Thursday, March 08, 2007

Absent Minded?

My car is in the workshop for servicing. Asked hubby to pick me up at 5pm, and for us to rush to school (20 mins away) to pick Anastassia up.

Hubby came at 4:50pm, called my hp saying that he is already outside the office. At 5 sharp, as I reached the parking area, I saw hubby attending to the car engine. I looked at my watch, worried as I dont want to be late to pick up Anastassia as her school gate tutup at 5:45pm.

What happened? I asked.

"Entahla. Tiba2 engine mati. Helena, mana indicator yang tunjuk battery ada ke, takde?"

I went to the car.... "Kat sini la.... kan hijau lagi tu... ni bukan masalah battery ni"

"I rasa takde minyak la..... "hubby said.

"Takde minyak??" Helena hampir menjerit, then control la.....

My hubby memang macam ni. And this is not the first time kereta dia takde minyak. Some would say that her is absent minded. But to me, its just plain could not care less attitude.

Thats the difference between me and hubby. I'm a facts and figures person. Hubby is not. I'm very particular dengan dates and bills and what nots, I'm the type who would know how much I have in my purse up to the single sen, hubby pulak..... mmm ... what shall i say... he's just not like that.

Tapi yang Helena tak faham, he was 10 mins EARLY, so he could just stop by dekat gas station before picking me up. Considering that the trip to Anastassia school would be around 16km from my office...... obviously he needs the petrol kan....

Had to call my friend, mintak tolong dia ambik Anastassia, and Anastassia pun tak dapat the lecture I've been meaning to give as I was not in the mood. (dahla berpanas dalam kereta tunggu hubby gi petrol pump with his friend, I lost an hour macam tu aje) However, on the way back home, I did slow talk dgn Anastassia, so takda marah2 la, lebih pada beri nasihat aje.....

Back to the no petrol thinggy...... is is merely him being absent minded, or is it his couldnt care less attitude? I asked him, he said that he just forgot, banyak on his mind...... I just kept quiet, since dah tau dah dia memang macam ni) ....mmmmm.... , air battery pun I check for him, air kereta pun I check, minyak hitam pun i tambahkan, tayar pun i pumpkan......

Mmm.... Penat la macam ni....


Dad of 4+1 said...

Perhaps a lot of things on his mind? Me and my "giving the benefit of the doubt" approach. LOL

Intan said...

helena, i think...
#1 dia nak manja dgn u

#2 kalau dia ngan u sama, life will not be challenging and you'd probably be eyeing the other guy

#3 remember when his forgetfulness was cute?

#4 the only way to be in total control is when you're playing video game coz u can restart!

cikdinz said...

apsal terbalik lak nih.
patut nye husband yg isi minyak kan...

aNIe said...

Helena....tu sebab u dijodohkan dengan dia...segala kekurang yang ade sempurnakan...hehehe...memang kadang2 ade lelaki yang macam tu...bukan sorang dua...tapi ramai...

Kak Elle said...

:)someone has to organise things kan?sorry ni baru dapat baca all yr previous entries sekali...can I link you?Not easy being working mom eh?

Helena said...

Dad of 4 : hehe... me too.....

Intan : thx for being positive.... betul jugak la your points tu, haha.

cik dinz : hubby kurang bab engine ni, tapi dia over particular bab2 kereta berkilat dan bersih..... Kebetulan pula I used to take care of my car maintenance before kawin dulu, so i buat ajele since i tau apa nak buat.... (hubby pun tersedap la kut... haha)

kak lady : betul tu, bab kekurangan Helena, dia ok pulak. So balance la kan.... tapi bab takda petrol tu yg buat Helena tension tu....

kak elle : OK je kak elle nak link. Yes, not easy being a working mother. Tapi jadi fulltime housewife pun penat juga kan? Wanita hari ini have to face a lot of challenges sebenarnya........ Selamat Hari Wanita...

CmaNis said...

Sebab itu kita nie suami/isteri lengkap melengkapi. Tapi gitulah hubby nie....when we are not around baru buleh buat semuanya. Tak gitu........

Makcik Runner said...

like what intan said think of his forgetfulness as something cute but selalu sangat pun boley naik hangin satu badan hek? me? i'm the opposite, its me whose always forgetful...and selalu kena marah mcm budak kecik...sheesh!