Last Thursday was the last day of final exams. Well Anastassia ada Pendidikan Seni on Friday.... but tak ambik potla...... walaupun dia complain tak sempat practice lukis....
That Thursday was the day I've waited for so long. Yup UPSR dah sebulan habis, but Helena tak boleh merdeka sangat masa tu..... maybe merdeka 70% ajer because nak mengadap Pu3 and Zaryff for their finals exam. Dah la Zaryff merosot last Aug as i concerntrated more on Anastassia for her UPSR trials. So my mission is to make sure that their results improve this time round.
So last Thursday memang merdeka 100%! YEAY..... hehe..... although it wont be for long hehe.....
Having said that it does make a big difference with Anastassia finishing her UPSR.....
Hari Khamis tu I was in a confused state. I guess that worrying about the children's (esp Anastassia's) studies nonstop for quite some time made me forget how it felt to be worry-free.... hehe. And also macam rasa lain sebab no need to leter they all suruh buat homework lagi.... hehe....
On Friday... i woke up feeling so free.... light as a feather..... rasa tenang setenang-tenangnya.... with no worries..... and wow.... its been such a while to feel so relaxed and not having anything to worry about..... The feeling was so fantastic.....
So its me-time now..... its fun time as i told Pu3 and Zaryff, more so since their results that they got for the final exams so far shows improvement......
Pu3's request - nak bake cake sendiri with my supervision (dah schedule tomorrow), nak main UNO with mama, nak ikut mama pergi baking class..... (the list continues...)
Zaryff's request - nak main chess with mama sampai dia menang (hehe should i just let him win once?), nak pergi spend time in the IT room kat state library...... (the list continues....)
Anastassia? She's in Trengganu right now for the choral speaking national level..... and her next plan is for a girls outing with her besties...... No problem girl..... just name the day and time and I'll send you there....
Me? I'm just happy with the kids..... plan to buy a new sports shoe so that I can start jogging again (my favourite sports shoe dah hilang 1 kasut..... ni mesti kerja anjing liar ni) And hmmm..... maybe go to the spa kut...... tengok la nanti..... facial....... movies....... and just lepaking i guess......
Episod baru..
Ahad 20.10.24
Cerita baru..
Semangat baru..
Selepas balik dari Switzerland abah tercari cari nak ke mana lepas ni..
setiap hari tengok iklan lalu lalang ...
2 months ago
wahhhh... banyak lagi mama diorg punya wishlist daripada anak2nya hehehe..
Bestnyer... My time will only come after 7th November.
My Hanna starts her exams on 30th October. My younger ones pulak will only start on 3rd November. All three habis on 7th.
So, from now till 7th - banyaklah adegan-adegan jerit-menjerit kat rumah...
Helena, selamat beristirehat dengan jayanya, hihihi.
helena, relax puas-puas. the jitterbug will re-appear dekat-dekat nak result keluar nanti :) I have a PMR result to look out this year
enjoy your "holidays". hi, hi
ibu..... wishlist anak2 pun banyak.... tapi Helena buat donno.... hehe
ni nak manjakan diri sendiri dulu.... *grin*
wan shana... oo exams start after deepavali eh? Well Mia's exam is this week, today being the last day. But being in boarding school, I can only motivate her through phone and weekends. LEss stress there.... hehe. Furthermore, she is a responsible student. Never did have to nag her to study even in her primary days. Cuma remind sikit2 and beri sokongan ajer....
Takpa.... another week of adegan menjerit2..... hehe.... will soon be over.
somuffin.... hehe.... insyaAllah..... tapi alahai.... ada gak halangan nyer ni..... sabar jerla...
mama rock....
how was the pmr? I heard it was quite difficult this time round esp maths. betul ke.
Yup.... my stress will appear early Nov..... for the results..... arghhh .... Nov is just around the corner!!! hehe
jorazak.... thx!
I'm also entertaining myself dgn ceta2 pencalonan pemimpin UMNO ni.. hehe
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