i let her be if i were you. living skills are still very much important than being just a book-genius.
you must be bursting with pride!
Hi Uncle Lee.... thx for the advice and comforting words...
Harvard?? Oxford?? Oh dear..... Its still a long way off.... havent thought much about that yet.... but.... wow.... how i wish uncle lee... (and thanks, that was very kind of you to even think that she could....)
Yup, in the first 4/5 yrs of her primary schooling, there was partically no effort on her part to study, but she tops her class everytime. But now that the syllabus is a bit tougher.... maybe she would need to cramp 2 days of studying to excel ni.... i know that most students would have to mug to get the results she got... but for her... its almost effortless.
She's bright, i admit .... but still its giving me the jitters... I guess like you, I also belong to the old school of thought.... we need to see them cracking the books…..
wow uncle lee... you sure must be proud of your son.... Robotics/Aerospace Engineer…. Mmm….. impressive…… yes i see what you mean… I shouldn’t be that worried...... but... well .... i just hope tat she'll turn out fine like your son.
She is unique this girl. Loves to do ridiculous experiments.... Sometimes we'll find containers of insects/weird stuffs in the fridge. Those are her experiments alright... hehe
Thanks again Uncle Lee… that’s what I plan to do… motivate her and let her know that I’m always there for her should she need me….
You have a good day Uncle Lee....
Hai there Helena,
Thanks for coming over to my humble blog :p It has been quite sometime since my last posting there but managed to put something this morning.
Re your daughter Anastassia... wowww beautiful name, like her mama too. I guess she took all the good values and talent from you. Let her experience and enjoy the accomplishment...in addition to making both her parents proud too.
Have a good day ahead. Kenari.
anamiraa... thx dear.... yes living skills are important.... but the system pandang academic results.... what to do....
this week aje, one 11A1 student and one 10A1 students complained tak dapat JPA in the papers.... dont tell me now they only look at 13A1 above aje kut....
Thx for dropping by KEnari.....
Anastassia is the carbon copy of my dad.... i guess she inherited some of his good traits... not me... hehe
I'll come over soon to check your updated site....
See yah....
biasalah tu..mak bapak yang risau lebih...anak2 relax aje...
KakHelena, kalau howmework dia siapkan, tuition dia attend. tak payahla risau sangat.itu semua part and parcel drpd ulangkaji dia.
tentang choral speaking atau tidak, itu semua pun membantu dia. trust me. dia lebih matang daripada calon lain with all these pressures.
im sure masuk august nanti semua dah stop, then, fokus habis habis masa tu.
jimi pun tak habis 2buat tuition class for my kids. besok sampai hari wesak. makin risau dibuatnya.
betul sangat tu maklang.... dia selamba aje..... Dia ingat dia belajar sabtu dan ahad hari tu.... dah cukup agaknya....
jimi.... Anastassia pun cakap macamtu.... tuition and homework tu kira revision la... hehe.... tapi bila dia ckp, Helena kat no, its different. Tapi bila jimi cakap, Helena caya la gak ...heheh
Jimi buat tuition ye? tuition apa tu?
Again.... Selamat Hari Guru, Jimi... Teruskan Usaha Jimi yang Murni itu....
YES! the system sucks BIG time kan??
masyaallah, don't tell me 10As pun not enough to get into Unis? What the heck??
itula pasal....
My eldest for sure ambik 9 subjects ajer bila dia Form 5..... so where would that leave my girl?
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