Its now 9:32am - 11 Sept, 2008.
Anastassia should be finishing her Science paper now.
1. Suprisingly, Maths paper yesterday was quite tough. Much tougher compared to 2 years ago, when Mia sat for her UPSR. I thought the papers would be easier if not lebih kurang the same.
2. Thank GOD yesterday's paper finished at 9:10am. The minute we arrived home at around 10:30am, Anastassia start guling2 kesakitan. I gave her painkiller (dah siap medicine just in case) tapi tak jalan. I gave her ponstan.... pun tak jalan.
As my dad was not feeling well and could not examine Anastassia, I sent her to our GP. Hmmm.... urine infection.... sigh.....
3. Now as I'm writing this, I hope i wont get any call from the school. She looks fine this morning. Helena harap she wont experience any more stomach pain sampai 1pm...... insyaAllah.....
Episod baru..
Ahad 20.10.24
Cerita baru..
Semangat baru..
Selepas balik dari Switzerland abah tercari cari nak ke mana lepas ni..
setiap hari tengok iklan lalu lalang ...
4 months ago
so doctor bagi painkiller aje ke? anything serious?
hi jorazak.
Urine infection ni can be very serious. But Anastassia's symtoms i guess is mild la. I really hope la its mild.
BEfore UPSR, mmg Helena pegi GP, mintak ubat demam, ubat sakit perut, ubat selsema, ubat sakit orang pompuan......
BIla Anastassia sakit, I gave the ubat sakit perut first, which is a painkiller, lepas tu bila still sakit, my dad suruh kasi ponstan, since dia pun tgh uzur.
But since my dad sendiri was not well, he did not check Anastassia's abdomen. So since i pun taknak my dad risau, i just went to clinic to see our family GP. Kat clinic, macam2 ubat la dia kasi.
Urine infection ni maybe sebab Anastassia tak minum byk air. Altho tak puasa, she did not eat or drink in school. so balik sekolah jer makan/minum and dinner. Orang lain sahur, dia tak bangun. Dia just ambik breakfast b4going to school. So fluid intake dia tak banyak macam biasa la....
Its now 11:55am. Another i hour to go. I really dread it bila hp bunyi. Takut kut2 sekolah yang call.
Helena phobia sikit sbb masa Mia TRIAL UPSR dulu, i got call from school at 9am asking me to come because Mia is in serious pain. NAsib bail trial, but it effected her trial results la....
Hopefully tak de apa2 anak Kak helena tu.
my comment:
Pemahaman, is realatively easy, but confusing if candidates didnt perhati betul2.
Penulisan: Easy.
Math: Ada yang susah dan ada yang senang.
Science: My pupils cakap susah.
BI: Relatively easy.
Harap anak kak Helena pun boleh jawab confidently.
Jimi ambil cuti rehat sehari start besok, dapatlah rehat 3 hari. Im stressed out.need a break and long rest.dah berbulan tak cuti, asyik extra classes je.
Kesiannya dia Helena...bahaya urine infection ni...
Syukur, she's okay on Thursday. Cuma petang tu dalam pukul 3pm sakit perut sikit, Tapi sikit aje la.....
Anastassia's comment :
Pemahaman - ada senang ada susah. Overall she's happy with it.
Penulisan - Easy. Just worried about the Pengawal Lalulintas yang dia tulis as Polis Trafik.
Maths - a bit tough. Tougher than trials. (Helena tgk the maths question, mmg much tougher compared to time Mia UPSR 2 yrs ago. Nothing to do with it being in English but the trickiness and questions yang a bit mencabar)
Science - Easy
English - Easy
Wah... cikgu terus ambik cuti..... hehe... yeap, you need the break. FYI Helena dah start mood Raya ni...... hehe
So sekarang ni.... just let her enjoy her remaining primary schooling. Today ada Pertandingan Melukis sempena Hari Kebangsaan.
itula pasal. Helena pernah kena kaw2 punya. So I know. Nasib baik dia tak demam. Nak buang air pun tak sakit. Hanya sakit perut aje.
Syukur in the end everything works well for her.
bahaya tu..kena minum air banyak2..
if tak sakit sgt2 masa nak buang air..
sy pernah kena..uhuhu..sbb apa?? sbb malas minum air masak..kikikikikkk...
semoga anastassia cepat sembuh ya..:-)
semuga semua yg ambil upsr berjaya.. mak bapak yg lebih suspen dari anak anak ni hehe
sakitkan rose.
Helena kena 3 kali. Yang paling teruk, sampai kencing berdarah. Pure blood. masa tu Helena kat Bukit Tinggi attending a conference.
The trip back was like hell. The nxt day terus demam.
Syukur i became better 2 days later lepas makan ubat.
zino.... hehe itula.... kids mana la tau..... bukannya faham sangat pasal future they all ni.
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