Ahni tagged me. So now I'm gonna share with you some of the weird things that I do.
RULES: People who are tagged should write a blog post of 6 weird things about them as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says 'you are tagged' in their comments and tell them to read your blog....
1. My childrens' armpits
I geram tengok their armpits. I would tickle them, gosok and even kiss them!. Hehe. Obviously only the younger ones will let me do this. Sometimes while watching tv, I will just park my hand there. My target are always Zaryff's chubby armpits and Puteri's sexy armpits..... hehe
2. Nails
I hate long nails. If my nails terlambat aje i potong for sure I will shiver. Yes, long nails make me shiver although masa tu hot wheather.
3. BO
I will only have the need once a week. Ramai my friends tak percaya that I do my big business once a week, but i told them, i pernah buat record 2 weeks. Hehe. masa tu naik pening kepala i.
4. I hate toilets
No 3 and no 4 are not related.
I hate toilets, ALL toilets. Tak kisahla toilet tu bersih ke tak. If tak bersih even worst la kan.
5. Children
I'm very particular in how my children do in school, both academic-wise and koko-wise and the jawatan that they get. I get tensed up 2 weeks before exams (nak prepare them) and a week after exam (for the results)
My expectation of them is very high. I told them that they have to understand EVERY syllibus that they've learnt. With this in mind, they are able to constantly be good in their studies. I told them that they have to get no 1 in class, once streaming is done they need to get top 10 and get anugerah cemerlang every year.
Bila studies ok, and a pep talk here and there on leadership skills, koko and jawatan will just fall on their laps.
Some of my friends say that I ni over dalam bab2 anak2, but then I've come across parents yang even worst then me.... hehe... so I ni ok lagi le.....
6. When I eat rice....
When I eat rice, i tak suka letak kuah. I like the taste of the rice itself. I remember when I first got married. I was eyeing the sotong berlada, took 2 spoonful of the sotong and letak baik2 dekat tepi nasi, and just as i was about to eat, my inlaw kata "kesiannya takda kuah" and terus letak kuah kari kat tengah2 nasi tu!
Terus i hilang selera! Dahla she put the kuah on my white rice, the kuah has to be kuah kari. I TAK SUKA LAUK KARI!!!!! alahai......
ok. for you to decide whether I'm a weirdo or not.
I wont be tagging anyone as I'm still new to blogging, hence the only bloggers that I know now have all been tagged.
Episod baru..
Ahad 20.10.24
Cerita baru..
Semangat baru..
Selepas balik dari Switzerland abah tercari cari nak ke mana lepas ni..
setiap hari tengok iklan lalu lalang ...
4 months ago
salam kenal juga. terima kasih dtg ke blog saya :D.
err..my bab ketiak tu mmg weird la :D.
ttg prestasi anak2 tu pun samalah ngan saya. terutama time depa nak exam. suami pun sampai cakap, anak yg nak exam or maknya yg nak exam? hihi
salam kenal..
kat sini pun penyakit yg sama ya hehe
errmm... interesting. but i think for #3 u meant BM.
Helena..hehehe...yang no. 1 tu....betul weird.....kak lady suka geletek aje armpit sikecik tu...
No. 2 maybe kita sama...kak lady sentiasa ade nail clippers walau kemana kak lady pergi...orang tua2 kata...memalam tak boleh potong kuku...tapi kak lady tak peduli...kalau rasa tak selesa je...pukul 2 pagi pun kak lady potong...
No. 3 & 4 tu hehehe...you are weird.. :)
No. 5 kak lady sederhana saja...& no. 6...alamak kuah kari...kak lady pun tak suka kuah kari....
helena, yeah a lot of weirdness there! Especially d toilet parts. Ha! Ha! Ha!
kak long : salam perkenalan juga.
Helena mmg geram dgn ketiak budak2. Cute..... hehe
My eldest took her UPSR last year. Rasa nak meletup jantung Helena. Hehe... memang macam maknya nak ambik exam, tapi kalau mak ambik exam, mesti resultnya entah apa2.... hehe
zino : selamat datang ke blog Helena. Yela, sama je penyakitnya tu..... hehe
utt : Its BO. kononnya medical term la. kalau nak shi shi sebut PU. Most Nurseries and Kindies pu pakai term ni gak....
Kak lady : setakat ni jarang org tau my obssession dgn ketiak my kids except for my kids and hubby... hehe
no2 tu, my mom slalu marah sbb i selalu potong my kuku n kuku kids malam2, tapi rasionalnya ord dulu2 pakai pisau, and dulu takde lampu florecent, hence takleh potong kuku malam. Helena hanya dapat belek badan sendiri dan badan anak time malam aje....
no 3 tu memang menyenangkan after delivery.... hehe.... sampai naik risau nurse2 suruh Helena buat business.... hehe
Intan : Helena tak suka ke toilet knowing ada benda yang didermakan di situ.... hehe
Tak suka pergi toilet eh... tak ada 'keperluan' ke?
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