Anak Helena yang sulung dah remaja dah. For 2 years Helena dah start menangani perasaan remaja sorang ni dan cuba analyse perubahan hormonnya. And boy.... I'm still struggling, tak paham nak handle emotional roller coaster dia when it happens. Tapi nasib baik it doesnt happen that often.
When I look around me, I see teenagers sekarang ni bebas betul. Especially pergaulan antara lelaki dan perempuan. Budak Form 1 pergi dating tu perkara biasala. Ala, kawan Mia dah start dating masa std 4. Itupun nasib baik Mia goes to an all girl primary school, so jarangla dapat jumpa boys. And nasib baik la buat Mia is not the boy-crazy type. She has a lot of admirers from other schools yang dia jumpa masa competitions, but she just shrugged them off.
Helena awal2 dah set beritahu my kids how I feel about this. But I know I cannot be rigid. Budak2 sekarang ni cepat memberontak, apa yang ditegah, itulah yang dia nak buat. So nak beritahu rules and regulations ni pun mesti berlapik, mesti kata that we are always there for them, nak nasihat ke, nak girl talk ke....
Buat masa ni Helena sikit2 instill the values yang I want in them. Nasib baik Mia is in an all girls SBP, so I'm still buying time la.
These are the questions that are in my head :
(some I know the answers, some I dont)
1. Will I let Mia go dating in her secondary years?
2. Will I let Mia bertulis2 surat dengan budak lelaki in her secondary years?
mmmm..... havent decided. I wrote tonnes of letters in my schooling years, but Mia....... mmm
Boleh menjurus kepada cinta monyet yang kronik..... bahaya jugak....
3. How will I feel on the first day Mia goes out on a date? (after SPM nih)
ishhh tak sanggup la.... knowing budak2 zaman sekarang ni very the kuning.
I have more question lagi, tapi tak sanggup tak pikir lagi.....
Seriously, pada parents yang anak2 dia dah pergi dating, tak kisahla 15 tahun ke, 18 tahun ke, dont you worry about whether the boy (date) buat benda2 tak senonoh kat anak you? Ke... I ni kolot?
But before you say I ni kolot, let me tell you la, I was not a goody2 girl. I had my shares of the adventures, some of which, I'm not proud off.
Am I too protective? Ke.... I merapu bukan2 at 2am nih?
Episod baru..
Ahad 20.10.24
Cerita baru..
Semangat baru..
Selepas balik dari Switzerland abah tercari cari nak ke mana lepas ni..
setiap hari tengok iklan lalu lalang ...
5 months ago