Last weekend in between visits to the hospital, we did some shopping..... last night siap tiba rumah at 11pm! Hehe..... The best thing was, shopping tak done lagi..... today will go to tailor to alter the sleeves to Pu3's baju kurung, buy Zaryff's baju melayu (hah! iyer..... tak beli lagi...hehe....), his songkok and send him to the barber to get his hair cut.
Also still need to buy a pair of jeans each for Mia and Anastassia...... entah macamana semalam kat Midvalley semuanya tak berkenan..... also nak beli table cloth so that I can put at top of the shoe cabinet that hubby bought. I HATE shoe cabinets, unless its from IKEA la, but hubby said the ones in IKEA is too small..... sigh.... dia malas nak gi sana la tu sebenarnya...... bukannya Helena tak tau..... so I'm gonna get myself a nice runner to cover it. Semalam kat Parkson berkenan satu, tapi opppss..... so pricey pulak for shoe cabinet..... hehe. Hari ni nak cari kat Jusco la pulak.
Bought Anastassia her after-UPSR gift..... yela.... kesian tengok dia berhempas pulas buat homework sekolah...... homework melambak nak mampus...... tersengguk2 kat meja..... so like I said to her...... i nampakla usaha tu.... usaha tu yang penting..... she wanted a discman, but i talked her into buying an MP3 instead..... hehe.... she chose a red colored Sony. Aik.... jeles pulak Mia..... hello you already have one, dear.... and yours is even more expensive tau. (Good for me harga benda2 ni dah turun..... hehe)
Last night Buka Puasa at the food court. Kali ni I made sure that we parked ourselves there as early as 5:30pm...... hehe. Rupanya dah ramai pun kat situ. The younger two wanted Fetuccini Alfredo, Mia ~ Spagetti and Anastassia, being the only anak melayu in the family chose Nasi Lemak Rendang Ayam..... hehe. I had my favourite Chicken Teppayaki whilst hubby ambik Seafood Spagetti.
Malam ni kena makan nasik la..... sebab Saturday night makan Pizza Hut. Dah lama pulak the kids tak makan nasik. (Sahur is always noodles)
After buka, melepak kat Kinokuniya...... bought a Geronimo Stilton book for Pu3, none for Zaryff as a punishment for his not-so-good results in August (kalau nak baca, pinjam buku kakak Pu3, I said), and 4 books for Mia including the two Chicken Soup books that my Mom asked me to buy for Mia. Anastassia looked upset as we walked out the store. She could not find any book that she likes! Duh...... punya la lama we all tunggu, at last just before hubby buntangkan mata, I dragged her out of the store. Nasib baik ada MP3 baru tu..... terubat la sikit frust dia tu. Haish..... tak paham la the kids, kedai punya besar boleh tak jumpa buku....... Shopping Store punya besar tak jumpa jeans/pants that they like...... sigh........
Hey, thats it for now I guess..... Gotta run.......
Episod baru..
Ahad 20.10.24
Cerita baru..
Semangat baru..
Selepas balik dari Switzerland abah tercari cari nak ke mana lepas ni..
setiap hari tengok iklan lalu lalang ...
5 months ago