So in every pregnancy, I will make sure that my gynae checks whether there's more than 1 heart beat in my tummy. Helena akan tanya in every visit, until week 16. Bila dah week 16 tu, mmg confirmla bukan twins kalau tak dengar2 lagi 2nd heartbeat tu kan.....hehe
Dan sahlah, dah tertulis Helena ni tak akan dapat anak twins..... hehe... dan kedaipun dah tutupkan.....
When the kids were small, I will always dress them alike. Mia and Anastassia will wear the same baju/patterns but with different designs. Bila Puteri and Zaryff come into the picture, I will buy his and hers baju, normally a dress for Puteri and a Tshirt for Zaryff. (They started to protest taknak pakai baju sama at around kindy age)
As Puteri and Zaryff grew older, and them being only a year apart, I can see them really bond with each other. Zaryff being a boy, is catching up with Puteri, when height is concerned. And since Zaryff is chubby (typical hubby) and Puteri is slim and lanky (typical me 10 years ago), as I see them today, they look like they are in the same age.

They have a lot in common, they play together most of the time, wherever they go they'll have their arms around each other and it dawned on me.... they're acting just like twins!!! hehe..... jadilah kan.

The pictures above were taken at the clinic this afternoon.
The picture below was taken at McD just before our 1:20pm show - Mr. Bean's Holiday. (aargh... boringnye.... but funnyla)

You might realize that in all pictures Puteri would be pointing at something. As I said before, Puteri ni kalau cakap macam bertih jagung, cakap nonstop and she's very inquisitive about things. Whereas Zaryff is the playful type, typical boys la kan.
Yang bestnya, Puteri akan explain to Zaryff every single thing that comes through her path. So in a way, menyenangkan Helena la sebab pergi mana2, dia akan explain educational stuff and facts to Zaryff. And Zaryff would really-really listen attentively. Siap ada Q&A sessions lagi.(Kalau kita nak explain, dia buat donno aje.....) Hehe.... (thx Puteri.....)
Puteri and Zaryff being the youngest two, will always be my babies. Just like Mia and Anastassia who will always be my anak dara.......... hehe......