Friday, October 24, 2008
I finished my puasa enam! yeay!
Finally, I finished my puasa enam...... hubby insist nak masakkan rendang ayam for my buka puasa..... (nak dapat berkat pahala masakkan utk orang berpuasa katanya) even though i told him that i teringin nak makan daging masak merah and nak beli kat luar ajer.
The jeans i wore today rasa macam longgar ajer..... *big grin*
Pu3 kena chicken pox yesterday. Though its mild sebab dia dah ada chicken pox infection. Nasib baik next week cuti panjang so she wont miss school banyak sangat.
I have yet to start jogging. Sebab have yet to buy that sports shoe. Coz have yet to go to Jusco. Lagipun asyik hujan ajer..... (haha.... am i trying to get out of doing my exercising?)
Mia jadi host to a Korean exchange student in school so she wont be coming back for the Deepavali holidays.
Sebenarnya takda mood nak tulis ni..... tu sbb macam point form aje... Pagi2 dah kena lecture dgn my dad, coz i was late 10 minutes in sending Pu3 to him this morning. Arghh..... Yes papa.... I must discipline my self more...... I know you want to service your car, sorry because of me, you are late in sending the car.....
The jeans i wore today rasa macam longgar ajer..... *big grin*
Pu3 kena chicken pox yesterday. Though its mild sebab dia dah ada chicken pox infection. Nasib baik next week cuti panjang so she wont miss school banyak sangat.
I have yet to start jogging. Sebab have yet to buy that sports shoe. Coz have yet to go to Jusco. Lagipun asyik hujan ajer..... (haha.... am i trying to get out of doing my exercising?)
Mia jadi host to a Korean exchange student in school so she wont be coming back for the Deepavali holidays.
Sebenarnya takda mood nak tulis ni..... tu sbb macam point form aje... Pagi2 dah kena lecture dgn my dad, coz i was late 10 minutes in sending Pu3 to him this morning. Arghh..... Yes papa.... I must discipline my self more...... I know you want to service your car, sorry because of me, you are late in sending the car.....
Monday, October 20, 2008
Life can be so relaxing!
Last Thursday was the last day of final exams. Well Anastassia ada Pendidikan Seni on Friday.... but tak ambik potla...... walaupun dia complain tak sempat practice lukis....
That Thursday was the day I've waited for so long. Yup UPSR dah sebulan habis, but Helena tak boleh merdeka sangat masa tu..... maybe merdeka 70% ajer because nak mengadap Pu3 and Zaryff for their finals exam. Dah la Zaryff merosot last Aug as i concerntrated more on Anastassia for her UPSR trials. So my mission is to make sure that their results improve this time round.
So last Thursday memang merdeka 100%! YEAY..... hehe..... although it wont be for long hehe.....
Having said that it does make a big difference with Anastassia finishing her UPSR.....
Hari Khamis tu I was in a confused state. I guess that worrying about the children's (esp Anastassia's) studies nonstop for quite some time made me forget how it felt to be worry-free.... hehe. And also macam rasa lain sebab no need to leter they all suruh buat homework lagi.... hehe....
On Friday... i woke up feeling so free.... light as a feather..... rasa tenang setenang-tenangnya.... with no worries..... and wow.... its been such a while to feel so relaxed and not having anything to worry about..... The feeling was so fantastic.....
So its me-time now..... its fun time as i told Pu3 and Zaryff, more so since their results that they got for the final exams so far shows improvement......
Pu3's request - nak bake cake sendiri with my supervision (dah schedule tomorrow), nak main UNO with mama, nak ikut mama pergi baking class..... (the list continues...)
Zaryff's request - nak main chess with mama sampai dia menang (hehe should i just let him win once?), nak pergi spend time in the IT room kat state library...... (the list continues....)
Anastassia? She's in Trengganu right now for the choral speaking national level..... and her next plan is for a girls outing with her besties...... No problem girl..... just name the day and time and I'll send you there....
