2 incidents happened the last few days. Pening jugak memikirkannya.
One of the incident, mmg betul2 memburukkan profession sebagai seorang guru. Sekolah anak I became a victim in this. An official complaint has been made sehingga ke peringkat tertinggi. Kesian tengok my daughter and her friends menangis, they were the victim of a teacher yang mempunyai dendam kesumat.
The 2nd incident clearly shows how the breakup of a family effected a child, to make the child retaliate physically terhadap pelajar2 yang tak bersalah. This has been solved, but as a parent of one of the victims, I need to have a chat with the school HEM to ensure the safety of my child in future.
This entry tiada kena mengena dengan CK, although I was informed by a teacher that during the PIBG AGM meeting, quite a number of teachers overheard bagaimana CK kutuk I. (dia duduk directly belakang teachers) It shocked the teachers it seems, but i couldnt care less to even ask what was being said by CK.
Oh Ya, last Wednessday, CK ugut a teacher sebab the teacher refused to give anak dia jawatan Presiden in Kelab Taekwondo. (Opps, Anastassia is eyeing that position next year, should she lepaskan that jawatan so that tak kena hassle lagi dgn CK?)
mmm..... ada-ada aje kan......
Episod baru..
Ahad 20.10.24
Cerita baru..
Semangat baru..
Selepas balik dari Switzerland abah tercari cari nak ke mana lepas ni..
setiap hari tengok iklan lalu lalang ...
4 months ago
What's happenning to the once noble (not to say that it is not now) teaching profession these days? I think that a lot of teachers are in the profession because they have no other choice and not because it's their passion!
Dad of 4 : It seems this teacher was kicked from one school to the other, ada juga dgr cerita pasal duit PIBG 20K lesap. It seems that dia dendam dgn sekolah anak I, one of the school yg pernah kick her out dulu.
i kesian. a noble profession like this is so underpaid and because of that, not many 'good' students want to be teachers and in turn, the quality of teachers degrade... and in turn, students suffer.
Semasa kak lady mengambil MCE tahun 1976...rakan2 kak lady banyak yang menjadi mangsa seorang guru yang menyimpan dendam pada pihak pengurusan sekolah...
Dia telah di tendang keluar dari sekolah kami kerana perbuatanya yang memukul dan mendera anak2 muridnya...sebelum kesekolah kami dia sebenarnya ditendang dari sebuah sekolah kerana membaling duster papanhitam kepada seorang murid hingga cedera...
Disebabkan dendam kesumat yang disimpannya...ramai anak2 murid yang gagal ujian lisan BM peringkat MCE ketika itu kerana dia menjadi salah seorang guru yang bertanggungjawab menjalankan ujian lisan tersebut...keji sungguh sikap dia yang telah mengotorkan rekod murid2 tersebut...
oh my oh my apa nak jadi ni?because of revenge the students jadi mangsa?I hope they will take action on this teacher.
kisah cikgu berdendam ni berlaku juga di zaman zino dulu.. rupanya ada lagi...
what's with the teachers nowadays. these bad apples really give the profession a bad name. there was this girl back in high school who was so popular among the students bcoz she used to appear in tv screen's ads. so hugely popular was she that even the female teachers got so jealous of her fame and started to pick on her and make her life difficult in class. when she could not take the pressure anymore she quit schooling and i dont know what happened to her after that. either she quit terus or continue her schooling in another school nobody knows.
my point is, this act of jealousy or vengeance on the teacher's (supposedly matured grown ups) part can actually damage an innocent girl's self-esteem in a long term. just like yr girl and her friends going thru right now. bad bad teacher!
intan : no doubt you'll still find noble teachers with the passion to teach, but bad apples macam ni yg overshadow kebaikan guru2 lain.
kak lady : wow.... itu aniaya masa depan budak2 tuh....
kak elle : pls tell that to Jabatan Negeri. Inilah salah satu dari kelemahan kerajaan. semua dok cover each other.
zino : ada.... takkan berubahnya...
kc : kita orang ada proof, now still waiting for answer. I nak tengok, ada keadilan tak utk sekolah anak I. Dah terang2an sangat proof dia.
apa ke hal plak si Cacing Kurap nih...tak habeh-habeh menyusahkan orang....
yg cikgu tu pon 1 hal.biarlah dia jawab ngan tuhan sok. terus nak masuk neraka agak nye...
helena, i thot we only have to deal with kids and peer pressures - masalah cikgu pun dok add in jugak!
Nanti ceritalah
biasalah tu...kat dunia ni macam2 ada...sabar jelaa....
cik dinz : si CK tu memang macam cacing kepanasan, and now mmg nampak sangat.... biarlah dia....
bab cikgu tu.... mmm Helena nak masuk campur pun tak boleh, complicated la nak cerita. If not I will just send a complaint letter kat press, senang aje. Tapi ada sbb yg Helena tak boleh buat macamtu.
Now dgr cerita macam susah aje Jabatan nak correct the situation. MEsti taknak rock the boat, taknak kecoh2.... biasala.... walaupun ada bukti. Mmm... entahla.
mama rock : Too bad the children dari kecik dah mengalami kena aniaya dgn seorang yg bernama guru. Itu ke contoh yg mahu ditunjukkan oleh profession guru. And now, the kids will see whether Jabatan akan biarkan mereka terus dianiaya, atau Jabatan akan tegakkan keadilan bagi pihak mereka.
ahni : My friend asked, kenapa Helena tak cerita direct pasal hal ni in my blog. Kenapa nak cover2. Entahla Ahni.... rasanya nak cerita aje terus di sini. And I'm not making stories kan? And its not like you know which school and which state. (Although maybe some of you boleh agak.....)
mak lang : Pada Helena, if Jabatan tak take action or correct the mistake made intentionally by the teacher, Jabatan pun bersubahat la. I pity the kids, the effort given, the dedication given.
guru, cikgu, and whatever they call it. I was a teacher and I chose to be one. sadly, the education system - not only in school, but more seriously, the training colleges and universities are still not there yet. I went back home after studying teaching methodology in the UK. Went back with plans, strategies and hope. Very exhausting. Let's pray that the system will improve for Malaysia!!
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