Alahai.... pening.... pening.....
Obviously this is a great opportunity for Pu3..... Mia dapat pergi Kebangsaan dulu pun masa dia dah std 5. But I have to take into account Anastassia's preparation for UPSR.
Peperiksaan Percubaan UPSR 2 akan diadakan mid July. Clashes with Anastassia's Choral Speaking in Trengganu. So arrangements has been made to allow Anastassia and her friends yang involved to take the exam the day after the Trengganu trip..... Sigh..... from experience, I know they will reach their school around 11 pm.... mesti penat..... next day nak ambik exam pulak tu...... sigh..... timing tak kena betul.....
The Taekwondo competition in Penang would be in August. Memang to me, August is strictly for Anastassia. UPSR trials will be in August. Penting sangat tu..... and i cant let Pu3 go with the State Team macam tu aje.... this is Taekwondo..... a sport known for injuries...... bukannya badminton..... I need to be there to oversee her fights....
Entahla..... hubby volunteered to accompany her..... mmm.... maybe i need to learn to let him handle the kids ..... but all the way to Penang??..... sigh...... Tapi what ever it is, provided if she get selected la kan......
OK la tukar cerita.....
Mia did something new last week. She acted in a Sejarah Drama! First time Helena tengok dia berlakon and well.... biasala being a mom.... rasa emotional pulak Helena ni... see her doing new things..... doing things out of her comfort zone.
She was Hang Jebat and in the scene ada 2 benda klakar yang tak disangka happened. First, masa nak bersilat.... her samping menyelorot jatuh...... Helena tak perasan but the whole dewan laughed..... Nasib baik Mia tak panik and just kuiskan the samping at the side angrily..... making the audience clapped for her unscripted move.....
Then, masa dia died in Hang Tuah's lap...... masa nak tukar scene, Hang Tuah had to drag Mia ke tepi..... tapi Hang Tuah tak tertarik.... hehe.... puas dia nak drag Mia, Mia tak bergerak langsung..... the whole dewan laughed again coz.... kelakar la tgk Hang Tuah beriya2 nak tarik Mia..... and Mia cant help coz she supposed to be dead, right? Hehe..... Yang buat lagi kelakar..... pengawal2 lain yang mati next to Mia, semuanya senang ajer di tarik off stage..... hehe....
Mia as Hang Jebat. Mia's voice lain betul masa berlakon ni..... yela dia kena garaukan suara. Boleh tahan jugak dia berlakon.....
They lost tapi to me.... it was the best play I've ever seen.........
Last Tuesday, Mia and a bunchful of other actors got rewarded. They went to see the Broadway Teater - The Beauty and The Beast at Istana Budaya.
Mia got 2nd for the Lalulintas Shell Competition.
I think it's a good idea to let your hubby take puteri to the nationals. As you said August is for Anastasia and this is the year which decide where she ends up at secondary school next year. My suggestion, you should stick with Anastasia. Just my two cents...hi, hi, or my nonsense
hehe..lawaknya..kain terlondeh..tapi least dia tak panik semacam n under control...:-)
UPSR mmg begitu penting kan..nak masuk SBP skang bukan senang..byk kena buat betul2..:-)
good luck to you n ur daughters....:-)
jorazak..... thx for the advice.
Actually, Helena mmg akan stick dgn Anastassia, the question is whether for Pu3 to go with hubby, OR Pu3 tak payah pergi, lagipun she is just 9..... byk peluang lagi in future.....
Yes.... betul.... how she fare in the exam will somehow play a part in determining which school she would go to......
Tapi Helena terpikir, dlm menghadap Anastassia, would it be fare to put on hold Pu3 punya activities pulak....
FYi, masa Mia UPSR dulu, Pu3 dah kena berkorban. For that whole year, dia tak pergi grading Taekwondo.... sbb hari grading clashes with Mia punya schedule. So kesian pulak kalau Pu3 terpaksa "berkorban" lagi sekali.
hi rose..... hehe.... memang kelakar but, itula... Mia pandai handle the situation, itu yg dapat tepukan gemuruh tu.....
Haha.... itula.... kain batik pun tak pass pakai.... ini nak ikat samping.... hehe... confirm fail.
Adoi.... Helena dah dap dup dap dup ni UPSR dah dekat..... Masa Mia dulu mmg Mia tak keruan jadinya. I hope this time not as bad.... tapi ni pun dah rasa butterflies in my stomach.....
Thanks rose, me and the kids need all the luck!! Ni baru ambik set buku Didik kat office Berita Harian....
Pagi tadi sekolah dah start buat bacaan Yasin sebelum masuk kelas....
Kek helena... saya pun rasa bia your hubby hendle Pu3. Jgn risau.... lg pun ini kan peluang utk Pu3.
Bagus la Mia... berlakon pulak. Saya wonder macamana kak helena ajar anak2... bukan sahaja bijak dlm acedemik tp aktif kokurikulum...
hi marisa.....
actually dari day one masuk std 1.... memang Helena terapkan dalam diri anak2 bahawa they need to excel in both academic and koko. Masa Mia dulu takdala tapi kebetulan she was on the right track.
I dont pressure them tapi daily conversations and daily happenings buat mereka pun berminat. Yang senangnya.... bila kakak2 dah set the stage .... adik2 akan mengikut......
Even now off and on Pu3 akan merajuk bila dia compare what her kakaks got at std 3 which dia tak dapat..... and dia berusaha nak get the same things....
Nice blog helena....update lg crite2 yg latest
thx pear..... thx for dropping by.... will be updating something new soon.... so do drop by again....
Bagus mcm tu... saingan yg sihat!
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