Papa, I have not been telling this to you lately, but i love you so so much.
My dad is a unique person. I grew up knowing that he loves me very much and would do anything for me.
I knew he wanted a son. Nevertheless I instantly became the apple of his eye. Especially since i look more like him, though there's a hint of mama's feature's in me.... me, the girl he called Manja.
I grew up playing with toys meant for boys, my favourites are small cars and trucks, guns and swords. Even at the age of 12, I chose a battery operated control car as a birthday gift.
Papa is a perfectionist. He is a very serious person, but can be a hillarious joker when he wants to. He is a walking encylopedia, and a walking dictionary too. He is a workaholic and a very responsible husband and father. The day my mom married him, was the day she learnt that my dad would care for her 100%, he would love her 110% and would never let anything worry her, be it his devotion, financially or anything. Seriously, he is the type of husband you would wish for your daughters. Ohhh .... and he is such a romantic....
Papa came from a small kampung, but was lucky as his dad, my grandfather understood the importance of education. I guess being the oldest son in his family, my grandfather had to sacrifice for his family. However, his youngest brother, I guess by that time they could afford it, managed to further his studies and became one of Malaysia's KSN. The number 1 non-political post in the government I would say.
Papa's eldest brother excelled academically, he furthered his studies and was one of Tun Razak's right hand man. It was really a loss when he passed away young, a loss to the family, also to the nation. Papa's 2nd brother was a budak koleq, who later became a dentist in the early 1960s. He too died young like his brother.
My dad left for MCKK when he was just 9 years old. I guess his life as budak koleq influenced a lot of his personality. Dah duduk sana for around 10 years kan..... he left after STPM, though I think they call it by a different name at that time.
Papa eats with fork and spoon. Most of the time, if possible. If you tell him to meet you at 9am, make sure you'll be there way before 9am. Because he would surely be there 15 minutes before. And he would give you a really long lecture if you were even a second late. He hates couldnt care less attitudes.
Kalau tengok cabinet baju dia, memang malu rasanya. He would take care of it on his own. Straight aje baju yang berlipat. Semua ada colour coding. Whites dengan whites, coloured shirts dengan coloured shirts. Stokins one place, hanky tersusun rapi. Hey even his towel and tersidai kat towel rack tu, it would be put in the middle, properly hung. Kalau nak ukur tepi kiri towel and tepi kanan towel to the edges, i can bet cm-nya sama. His handbag, his briefcase, his toiletries, his comb..... if you just push it sikit aje.... for sure dia akan tau. hehe.
I was brought up, newspapers mesti on the coffee table. The folded side of the paper mesti away from the dinding. Siapa lepas baca paper, must put it back immediately dekat situ. Pages of the papers, kalau ada dah tersenget, betulkan balik before putting it back to its place.
Workwise, he is very dedicated to his job. He is a man of principle and he walks the talk. He is the first medical doctor in Malaysia to specialize in that field of his. He worked closely with WHO and CDC Atlanta even before I started school. In fact, if not for his first chest pain, we would have left for Geneva and supposedly stay there for the next 5 yrs minimum right after my Penilaian Darjah 5.
Papa is strict, he wouldnt think twice telling a Menteri Besar that he works for the rakyat, not for the politicians, when he asked my dad to let go of a land planned for a hospital and clinics. During a meeting on Rasuah, he directly told the whole room, lets start from US, to declare on the Quran that we did not take even a single cent of Government money for personal use. Much to the dismay of others in the room........ hehe. One Tan Sri pernah kata that its hard to work with my father. Sebab my dad lurus sangat, tak boleh bengkang bengkok. He is too honest. Yup, no hanky panky is allowed if papa's in the group.
Sigh... papa, I thought this wont be a long entry, and I havent even started on how you took care of me. How you shower me with your love. Despite me being rebelious, despite me being a spoilt brat.
You are my idol. And you are Mia's, Anastassia's, Pu3's and Zaryff's idol too. Dah besar nanti mesti jadi macam Atuk, I would say. In fact, ramai I know yang cakap macam tu kat their children. Be like my dad.
I love you so much papa, you have been there for me everytime, and even beyond. And I know how much you love the kids too.... each and every one of them. And how they are a part of your life. Every single minute of the day.
Maybe I will share more later, maybe i wont..... depending on how I feel after this. Its just that I'm feeling a bit sentimental today..... after kissing papa's soft cheeks at the hospital. Yes he's at the hospital now, nothing heart related though. I hope everything will turn out well. Get well soon Papa......
P/S Papa..... Just wondering....... How come you let the kids do things that you never let me do when i was a child...... ? mmm..... hehe.....
Episod baru..
Ahad 20.10.24
Cerita baru..
Semangat baru..
Selepas balik dari Switzerland abah tercari cari nak ke mana lepas ni..
setiap hari tengok iklan lalu lalang ...
