First , wanna update on Anastassia's choral speaking. Sad to say that the decision stays. I'm upset although Anastasia has resigned to the fact that it's a goner. Anak dah boleh let go tapi mak still geram lagi ni. But too bad, I cant do much about it. Tapi sorryla ye, my faith towards the system dah gone, malasla nak cakap apa2 lagi.
After this, if there's any announcement about the emphasis of koko keluar paper, I tergelak ajela.... boleh kan?
Well, on a cheerful note, I met Mia few days ago. Dia wakil sekolah in Choir. Although her school didnt win, it was a good attempt as it was their first try after several years tak masuk Choir Competition. Yang menang is the school that Mia was supposed to go if Mia tak dapat SBP dulu. (and her primary friends punya school) Their peformance was superb, memang an eye opener for me. Infact the entire Pesta Muzik was a new experience as it was the 1st time Helena tengok competition sekolah menengah.
I was impressed to see the tarian tradisionals and tarian rakyats performed by the competing schools. To me it was even more interesting than the ones showed on RTM or TV3. (hehe, Im not joking) Ada part2 yang I rasa tak sesuai pulak untuk school kids but, well tarian melayu memang ada usik mengusik antara lelaki and perempuan kan.... Well,I really had a great time, it was very different to the primary competitions that I always frequented.
Anastassia hasnt been so lucky lately. She entered a colouring competition lately but didnt manage to win. Well, she didnt really do well in the colour mix, so her painting did not stand out. I consoled her to make this a lesson, and make sure she doesnt do the same mistake again, esp in the next drawing and colouring competition scheduled in June.
Puteri also took part, since she's a first timer, we did not expect much. Although she did not win, but her colouring was quite good. Ada 2-3 orang dok mengadap dia color from the time she starts sampaila habis, Puteri was amused by the attention. She could have win too, tapi her background tak cantik. I have to get Anastassia to teach her how to do background with crayon or water colour. Puteri buat pakai pensil colour aje utk background.....
Anastassia was chosen for both Choir and Pertandingan Bercerita, but had to let go one acara as it was held on the same day. She was also chosen to take part in the National Robotic Competition which will also clash with another competition, so kena let go satu jugak. Kesian pulak tengok dia.
Yesterday she was so down, because dia lambat register for a KL trip with her schoolmates, sebab dia ingat dia taknak pergi because she wants to enter a Rekacipta Competition (held the same day). But when she found out that her invention is very costly, and dia tarik diri sebab no time to invent benda lain, dia ingat dia bolehla pergi KL trip tu, and just found out that dah tak ada tempat. Mmm......
Episod baru..
Ahad 20.10.24
Cerita baru..
Semangat baru..
Selepas balik dari Switzerland abah tercari cari nak ke mana lepas ni..
setiap hari tengok iklan lalu lalang ...
4 months ago
aktif sungguh anak u.
1 hati nnt dia akan insan yg berjaya kerna banyak perkara yg dia belajar, kuasai, ketahui...
cik dinz : Helena mmg galakkan anak2 aktif. Alhamdullillah mereka pun berminat. Tapi Helena make sure yang Helena tak paksa mereka aktif atau masuk competition yg mereka tak minat. Nanti lain pulak jadinya. I try to instill in them the interest to explore.
Tapi penatla melayan program mereka ni....
Hehe..bertuah anak2 kak helena sbb mak dia skali take part..dulu zaman org takde pon mak buat camtu...masuk competition ape2 pon sbb inisiatif sendiri..nasyid, bercerita, sukan..mcm2la..yg paling bes, nasyid every year kami menang..masa tu primary school..
Tapi org tahu..bukan mak taknak amek tahu..tapi sbb kami org susah..mak kene cari, terpaksala pandai2 jaga diri..hehehe..
one day..bila dah ada anak2 sendiri..i'll try my best to be a good kak helena..take part dalam semua aktiviti anak2...:-)
rose : masa zaman Helena pun, my parents tak get involve sangat. apa yang cikgu pilih, itu ajelah yg Helena masuk.
Tapi let me tell you, its very tiring, whenever I think that my tolerence is running low (dont forget the demands from hubby + demands from work + housework), rasa macam nak give up aje. Especially bila tgk some of my friends yang relax aje, jeles jugak tau....
eh, me good mum? mmm... not really, maybe later I'll share on how I lost my temper towards Anastassia a few days ago, I didnt act the way a parent should act. Hmmm... I need to improve my parenting skills la... but.... handling anastassia is really a challenge lately.
every mother should be like you lah Helena:)best juga baca coretan anak2 you ni.
kalau ada anak agak I pun macam u participate sekali.
Helena...beruntung u ...anak2 u aktif...& bertuah juga diorang sebab ade mummy yang supportive.
Kak Lady memang minat tarian melayu...selalu khayal bila melihat lenggok tubuh dan lemah gemalainya gerak tari mereka...
kak elle : Helena rasa every mother wants to do the same. Samada berkemampuan dari segi masa atau tidak. Its just that I'm lucky that my work ni demandnya bermusim. Bila busy, busy sesangat. Bila tak busy, I can take leave anytime I want. Tapi I know I'm gonna have problems in June sebab kerja banyak, and tak taula samada dapat menyibuk nak tgk kids gi competition in June.
kak lady : Sekolah my kids ni, Helena tgk selalu ambik budak A class for competitions. So mmg dari awal I told my kids, if nak dipilih, you have to excel in studies la. Studies kena elok sbb kalau dipilih utk apa2, kena slalu miss class. With good studies, and if you display high confidence level, mmg for sure cikgu pilih.
And yg buat lagi senang, my kids tgk how dulu Mia dipilih utk itu ini, and how she enjoyed the activities. So adik2 pun ada tanam semangat nak do the same as Mia.
Helena tak minat sangat tarian melayu ni, tapi last week memang betul2 terpegun. Rasa berat nak tinggalkan dewan nak balik office (I took 1/2 day leave aje) Dulu I have the perception that budak lelaki masuk tarian ni mesti group "auw", tapi was suprised tgk mereka ni macho2 gak and best tgk the boys nari.
Salam Halena ...
bagus betul lah Halena nie..
memang seportive sungguh sungguh...
pB suka tengok tarian tarian tradisional nie...
ralit .....
penuh dengan lemah lembut ....
tapi pB tak pandai nak menari..
keras ....
hi hi hi...
salam Sis :D
sempoi betoi:)
anak maklang taklah seaktif anak helena...
biasa2 aje...
KEsian Anastasia tak dapat ikut gi trip dia...
pb : Helena pun keras bila menari. Terutama tarian melayu.... Helena mmg support mereka active dalam koko. In a way, it developes their character and build their confidence.
kak long : salam to you too... ;D
may 13 : sempoi yer..... hehe
maklang : Helena pun kesian tgk Anastasia. But she has to understand, itu choice dia dulu. Bila dia berubah arah, she has to accept apa yg dah tersurat.
kadang2 terlebih active pun, ada keburukkannya maklang.... tapi tahun 6, semua kena stop. (except for choral speaking)
setiap perkara yg kita buat tidak akan menjadi jika dilakukan dgn penuh paksaan.
berangan jugak nak my kids aktif mcm nih......heheheeee...
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