Mia told me that the performance in KL was fantastic. Apparently PM was not there but Hishamuddin was. It seems that Hishamuddin was so impressed with the group. I told Mia to recite them to me.... and then understood. The script was amazing (created by the seniors) and to have it in 4 languages (English, French, Arabic and Japanese) makes it even more electrifying.
Mia came back home on Saturday for a few hours. Went to the nearest shopping complex to do some shopping with her. Back home, she spent most of the time on Friendster. And also borak2 with my parents in the Study Room.
I am very happy to see Mia enjoying her college life. It is a dream come through for her. I still remember the conversation I had with Mia when she was in Std 5, when she just came back from a Kursus Kepimpinan peringkat Kebangsaan in Selangor.
"So Mia, how was the kursus?"
"Best sangat, mama. I was selected as the Ketua Kontingen for my state"
"Oh, Good for you. Ramai ke budak2 Sabah and Sarawak?"
"Ramai..... best dia orang, dapat nak plane untuk berkursus."
Then suddenly, Mia kept quiet. Air mata dia bertakung.
"Mia..... kenapa nangis ni" I was starting to get panicky.
"Anything happened there? Ada budak2 kacau Mia ke?" I asked again.
"Tak......." and continued to cry softly.
"Answer me, Mia. Did any boys kacau Mia? Usik Mia?" Risau Helena, knowing that mereka tidur di hotel for 4 days, and campur lelaki perempuan. As a mother, risaula kan, sebab selama ni Mia in all girls school..... takde masalah kena bercampur gaul dgn boys.
"Tak adala... mama" she wiped her tears.
"Then confide in me, there must be a reason why you cried. Please tell me, Mia......" I pleaded.
"Mama, I missed my new friends. Best mama, tidur ramai2. Then pagi2, solat sama2, breakfast sama2. Do activities together. Mia suka cara macam tu mama. Best sangat2. I love the setting, the surrounding, the atmosphere..... I just dont want it to end......"
"Sighhhh......" lega Helena dengar.
"Mia, macam tu la sebenarnya duduk di asrama. If you like it, then Mia belajar kuat2 untuk UPSR, doa kat Tuhan agar dapat masuk asrama okay."
"Ok mama..." said Mia, while opening her autograph book, which is now full with the addresses and phone numbers of her newfound friends.
So, I was not suprised when I see Mia adjusting nicely to the kehidupan berasrama sekarang. She's enjoying her school life and sometimes it makes me envious, as I know that she's going to experience the best 5 years of her life there, a home away from home.
Episod baru..
Ahad 20.10.24
Cerita baru..
Semangat baru..
Selepas balik dari Switzerland abah tercari cari nak ke mana lepas ni..
setiap hari tengok iklan lalu lalang ...
4 months ago
hik hik..In the years to come, you will see less and less of Mia.Dia balik rumah pun dia berkurung dalam bilik or keluar ngan kengkawan. Bila tanya, everything pun dia kata alright. Itupun kalau dia balik rumah masa cuti sebab masa cuti selalunya ada gameslah, school trip lah, extra classes lah...adoi..Then before you even knew it, dia dah pergi UK. THen dia kahwin..Then dia ada anak and awak dapat CUCU...adoi adoi..
Sayu pula bila pikir nanti anak-anak kita akan tinggalkan kita kan.
Tapi, utk kebaikan, dan untuk dia belajar hidup sendiri, bagus kan sis. :)
Helena u kena prepare from now the little swan akan terbang from the nest in no time cam si djin cakap tu.
I am gld Mia is having a good time:)
Aisay, djinsakti tu speak from experience kot... be prepared le kita ni semua...
oooh, I lurved staying in boarding school!! always wanted to be in one and managed to be in one. she'll enjoy herself, no doubt!
girls matured faster than boys. Bolehke my boy survive the life away from home? can't imagine la Helena...(sebenornya,mak dia yg.lebih2,hi..hi..)
it's true, some children totally love boarding-school. none of my children went to asrama. my fault, i am so selfish i want them with me as long as possible!
djinsakti : betul djin, I was afraid of that. Tapi in our house, kids jarang berkurung dalam bilik. Mereka suka berkurung dalam study room, sebab semua lengkap in the room and I made it very cozy.
I remembered during my days in MRSM. Jarang balik rumah bec banyak activities.