Me? I'm just happy with the kids..... plan to buy a new sports shoe so that I can start jogging again (my favourite sports shoe dah hilang 1 kasut..... ni mesti kerja anjing liar ni) And hmmm..... maybe go to the spa kut...... tengok la nanti..... facial....... movies....... and just lepaking i guess......
That Thursday was the day I've waited for so long. Yup UPSR dah sebulan habis, but Helena tak boleh merdeka sangat masa tu..... maybe merdeka 70% ajer because nak mengadap Pu3 and Zaryff for their finals exam. Dah la Zaryff merosot last Aug as i concerntrated more on Anastassia for her UPSR trials. So my mission is to make sure that their results improve this time round.
So last Thursday memang merdeka 100%! YEAY..... hehe..... although it wont be for long hehe.....
Having said that it does make a big difference with Anastassia finishing her UPSR.....
Hari Khamis tu I was in a confused state. I guess that worrying about the children's (esp Anastassia's) studies nonstop for quite some time made me forget how it felt to be worry-free.... hehe. And also macam rasa lain sebab no need to leter they all suruh buat homework lagi.... hehe....
On Friday... i woke up feeling so free.... light as a feather..... rasa tenang setenang-tenangnya.... with no worries..... and wow.... its been such a while to feel so relaxed and not having anything to worry about..... The feeling was so fantastic.....
So its me-time now..... its fun time as i told Pu3 and Zaryff, more so since their results that they got for the final exams so far shows improvement......
Pu3's request - nak bake cake sendiri with my supervision (dah schedule tomorrow), nak main UNO with mama, nak ikut mama pergi baking class..... (the list continues...)
Zaryff's request - nak main chess with mama sampai dia menang (hehe should i just let him win once?), nak pergi spend time in the IT room kat state library...... (the list continues....)
Anastassia? She's in Trengganu right now for the choral speaking national level..... and her next plan is for a girls outing with her besties...... No problem girl..... just name the day and time and I'll send you there....
Me? I'm just happy with the kids..... plan to buy a new sports shoe so that I can start jogging again (my favourite sports shoe dah hilang 1 kasut..... ni mesti kerja anjing liar ni) And hmmm..... maybe go to the spa kut...... tengok la nanti..... facial....... movies....... and just lepaking i guess......
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Happy Birthday Zaryff!!!
Today is Zaryff's Birthday. Since he is crazy with Ben 10, I made a Ben 10 card for him.

Since today is also the last day of final exams..... i decided to bring the kids makan at a hotel in town.... hehe.... dulu lepas UPSR, Helena tak dapat Merdeka betul2..... TODAY baru dapat merdeka betul2..... hehe. So I'm giving myself a treat la kononnya and 2-1 la with Zaryff's birthday....
But I reminded him..... makan kat hotel on your birthday ni.... sebab timing dia kena..... jangan pulak expect every year makan hotel during birthdays.... hehe... pengsan Helena..... and also to make the others understand and tak kecik hati.....
He already received a birthday gift from Anastassia, who bought a Ben 10 watch for him during a recent school excursion to Putrajaya recently....
Happy Birthday sayang..... remember to be a good muslim, study hard when I ask you to and..... jangan makan banyak sangat yer.... you've been putting on weight lately.....
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Anastassia's Graduation Day 2008
Just came back from Anastassia's Graduation Day.

Her name as the Head Girl for 2008 was also engraved on the board. Tapi sayang, ejaannya salah. Nama Head Girl last year pun ejaannya salah. Ish..........
To me this year budak2 standard 6 kurang meriah compared from the previous years. No hari Usahawan this year. And no school magazine this year. After years of having their own school magazine, tengok2 tahun ni tak ada school magazine. Such a disappointment! Tak ada kenangan tahun akhir di sekolah rendah.
Entahlah...... patutnya dah jadi cluster school, the school improves for the better, not the other way round......
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Monday, October 06, 2008
Selamat Hari Raya!!!
