This week is my turn to carpool the kids to school. I was about to get out of the parking in front of Zaryff's school, when I saw a chinese guy dgn selambanya park kereta in the middle of the road, keluar dari kereta dia and bukak boot kereta, ambik bag anak dia and pimpin anak dia across the road to the school gate. And the best thing was that dia park kat the wrong side of the road! (am i making sense? i'm confusing you right?)
Well, my point is that Malaysian Drivers can be so rude to the maximum. Tak senonoh betul.
Teringat few years ago, I saw this car behind me bawak kereta swaying to the left and right. I nampak orang tua tu pakai ketayap, so masa nak tiba kat one junction, I kasi dia go through la. (sebenarnya I tak confident dia bwk kete, takut terlanggar belakang I ...) And bestnya, dia overtake I and showed me his MIDDLE finger!. I was like terperanjat beruk. (moral of the story : orang pakai ketayap ni pun otak kotor)
I really do not know his problem. I was minding my own business. I wasnt driving too slow. (me? slow?) And for once I wasnt speeding. I was actually behaving on the road. (To tell you the truth, I ni bawak laju. Well, used to. Tapi I'm a good driver tau... kalau pernah nampak pompuan bawak kete celok2.... it might be me la.... hehe... tapi itu time dulu2 la)
The accident end 2005 really shook me up. It was DEFINITELY not my fault. I was driving carefully at the highway, very carefully infact sebab my parents were in the car. Then I saw in my mirror, ada bus and treller dok racing behind me.... To make things short, the volvo infront of me braked, I braked (we were not going fast, the volvo and me) but the treller did not... and WHAM!! bantai kereta i.....
My boot kereta was gone, and you can imagine how terriffied my mom and my 4 kids yang duduk belakang tu. To tell you the truth, nasib baik I drove the Perdana, and not the Satria, if not... tak payah cakapla kan.... Satria mana ada boot....
So after that incident, I became very safety conscious. Seat belt tak pernah tak pakai. Bawak kereta pun sopan santun aje.....
Tapi ramai lagi on the road yang kurang ajar betul! Kita ni selalu lupa. The minute kita duduk behind the wheel tu, kita sebenarnya play with death.
Episod baru..
Ahad 20.10.24
Cerita baru..
Semangat baru..
Selepas balik dari Switzerland abah tercari cari nak ke mana lepas ni..
setiap hari tengok iklan lalu lalang ...
4 months ago
Helena...thanks kerana singgah blog kak lady...
Malaysian drivers...susah nak cakap...nak kata tak tau undang2 tak pulak..kadang rasa nak report aje no.2 kereta yang suka dengan selambanya langgar lampu merah...nak masuk simpang...dengan relaxnya tanpa bagi signal...menyusahkan orang...
Kak Lady,
thx for dropping by.
semua tu attitude problem sebenarnya. Tapi yg Helena marah bila orang selalu belittle female drivers...
Oh oh takutnya dengar cerita orang eksiden ni, so always be careful lah kita semua kan
yela ahni.... sebenarnya if lepa aja 1 second, our lives can change forever kan.....
So berhati2lah di jalanraya...
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