But I like the part about pergi UK tu.... Harap2 masinla cakap you....
wan : memang rindu sangat2. Tapi Helena redha.
kak elle : Mia enjoy. Maknya aje yang sedang berperang dgn emosi sebab rindu.
ahni : yela. My friend punya suggestion lagi kelakar. Dia suruh I have another baby to overcome my loneliness. Mulut takde insuran betul....haha
D : yup, I had a GREAT time in MRSM too. Thats why bila kids start darjah 1 aje, Helena akan nasihatkan mereka belajar kuat2 supaya masuk boarding school. So, mmg day 1, they know my expectation. Alhamdullillah they have nothing against boarding schools. Infact after seeing Mia having fun there, mereka pun berkobar nak pergi boarding school.
goboklama : boys mmg mature late. Although I have 3 girls, having a std 1 school-going boy this year is really a unique experience. I love all-boys boarding school. Dare I send him to MCKK? Jauh sangatla pulak..... (Memangla mak yg lebih2 haha esp ME. I'm good at that)
Intan : Boarding schools have its pros and cons. If the child tak mahu, kita as parents pun tak boleh force. I still remember when I photostated Mia's certs dulu, tokey photostat tu tanya kenapa I nak hantar anak ke boarding school. "Aiyah, you malas jaga anak ka?" Hehe. Terus Helena tak pergi sana lagi.
Berapa ramai pun anak at last we will be left with an empty nest, I dreaded those time.... sigh
i stayed in a boarding school. it was the most enriching experience..i got to know people from diverse backgrounds and upbringings. when i left it, i left with a heavy heart knowing so many happy and bitter memories i've had there.
Helena dear,
Is your daughter one of the choral speakers at the launch of Cluster schools? I was there. My my my! I was so proud of them. They did fantastic. Absolutely beautiful. I took some photos. Tell me.
Ye seronok la jadi budak2 ni....no worries
Salam perkenalan
Kalau di murahkan rezki, Minah pun nak anak2 Minah pegi asrama. That way, they will belajar being independent.
sya : I will be 48 when my youngest sits for his SPM. Mesti sunyi rumah nantikan?
kc : I learnt a lot in boarding school, not forgetting the sweet and bitter memories. BTW I have forgiven the discipline teacher for caning me for something that I DID NOT do. Malu wei, pompuan kena rotan.
Ruby : thx for dropping by. opssie... yup, that's Mia alright. I tried to be vague about the performance, but well.... hehe. Its just that I prefer not to share which school she is in now and which state we are in.
Mia was in the front row, she enjoyed her first trip outstation and had a fabulous time. She's not new to Choral Speaking as she (and her team) represented the State for National Level when she was in std 5 and 6. Last year she was the lead speaker for the team.
Yang funnynya, during practice, her teacher asked them to improve their facial expressions, and complimented the facial expressions of SK *** students. She kept on about them being primary students but pandai buat impressive facial expressions. What the teacher does not know was, Mia WAS from that school and SHE was the one who got all the praises on facial expressions. (Dia lead speaker, so banyak watak la) Hehe.
Did you enjoy them? I wish I was there. This is the 1st time that I've missed my children's performance. Really had this urge to drive to KLCC and gate crash the function. hehe. It seems that the teachers asked for SK ***'s assistance (My 2 girls are still there) but the teachers had to decline as they too were busy preparing with their choral speakers. (competition is today, Anastassia is one of the solo speakers)
You have photos? Do you mind sending them to me? Puhleeez...... at helena-zafyra@hotmail.com. thx ruby.
mak lang : yela.... time budak2, no worries... paling tension pun sebab bila sikta rambut, jambul tak menjadi. HAHAH.
Minah coleteh : Harapan Helena pun begitu. For all my children to be in boarding schools. Tapi sekarang susah tau. 45000 students dapat 5As. Tempat kat SBP and MRSM around 8K aje. Sekarang ni ikut luck aje, although the child is performing above par in both academics and koko. Sebab ramai sangat yang penuhi quota.
Good answer from U to her. Takut nanti maknya yg tak tahan anak duk berjauhan di asrama..he..he..he..
Ur entry kinda brings back my own bitter sweet memories duduk kat asrama...hmm..
Anak kak lady pun dulu camtu...masa memula masuk hostel...melalak bagai nak rak...buat macam2 perangai...tapi bila balik utk cuti sekolah mula merindu kengkawan sebilik yang dah macam adik beradik dah....
nbk : mmg mak yang lebih2 rindu.... hehe.... Mia selamba aje...
nj : memories tu yang mahalkan.... baik manis, baik pahit.
kak lady : masalahnya, Mia tak melalak langsung, emak yg over kerinduan.... hehe.... but not as bad as my friend, dok nangis siang malam....
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