Selamat Hari Raya........ Maaf Zahir Batin......... dari Helena sekeluarga.

Syukur, my dad was disharged from the hospital on Monday, 2 days before Raya. He was active and terus bawak kereta, an indication that he feels better. Syukur Alhamdullillah.....
We had a great Raya. Kids had fun. It would be better if final exams takde, lagi best (mak) budak2 raya. Hehe. Mia started to crack her books on the night of 2nd Raya. Her own initiative tu. She declined to jalan2 Raya after the 3rd Raya and lepak with my parents terima tetamu kat rumah. Sambil tu boleh belajar katanya.
I made Pu3 and forced Zaryff to do some studying on 3rd Raya. Alang2 dah bangun pagi2 buta (dah terconfuse la sbb bangun sahur after one month) ..... hehe... yela dari mengadap TV and PSP.... Belajar 2 jam.... then 11am start jalan Raya sampai malam..... okay tak? okayla tu.....
Raya kali ni, hubby helped a lot in the kitchen. Especially bila guests datang after 10pm, and Helena dah tak larat nak ke dapur. Hubby la beriya-iya masak mee goreng la, mee bandung la..... hehe.... okay la kan.... Helena ke dapur masa siang, hubby masa malam..... Yang best tu siap kemas dapur tu lepas guests balik.......
On Sunday, pergi shopping lagi. Mia nak balik college, so bought her stuffs for school, tshirts, trackbottoms, revision books and munchies....... lotsa them. Anastassia pulak, i belikan baju, pants, sports shoes, CDs for her trip to Trengganu next week...... we were so into buying sampaikan lupa nak lunch..... haha.... in the end, tapau Nasi Ayam Ayamas aje..... and Anastassia as usual macam orang tak pernah jumpa nasik, terus makan in the car.
Sent Mia to college dalam hujan lebat.... sigh.... Mia..... I'm gonna miss you again girl.....
And as predicted, last night Pu3 told me that she just realized that she has 2 homeworks that she forgot she had...... mmm.... tidur lambat la jadinya....

Syukur, my dad was disharged from the hospital on Monday, 2 days before Raya. He was active and terus bawak kereta, an indication that he feels better. Syukur Alhamdullillah.....
We had a great Raya. Kids had fun. It would be better if final exams takde, lagi best (mak) budak2 raya. Hehe. Mia started to crack her books on the night of 2nd Raya. Her own initiative tu. She declined to jalan2 Raya after the 3rd Raya and lepak with my parents terima tetamu kat rumah. Sambil tu boleh belajar katanya.
I made Pu3 and forced Zaryff to do some studying on 3rd Raya. Alang2 dah bangun pagi2 buta (dah terconfuse la sbb bangun sahur after one month) ..... hehe... yela dari mengadap TV and PSP.... Belajar 2 jam.... then 11am start jalan Raya sampai malam..... okay tak? okayla tu.....
Raya kali ni, hubby helped a lot in the kitchen. Especially bila guests datang after 10pm, and Helena dah tak larat nak ke dapur. Hubby la beriya-iya masak mee goreng la, mee bandung la..... hehe.... okay la kan.... Helena ke dapur masa siang, hubby masa malam..... Yang best tu siap kemas dapur tu lepas guests balik.......
On Sunday, pergi shopping lagi. Mia nak balik college, so bought her stuffs for school, tshirts, trackbottoms, revision books and munchies....... lotsa them. Anastassia pulak, i belikan baju, pants, sports shoes, CDs for her trip to Trengganu next week...... we were so into buying sampaikan lupa nak lunch..... haha.... in the end, tapau Nasi Ayam Ayamas aje..... and Anastassia as usual macam orang tak pernah jumpa nasik, terus makan in the car.
Sent Mia to college dalam hujan lebat.... sigh.... Mia..... I'm gonna miss you again girl.....
And as predicted, last night Pu3 told me that she just realized that she has 2 homeworks that she forgot she had...... mmm.... tidur lambat la jadinya....
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