2 months ago
kak Helena...
rasa syahdu je baca... teringat baba za kat msia....
Semoga Papa Kak Helena cepat sembuh ....
Take Care!!
your father is sooo... charming!
get well soon..
Dear Helena,
Wishing your dad a speedy recovery and Eid Mubarak to you and family.
1. take good care of your papa. semoga dia cepat sembuh.
2. hi, hi biasalah, datuk lebih manjakan cucu dari anak sendiri.
3. selamat hari raya aidilfitri
Helena, banyak persamaan with mine. Is it becoz they were from the old school? Infact I just wrote a bit abt my dad too. May your papa recuperates soon.
take care sis! semoga semuanya selamat.
biasalah cucu ngan atuk
hi rizza.... syahdu.... hehe tgh emo ni ha..... hence the entry....
oppsy..... rizza not in msia ke.... alamak tak prasan la...... kat mana yer? nanti nak cek balik kat your place la.....
thx dear.
marisa..... memang he is very charming. Esp the way he loves my mom, the way he romances her..... romantic betul....
I dah suruh hubby take lessons from my dad.... taknak lak dia....hehe
hi there dad of 4 plus 1.... long time no see....
thx. i hope before Rayala he gest discharged.....
Selamat Hari Raya to you and family too.
1. selamat hari Raya to you and Family....
2. Itulah, at times like these, terasalah betapa miskin adik-bradik Helena ni..... sigh..... syukur he was cheerful yesterday. Siap planning nak beli handphone for Mia (???? bukan ker Mia dah ada hp from her UPSR results which is much2 more expensive than mine???.... Saja untuk spare for her.... PApa replied) Papa!!!! i still remember you promised to buy me a real set of drums when I was 14!!!! Mana?? Mana?? hehe......
3. Itulah not fair Atuk2 ni..... hehe..... well actually my dad would extra pamper mykids yg give good exams results. And I noticed ever since Mia masuk to the school that he very much approves.... he's been pampering Mia like nobody's business. Yela, dahla budak tu duduk asrama.... jarang jumpa.... paham2 la.... hehe
somuffins.... oo really? Similar ker caranya? So is he from MCKK too?
I'll hop over soon..... thx for the support dear....
arina, thx dear .... insyaAllah....
ish i better save again your link ni...... asyik2 i pergi kat your old one....
ibu kumbang..... itula kan....
Tapi I'm lucky coz my parents tak pamper membabi buta. They all garang jugak dgn kids bila kids buat hal.
Infact my parents la yg tolong i monitor kids punya studies. Without them, i dont think I can manage mengadap budak2 punya syllabus....
Alamak..baca cite pasal your papa teringat pulaks kat MONK dlm siri kat Astro 2...he...he..he..
I'm sure your papa is proud of you as much as you are of him...
Best of du'as for your papa!
nbk..... monk did you say..... hehe.... you are right memang ada iras2 esp bab cleaniness. Infact bab cleanines ni, Helena pun over sikit...... hehe
My dad would always say that his feet is cleaner than orang lain punya hands..... and you know what..... i think its true! hehe.... As a mom, penat tau jaga anak2 bila i emphasize on cleaniness...
ada in my earlier posts i revealed that i hate toilets...... althou toilets kat hotels..... sebab ni la... hehe
hi there d.... i hope so D.... I know i let him down so many times....
sigh.... dah emo la pulak..... huhu
Hi Helena,
When you mentioned your father's trait about punctuality, it reminds me so much of my husband. Perhaps learning and living in koleq have taught them that.
I hope your Papa will recover soon and will be discharged before raya begins.
Selamat Hari Raya, Helena.
semoga papa cepat sembuh dan bleh sambut raya bersama anak-anak nnt...
Kak Helena..
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri
Maaf Zahir Batin...
I pray for your Papa's speedy recovery.
Salam AidilFitri & Maaf Zahir Batin
semuga papa helena cepat sembuh..dan dapat beraya bersama sama di rumah..
Hi there madam.... oo your hubby is also from MCKK? Yup punctuality is a must for my dad. Selalu kena marah because of this..... hehe
Itula.... its Monday today and he is still in the hospital.... dah risau dah ni....
cik dinz..... terimakasih.... harap2 begitu la hendaknya.....
Rizza... thx dear....
Hope you and family will have a great Raya. Maaf Zahir Batin dari Helena.
Mamamia.... thx... selamat Hari Raya to you and family too.... Maaf Zahir BAtin.....
thx zino..... I'm bracing myself for this..... just in case Raya hospital kali ni. And my dad is the type yang, kalau sakit buat betul2 cara sakit.... takde dia nak mintak balik rumah just for Raya.....
I hope he gets discharged today or tomorrow....
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